Friday 30 October 2020

Redundancies at Trent Bridge


On the 19th August, the club's VP let it slip that staff redundancies were happening at Trent Bridge because of the impact of restrictions aiming to limited the spread of the CoVid-19 pandemic. Those affected must have been given their notice sadly on that day. 

In the aftermath of the Blast win, Trent Bridge are still yet to publicly announce the sorry news. No bad news is clearly the agenda. No financial worries or poor behaviour by players to be mentioned.

But now it's now almost 2021, those given notice will be leaving, or left the employ of Notts CCC or has the decision been reversed?


  1. Sad but inevitable that staff are released when a business contracts . Just look at the news headlines virtually every day . Employees who thought they had jobs for life at good local employers like John Lewis ,Rolls Royce and Boots etc etc are suddenly facing a moral sapping P45 - and a search for fresh employment .
    Lets hope that at Trent Bridge its just not the bottom tier of workers who go . Its pretty obvious that the Management and Coaching staff are top heavy at the Club . Which is better option ?
    Getting rid of one employee on say £125,000 a year or sacking five others on £25,000 a year . ?
    Redundancies will no doubt happen at all 18 County clubs . Survival is the name of the game .
    No doubt quite a few players will be released at the end of this season as Clubs operate with smaller squads .Those players that only want to play RED BALL or WHITE BALL may have to re- consider their decision. It will soon be a luxury to have one or two players just playing occasionally when it suits them .
    I would simply say to ALL Notts players . You play in all formats or else we release you .
    Perhaps now the Managers and Committees will be calling the shots and NOT the players ? !
    I do have sympathy for those employees that have to leave the Club but the whole world is changing before our very eyes . I imagine football Clubs will be the next to axe wage rates and reduce staff levels .
    Whats happening now is just the tip of the iceberg .

  2. From your statement Stuart it’s obviously not the staff of restaurant six

  3. The club could save £500,000 a year quite easily, by dispensing with the services of Pursehouse, Newell, Moores and Pick. What's more, they are are unlikely to be missed.

    However, this is optimistic thinking on my part. We all now that all, if not the majority of the aforementioned, will still be there next season unfortunately.

  4. I agree with '75NO' - ALL employers have to quickly adapt to the 'new' world and in order to survive some quite harsh decisions will have to be made - so why do Notts need BOTH a Director of Cricket and a Head Coach? Also, why do they need so many other ancillary Coaching and fitness staff? Restaurant 'Six' MUST be closed down without further delay - it was always a 'folly' of the CEO and has cost the Club dearly. Mr Pick's track record as a Bowling Coach was poor - as has Mr Moore's been as Head Coach - so with the DoC responsible for all of that logic DICTATES that he MUST now go. Test Match and Internationals are the main sources of income on which TB relies - so, again, logic dictates that a forthcoming priority ought to be to increase spectator capacity - redevelop the William Clarke Stand. We must now use this enforced crisis as an OPPORTUNITY to make some long-needed positive changes - new blood managerially is required and I would personally like to see the CEO / DoC / Head Coach / Mr Pick all go and see what Paul Franks can do on a short-term Performance-related Contract of say 3 years. Mr Franks is intelligent, passionate and loyal - but his loyalty needs to be demonstrated with speaking out a lot more. Basher Hassan tried to speak out but was 'silenced' and brought back into line by the Committee. I urge Members to support Richard Stevenson and Diana Peasey especially on the Committee.

  5. Interesting stuff and changes ahead not all of them by any means bad, granted some hardship ,undeserved in some cases too.the BS I used to hear years ago,because these things come round in circles, was; these are exciting times ahead.

  6. Yes, not throwing blame around. For everyone losing jobs at the moment, and my family experiencing it, it is horrible

    Very important that people in this situation get listened to and supported, whether players, admin or any employment within the club.

  7. The Gravy Train for some has hit the buffers, for others it has derailed. Do we stick with same engine driver? Do we need so many fireman? Do we need a stationmaster when there aren't any passengers? Has the Fat Controller got a new timetable?

  8. Stonewall Jackson19 August 2020 at 20:57

    Yes, very well said both 77no and Dixey Gates. In this unfair, unequal and class based so called meritocracy it's normally the lowest paid and most UNdeserving that are hit the hardest whilst the privileged few carry on regardless(as the Beautiful South sang). Perhaps in the future, players after a two year contract averaging 28 try to find another club and if you can't then get any job you the rest of us in the outside, real, world who have to perform day in and day out. The same with the legion of coach's and backrom staff that Counties seem to need these days. Earn merit on performance like the rest of us have to and not merely as of right or a cosy, cushy, set up where you look after all of your mates. The previous recession in 2010 hit home with a lot of and entertainment stuck two fingers up and went its own way totally oblivious to this.....perhaps now and in the worst possible circumstances it will hit home and extreme mediocrity will no longer be rewarded quite so handsomely.

  9. Look at sky, they didn’t renew Botham and Gower, their status as players not in question, but if rob key can be paid a fifth of Botham and Ian ward similar for Gower, why wouldn’t you?
    Another thought, when Ken Taylor became one of the first cricket managers in the country, how many coaches did he have? How did the players manage?quite well I seem to remember.

