Friday 18 December 2020

County Ins and Outs Post COVID Suspension 2020


IN: Brooke Guest (LAN) from next season, Nils Priestley (YTH), Nick Potts (YTH)
In on loan: Ed Barnes (YOR), Brooke Guest (LAN)  for rest of the season
Out: Tony Palladino (REL)
Overseas: Ben McDermott (AUS) T20


 James Weighell and Ben Whitehead (will not have their current contracts renewed once they expire)

In: Scott Borthwick(SUR)

Out on loan: James Weighell (LEI)

Out: Scott Steel (LEI), Ben Whitehead, James Weighell, Sol Bell, Nathan Rimmington, Josh Coughlin (all REL)

T20 Overseas:Farhaan Behardien (RSA)


Out on loan: Rishi Patel (LEI)
Out: Rishi Patel (LEI)



Out: Craig Meschede (RET), Owen Morgan (REL), Graham Wagg (REL), Marchant de Lange (RSA) Euro passport after Brexit

Overseas: Colin Ingram (KPK RSA ) 2021 - 22, Marnus
 Labuschagne (AUS) 2021 T20, Michael Neser (AUS) 2021 T20


In: Tom Lace (MID) Jared Warner (YOR) next season
Out:  Gareth Roderick (WOR) end of season, Jerome Taylor (KPK REL)

Overseas: Dan Worrrall (AUS)


OUT:  Fidel Edwards (decided not to return), Kyle Abbott (importing not deemed viable for 2020)

T20 Overseas: Shaheen Afridi (PAK)


IN: Nathan Gilchrist (SOM) next season
OUT: Adam Rouse (RET), Calum Haggett (REL), Ivan Thomas (REL)
In on loan: Nathan Gilchrist (SOM) FTROTS


In: Luke Wells (SUS), Jack Blatherwick (NOT)
OUT:Graham Onions (RET) Brooke Guest (DER), Stephen Parry (REL)
Out on loan:Brooke Guest (DER) FTROTS


In: Sam Bates (YTH), Scott Steel (DUR), Rishi Patel (ESX), Ed Barnes (YOR)
In on loan Ben Slater (NOT), James Weighell (DUR), Rishi Patel (ESX)
Out: Tom Taylor (NOR), Paul Horton (RET)
Overseas Blast:


 In: Josh de Caires (YTH)

Out: Tom Lace (GLO), Dan Lincoln (REL)


In: Simon Kerrigan (FA)
OUT: Blessing Muzabarani (KPK), Tom Sole (REL), Brett Hutton (NOT)

Overseas: Mohammad Nabi (AFG) T20 2021


2020 last year of current contract:Samit Patel, Harry Gurney, Chris Nash, Jack Blatherwick, Ben Compton, Tom Barber

In Brett Hutton (NOR), Toby Pettman (OXU), Dane Schadendorf (YTH)

Out: Jack Blatherwick, Chris Nash (REL)

Out on loan: Ben Slater (2 games LEI)

Blast Overseas: Dan Christian (AUS), Imad Wasim (PAK)


Out: Jamie Overton (SUR) , Nathan Gilchrist (KEN), Dom Bess (YOR) at the end of the season

Out on loan: Nathan Gilchrist (KEN), Jamie Overton (SUR) FTROTS
Overseas: Babar Azam (PAK), Marchant de Lange (RSA, GLA 2021, 2022)

In: Jamie Overton (SOM), Laurie Evans (SUS) next season
In on loan: Harry Finch (WOR), Laurie Evans (SUS) both on a 3 week loan period, Jamie Overton (SOM) FTROTS
Out: Scott Borthwick (DUR) Morne Morkel (KLP)

In: Calum MacLeod (SCO) T20 Blast
Out: Laurie Evans (SUR) at the end of this season Luke Wells (REL) Harry Finch (REL) Danny Briggs (WAR)
Out on loan: Laurie Evans (SUR)
Overseas 2021,: Rashid Khan (AFG) - T20, David Wiese (KPK RSA)


In: Jake Lintott (FA)for T20, Danny Briggs (SUS), Manraj Johal (YTH)
Out: Ian Bell (RET) ATEOTS, Liam Banks (REL)

In Gareth Roderick (GLO)
Out on loan: Adam Finch (SUR)
Out: Wayne Parnell (RSA KPK)


Out on loan: Ed Barnes (DER) 
In: Dom Bess (SOM)
Out: Jared Warner (GLO), Ed Barnes (LEI)


  1. So, we didn't go for Tim Bresnan after all then. Probably wasn't old enough and had too much 'left in the tank' ?

  2. Even more perfect then Tim Ambrose who is just about to retire. C'mon DoC offer him a 3 year pension top up

  3. Fair to say Gnasher was awful in his first year, albeit had unfortunate injury, pretty steady last year and can't help his final season. Do we think he's a worth another year as a squad player along with the Peter Trego kind of role ?

  4. Not MN then ,should have been first out

    1. Come the revolution - first against the wall

  5. Find it hard to imagine why JB was not offered a years contract - he can’t be that expensive salary wise and I’m not sure we are blessed currently with fit seam bowlers. An easy target? Hope he gets fixed up soon.

  6. Before releasing him why not give him a chance to prove himself in one of the later ”dead” Bob Willis games?
    Surely he could ( and should?) havd been given one game? Fletch and Ball are not getting any younger. I suppose its oart of the necessary cost cutting .
    So who else is to go ?

  7. Completely agree with you 'Cruet' - and when Newell refers to 2nd 11 opportunities not being able to turn Jack around what have those been this Season? Perhaps we will see ANOTHER ex-Notts player do really well elsewhere. - the only one who isn't, currently, seems to be Riki Wessels.

    1. Perhaps 'Mags' can produce us some of the Averages for ex-Notts players!

    2. Blatherwick may well struggle to find another county, as his stats for Notts seconds, have been nothing to write home about, in recent seasons.

      As for the others, only an idiot, would give Nash an extension, and by rights, Gurney should be released also.

      Barber is possibly worth gambling on a further season, if they can rectify his radar issues, and Compton may leave also, as the club should advance the claims of James, Patterson White and Evison.

      Samit, probably worth a two year contract in limited overs cricket.

    3. Completely agree. But maybe Samit in all forms? I’m not sure more white ball only contracts helps us , we need players to be versatile especially given potential cuts.

  8. P J - who could ever forget the amazing days Wessels and Hales often ” clicked” when opening the batting in the 20/20 games at TB a couple of years ago? I stand to be corrected but in one night match at TB the score after 6 overs with those two batting was circa 105 ! It was raining ” sixes” that night.
    I wonder if some Notts players are still playing to get a new contract for next season or whether the retained list has already been decided and with no details released by the club?
    I reckon there will be one or two shocks when the full retained list is published shortly.

  9. Mark - I agree with your comment about releasing Gurney. You just get the impression that performing well for Notts is not a priority for him . He may be a good ” death” bowler 50% of the time but his batting is woeful. In the short 20 over game its getting increasingly important for the batting to include No 10 and 11.
    Gurney is probably on an expensive contract Notts and for the amount of time he seems to play for he may as well be rekeased.

    1. There are a number of points there about Harry that you make in your short post that need a reply I feel. Firstly the ‘amount of time he plays’ comment, I think Harry has been ever present, apart from the odd injury here and there, for most of his Notts career in all formats. I think this shows he loves playing for Notts and it is very much a priority for him despite opportunities that have presented themselves occasionally to move on. Your observation about being only a 50% death bowler is a strange one, don’t think a death bowler that operates only 50% of the time can be a very good death bowler do you? Batting for numbers 10 and 11 in T20 cricket isn’t ‘getting increasingly important’, in fact it’s getting less so, that is the job of your top order. ‘His batting is woeful’, Harry has never claimed to be a batsman preferring to be a specialist bowler. The releasing of players is really only relevant to first class cricket these days, white ball only players are very much freelance and only contracted for specific competitions and are not on ‘expensive’ contracts you think they are from their county clubs.

    2. Harry G, has been a good and consistent performer for Notts over the years, for sure.

      However, sport is a cut throat business, and a player cannot live on past glories.

      If Newell has any sense, it would be prudent to assess Harry's fitness following his shoulder operation to ascertain if he has regained the pace that he had lost,prior to offering any new white ball contract.

      The drop in pace issue, was highlighted last season by Graham Onions, when commentating on Notts during a televised game.

      Harry is also in his 34th year, so theoretically, past his prime.

      This issue though,would not be a concern to Mr Newell, who has frequently given contracts, or should we say, early pensions, to well seasoned cricketers, especially from the county of Somereset.

      So yes, if Mr Newell is still in the chair, than I expect Harry will be given a new contract,irrespective of form, fitness or pace.

  10. There were hopes of good things for jack blatherwick, always a shame when things don’t quite come to fruition for both the player on a personal level and the supporters.

  11. Thanks for the lengthy reply John ( Gurney). At the end of the day we all want what is best for Notts CCC . The financial future of the Club ( and 17 other Counties) is an unkown quantity for quite a way down the line .Every player that Notts retain for next season has to be fit and value for money. Its a fact that sentiment has no place in business - and Notts ccc is a business now more than ever.. I havent forgotten that Dan Christian remarked a couple or so years ago that Harry G was the best ” death ” bowler in the world . But players age and performances flatten out - its no criticism but its a fact.
    I perhaps have an old fashion view that a player granted a full playing contract should be available for all games and all formats ( if fit) .Samit is a perfect example of this . He stays fit and plays in virtually every game. I hope Notts give him another contract for a year possubly two. He is real value for money. Sorry but I disagree with you about number 10s and 11s getting vital extra runs.How often have we seen a number 11 holding an end up , sciring the odd few runs and being able to rotate the strike to the better batsman ? Ball, Carter, Fletcher , Evison and Co can all put bat to ball and clear the boundary. Those extra 10 or 20 runs can make all the difference in a tight 20/20 match. So yes , in this day and age the ail must be to bat right down to the last man .In this respect, Harry did improve a little last season but even our old friend Dave Bracegirdle was more than surprised if Harry hit a boundary or in fact scored any runs.. There was often a groan from the supporters if Harry came out and we needed a few runs to win a match.
    Its a very uncertain time and hard decisions will have to be taken shortly by the Notts Committee who really have little idea of income next year from faithfully paying customer and all the extra income from alcohol sales and mobile food concessions and so on .

  12. Palladino would be a good short term signing for Notts. We've lost Chris Nash and all his valuable experience in the game so ideal to bolster our seam bowling options with another experienced pro, who coincidentally is the same age at 37 whilst we bring the younger lads like Ball, Chappell and Barber through

    1. LBD No. 28 is 29 yrs old. Yes he's younger (than 37) but he isn't young, has Test and other international experience, experience which Antonio doesn't have. In what way do you envisage the Derby reject aiding 28's future development? Or is it some cunning plan to race for the wooden spoon in future seasons? AP was a good county pro in his day, but now I reckon he's past his best before date. We don't need another whiffy signing! I suspect there's a strong influence from Stonewall Jackson in your idea.

  13. I saw him bowl for Derbyshire Second Eleven about 10 years ago and he looked a fine bowler. 37 is still young if you've looked after your body. I think he is worth a 2 year contract. Could easily do the same sort of job Ben Phillips did for us a few years back. Warwickshire in signing Tim Brennan demonstrate you do not need to be put off by a players advancing years. Luke Fletcher and Jake Ball, may have played a few games for us, but are still learning their bowling craft. Palladino would be the perfect experienced pro to pass on all his knowledge and guile and don't forget, he knows Division2 inside and out having played for Derbyshire for so long which would be a real bonus to Notts surely ?

  14. Perish the thought, Members of Dad's Army opening the bowling in Messrs Palladino and Trego.Sounds like a circus act.
    More laughable than Mick Newell still being employed ar Trent Bridge.

  15. Andy oram has never really been replaced

    1. Steinveldt Jacobsen27 September 2020 at 19:29

      Bring him back, he's only 45

  16. Think he was alright from what I remember, back from injury did for him I think( not sure) always a shame when something like that happens.

  17. Andy oram 1997 and 1998.
    57 first class wickets @ 29. bb 4/37
    23 wickets in list A @ 31.17 bb 4-45

  18. Yes not pushing for a test place or a spearhead I’ll grant you but a stock bowler. Hard to think he’s a lot older than peter Trego now.

  19. Now dust has settled , some less cosy words that may or may not be agreed with, which is fine, we are about opinions

    1) It is not the case, as PM claims, that we did not quite get over the line in our 5 BWT matches.
    The line was so far away we could not even see it. We lost the 2nd innings conclusively in each game. That is why we got a lot of8 bonus points, 1st innings fine, 2nd innings dire

    2) The job of a spinner in FC cricket is to take wickets in the latter part of a 4 day match. Neither Patel nor Carter were able to do this. They are great in T20,but lack variety of flight and spin to take those 5 and 6 fors we need. LPW proved he can do this, 40 CC wickets at 20 apiece in 2019. Is he still with the club, will his spirit be broken if so MN and PM are to blame? Is there an old lags thing at Notts in the team, blocking youngsters? If so the club is deep in trouble

    3) Notts got away with having the oldest team in the Blast. But they won't again. There are 3, possibly 4 players who should be replaced in that team. Otherwise they will get hammered. Old teams get worse and young teams better
    Is PM the cricketing King Herod ?

    4) We should only bring in anyone if they are under 30 and better than what we have . Nash may have been OK, but how many hundreds did he score ? 1 I think in T20. Trego was mostly not contributing and to keep him in the team because of 1 quuck slog would be perverse

    PS I am not agesist Not at my age, cone on ! But to destroy potential is a crime in my book

    1. Clearly the King Herod reference is a metaphor
      Not making any genocide allegations !

    2. That’s maybe a bit harsh on the t30 team although I agree with you on the BWT - maybe except for the Derbyshire game.
      I get what you are saying regarding the age of the blast team - I just commented on the stats page that I wonder where the next generation is coming from in t20. This one has been superb in terms of its consistency and longevity.
      I must say I thought DC was well past his best, but he rose to the occasion on finals day unbelievably. Check those 6s again. It’s arrogant to say it, but neither the SF nor the final were close matches, despite Sky trying to talk them up as being so during the game.
      Amazing that Trego hadn’t played t20 for 2 seasons prior to Saturday. Maybe it doesn’t keep him in the team per se, but it means he is good enough to be in/around the team. We use Mullaney less in this form now, but same comment for him.
      I would like to see PM phase in younger players but I think the older ones are not fully done yet.

  20. Great to win the T 20.
    this season sort of confirms what we know, viz;we are are good at one form of cricket and not so good at the other.heres to winning a trophy and a better county championship next year .

  21. Svensson Johannsson7 October 2020 at 12:00

    Assumed BIG Cozzie had gone back to Oz already due to this years events. Anyone know why he didn't play in the t20 blast for the Foxes or if he did, not the games against us at any event

  22. He never arrived this year. They made this decision a couple of months ago.

  23. When you think about it - it's bizarre that a team could be pretty dominant in one form of the game viz T20 and yet be poor in the 4 day formant . Its basically the same pool of players but with a couple of overseas signings. Surely the Captaincy couldn't make that much of a difference?

    1. May be importing 2 overseas, Christian & Wasim, which most teams decided against or couldn't afford and 1 white ball only signing, Hales, had something to do with it?

  24. Totally different games Cruetking ; just a superficial similarity as there is between rugby league and union. Some players good at both but not many.

  25. I see a certain Brett Hutton is leaving Northants after turning down a new contract, Now where have we heard that before!

  26. Could it be that Brett has a higher opinion of his worth than the Counties that employ him ?
    With the current economic climate in the game generally ,its not a good time to be out of contract.

    1. It will already be a done deal wherever his destination lies, and I am sure, even taking into account the economic implications of covid,that he wont have been short of offers.

      I would be surprised if our DOC has not tabled a bid for his return, when you look at our pace bowling options.

    2. Notts. Found wanting in a five match tournament against three of other weakest counties and 2 under-strength top flight counties. The squad and whole set-up needs sorting out this winter.

    3. Correct (though emphasis for me on "the whole set up"). The very welcome triumph in the 2020 - and missing two of what would have been seen as our first choice bowlers - should not disguise the deep-seated problems at the club (which nearly came back to haunt us in the quarter final). Nor should improved form in the first class because improvement from total catastrophic shambles to moderate but ineffectual, while also very welcome as far as it goes, is not enough by a distance.

  27. Brett will easily secure another Contract - but I don't think that returning to Notts is necessarily the best way forward for him until the Notts situation managerially is resolved.

    1. Very much agree re his wisest cause of action

      But in cricket you never know,

    2. I was sorry to see him go.whether he’ll come back or it’s a good idea I don’t really know.

  28. Svensson Johannsson10 October 2020 at 12:56

    You could almost be forgiven for thinking we have prioritised white ball over red with the current squad we have assembled. Our best t20 Eleven would contain Hales,Gurney,D.C,Imad Wasim and I would strongly argue Tom Moores, Matt Carter and possibly even Ben Duckett are at present better white ball players also. It's fairly easy to see why we struggle to take 20 wckts in championship cricket with the bowling unit at our disposal. Of course in white ball you don't have to bowl the oppo out, the aim of the game is restricting totals to then chase down. Hutton left to play more white ball cricket as his chances were limited at Notts. If we go back in for him, then, presumably, our position will have changed with regard to this?

  29. Good News

    Lyndon James has signed a new 2 year contract with Notts
    Thanks Notts genuinely

    Having seen him play quite a bit, it would be good to give him a run in the side in all formats. That means accepting some bad days, as we do with more experienced players

    Really think he has great potential and that can only be good for Notts

  30. Svensson Johansson15 October 2020 at 16:15

    37years old and you can't agree terms for a new much are you valuing yourself at Mr. Wagg? Good cricketer down the years, however and an opponent I've always enjoyed watching

  31. Crikey. Busy work day so far and I check the sport to see three groups of 6 in the county championship- I guess there will be a thread on that - and Hutton returning.

    Keeping to the latter in line with this thread. I think some comments on here thought it might possibly happen and I think I am in that camp. I’d agree on the white ball - that is why he left mainly - but whose place does he take in that competition? Is he any better than Luke Wood?
    Anyhow. I’d say it is a reasonable signing. We are short of seam bowlers. Will he win matches for us? Not so sure.
    Our group next season looks a bit tougher than this - so we will need everyone we can get!

  32. Yes all happening
    Return of Brett a massive boost

  33. Sorry to see Jack Blatherwick released by Notts - was he ever really given a fair chance in the First Team? There were opportunities in the BWT but despite no hopes of qualification he was still not selected.

  34. I for one am not impressed with the return of Brett Hutton he doesn't do enough with the ball and is only high 70 mph . Struggles if the pitch is flat

    1. Brett was doing a lot better for Notts when he left and has done consistently well for Northants - he can also be a useful lower order batsman. IF he doesn't do well for Notts again then we can assume that it is the Notts 'syndrome' rather than the player.

    2. Opal Fruit not Starbursts9 November 2020 at 22:30

      Sorry Unknown, I have to disagree. Brett was a loss when he went to Northants, so must be an asset on his return. His job will be to tie down one end with accurate line and length whilst at the other end the speedsters Barber/ Chappell can spray it around.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Svensson Johannsson13 November 2020 at 15:53

    Certainly didn't see that coming. Jack Blatherwick signing for Lanky on a 2 year contract. Never had a chance or a run in the team so we'll never know if he was good enough for us or not. Tremendous move for him though, personally, after not being given a new deal by Notts.

    1. Unlike Hutton,kitt and Milnes who were prolific wicket takers for the 2nd eleven,Blathwrwick was not in that bracket, and arguably, never earned the right to a first team spot.

      Whether or not his career will kick on at Lancashire, remains to be seen,and he will certainly have to tighten up on his line and length,if he is to make the grade as a professional cricketer.

  36. Delighted for Jack Blatherwick - another huge mistake by Notts??? - time will tell.

  37. Svensson Johansson14 November 2020 at 12:31

    Yes, tend to agree with you Mark, he sort of went backwards after making his debut in the List A Family Fun Day game with that monster crowd in attendance. Certainly didn't produce too much for the stiffs whenever I saw him and we've obviously taken the decision he probably wouldn't make it with us. I can live with that. You'll get some right and some wrong. Like you say was not prolific like Ben Kitt but also offers a bit more with the bat.Presumably Kevin Shine made the decision over him and not the previous bowling coach ?

  38. Samit 2 more years white-ball - seems a good move. Offers balance and flexibility. Crucial knock in the Blast QF against Leics this year. And many over the years.

  39. Congrats to Samit, I think emphasis on white ball cricket should be stuck to
    Like Matt Carter, he does not provide enough variety for Championship
    We need a spinner who can take 50 + wickets a season at 20. And we have one

  40. Matt is superb in white ball and the combination with Samit works so well
    Samit spoke very movingly and great he is keeping going, just hope we can be there to watch !

  41. Top man Samit
    Notts through and through
    Getting on now but deserves a 2 year contract
    Nice to hear he will play Red Ball for Notts if we hit a crisis
    Perhaps Gurney and Hales could do the same?
    Help the team out if we are in trouble?
    In total appearances in a Notts CCC shirt I reckon Samit must be right at the top ?
    To play so many consecutive games over so many years he must keep himself fit - in his own way!!

  42. Stoneori Jaqueselli18 November 2020 at 12:53

    Yes, like most others delighted Samit is with us for a further 2 years. Brilliant servant for the club in all formats for such a long period of time. Incredible effort to continually produce performances with both bat and ball throughout his Notts career. Deserves to go down, alongside Ready, as a Notts legend of the modern era in my opinion. I am also delighted that The Pub Landlord has put pen to paper. Assuming he can fully recover from his shoulder injury he will still be one of the best white ball bowlers in the game. That's why he's picked up so many Franchise titles, it's not down to fluke. I wouldn't say Gurney and Baz(Hales) are any less loyal to Notts than Samit however. They were just able to exploit their white ball talents at an earlier age in their careers. Luke Fletcher informed us all at cricket lovers society meeting that he would do exactly the same, if he had the same options. It's far easier to appear to be more loyal when there's only the one contract on the table each time it comes round. We just have to accept this is the way cricket has suddenly unfolded in my opinion

  43. Just copied some Samit stats for those who might have missed them
    The TWO YEAR deal makes his time with Notts up to 20 years
    Now 35 he has made 588 appearances for the Club in all formats
    First team debut in 2002 - a long time ago !
    Runs scored 20,322
    Wickets taken 670
    He has been an invaluable asset to Notts . The Red Ball team sheet will look strange without his name on it !?
    Everyone looks forward to seeing Samit in the flesh next season !

    1. Very few players have mad 20,000 FC career runs

      It means he averages well over 1,000 a season
      But the wickets show in FC game he is s class act as a batsman and a useful bowler

      What works in white ball cricket, accuracy and cramping space for the batsmen, is less effective in red ball cricket

  44. Stoneori Jacqueselli18 November 2020 at 16:00

    Good to see Baz(Hales) named in the PSL team of the year after winning league with Karachi Kings. 9 appearances 272 runs@45.33 highest 80no

  45. Lets hope Alex can duplicate those PSL stats for Notts CCC next season .
    Assuming of course we get some one-day cricket action at the Bridge!
    Alex had a poor season for us with the bat ( by his standards)but the PSL FIGURES show he can still produce the goods.
    Someone pointed out on an earlier posting that he gave us an excellent fast start in several matches - which is important.

  46. Yes, Hales proved once again he doesn't need to play 4 day cricket to hit form in the one day format. What he does need, like everyone else to keep in form like Christian, Gurney et all, is to play white ball cricket on a regular basis. This is why they were mostly undercooked and not always at their best in the Vitality blast competition this year

    1. Really 'Mustafa' - he had an awful Bob Willis Trophy experience.

  47. Really pleased for Steve Mullaney
    This man gives us everything out there and his record for us in all formats proves lwhat a fine all rounder he is

    Totally back him as captain, and prepared to take a few bruises to continue that !

  48. Nice countryside behind the young Aussie who is joining our beloved neighbours.
    But is it from his home country or the Derbyshire hills ?

  49. Glad Colin Ingram staying, too many players are leaving county cricket without us having the chance to say goodbye and thanks

  50. Look at ECB homepage fixed penalty breaches 2020 for Notts indiscretions last season.

  51. Yes read it.
    Clearly we are not the only ones

    Not pitching into anyone, and I am sure club would agree we need to sort this out

  52. Actually saw him bat for the Seconds, a rare treat in this evil year to see pro cricketers.

    He looked superb

  53. Good luck young Dane for the coming season.
    Always a thrill to see Notrs sign a youngster full of promise.
    As Del Boy said once ” the worlds your lobster Rodney”
    Get stuck in Dane - keep your nose and dont get too close to one or two players in the Notts dressing room who might lead you astray

    1. Watch the clip of that stumping...


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