  10. In the absence of any official statement from the club, It's perhaps wise to hang fire on any critisism of the club at the present time.

    If clubs like Notts are making cuts it should concern us all, The time is fast approaching when clubs will have to make a decision Make cutbacks and stay alive to fight another day.Or ignore all the warnings and suffer the consequences

    I know what I would choose!!

    1. 24 hours since the VP let it slip and still no word from the Ivory Tower at TB. Guess VP wasn't too chuffed!

  11. If the members forums are anything to go by they won’t tell us anything at all, that s why I stopped going

  12. The Club have hardly been careful with their expenditure in the past, some might say they have been wasteful. Time has come to wake-up, smell the coffee and get real.

  13. Was it Fergal Sharky who sang
    "Shall I go -or shall I stay?"

    Some at Notts CCC should look at themselves in the mirror and ask -
    Am I earning my corn?
    Can I justify the high salary I have negotiated ?
    Have I been at the Club too long and am I currently just "coasting along"?
    Is it time to seek pastures new as I have run out of steam?
    Do I have the respect of all the players and most of the Management ?
    Did I get this job because I was the best man to do it or was I selected by a friend of a friend?
    If I go will I be missed?
    Would any other Club except Notts employ me after studying my record ?
    Why have Notts not performed better if I have done my job properly?
    OK OK -the above questions are cheeky and a little bit tongue in cheek .
    However some employees at Notts will have to go . The money will simply not be there next year to pay all the wages .
    No one knows what the actual situation will be next season.
    Crowds may be limited - even on "big match" days .
    Notts have to prune their expenditure and tough decisions will have to be taken and no one is indispensable presumably ?
    So WHO will go -and WHO will stay ?

    Most members think its obvious that some people paid and connected

  14. Error !
    Continued .
    Most Members that I have spoken to over the past year or so think that resignations are well overdue .
    Is the hire and fire situation at Trent Bridge just part of the old boys network and thus decisions to release someone is made harder by a long standing " personal " connection ?
    Some new blood from outside of the club structure is badly needed. Someone who knows what needs doing and has the authority to do it regardless of recriminations and past loyalties .Many Counties could well be in dire straits financially if harsh commercial decisions are not taken now . Staff can always be re-employed should the situation change favourably .
    Remember the character in the Dickens novel who said expenditure should not exceed income .
    That is something Notts have to do pretty quickly to keep the Club running on a proper financial footing .
    But who has the 'balls" to do what is necessary ?

    1. Not to everyone's taste but is this song about our Lisa?

    2. Isn't all of this a wee bit negative '75NO'?!!! Hope that my cynicism hasn't infected you!

  15. The dream ticket is clearly dido Harding as CEO and gavin Williamson as DOC

  16. Irrespective of the financial ramifications of covid, certain employees at Notts have been profligate with the club's funds.

    The Six Restaurant, a financial disaster. Frequent, 3 year lucrative contracts, for journeyman cricketers,who have failed to reciprocate the club's generosity on the playing field, with below par performances.

    If those trusted with the financial governance of Notts CCC , had managed the kitty, liked they should have done, then the forthcoming redundancies, may well have been on a reduced scale.

    It will be interesting to see if those that are culpable, are still at the club,after the redundancy notices have been issued.

    1. Stonewall Jackson20 August 2020 at 21:07

      Yes,very well summised Mark. If anyone from the club would like to put the counter argument then please feel free to do so. We, the die hard, fans only have limited info so any comment would be most welcome. I only hope, rather in a utopian fantasy, that anybody at the sharp end like most of us fans no doubt are, are not the ones who get the push whilst others in extremely privileged positions and you would think fairly immune financially escape at their expense

    2. The Gravy Train terminates here. Passengers, "all change".

    3. Thank you the reverend awdrey

  17. Latest news from @TrentBridge

    It's Zak Chappell's birthday!

  18. And Sol Budinger #1 has his birthday today also.

  19. P J - my disjointed contributions to the various postings have an element of tongue in cheek
    about them . Am trying to get serious points across but with gentle teasing humour thrown in
    A bit of banter is exactly whats needed at the moment in these most unusual and difficult (for many) times .
    I am trying not to get too personal but sometimes cant resist the odd "dig" at someone
    But its all good clean fun
    But of course there is nothing funny about being made redundant and lost jobs at Trent Bridge will bring hardship and sadness to a fair few .
    My crystal ball is cloudy at the moment and I cant see a proper way forward .
    My main gripe at present is simply connected to not having a few spectators scattered around our cricket stadiums during the four day matches .
    Its obvious the Clubs dont want it but the paying Members certainly do ! ?

  20. You are correct '75NO' that redundancies often bring a lot of upset and misery BUT in any results-orientated organisation failure to achieve has to have consequences. I have no doubts at all that most of those we from time-to-time criticise are genuinely nice people who only wish to do their best for Notts BUT over 2 years of SERIOUS FAILURES has to be halted in some way or another. Overseeing it all is our Committee - their failure to act will be the CAUSE of some sad consequences - consequences that will not affect THEM in the same way as it will those directly affected by their decisions. There seems, as has been said many times, something deeply and inherently amiss at Notts - no one can doubt the passion and commitments of the likes of Paul Franks; Ant Botha; Peter Moores; Andy Pick etc. - not one of them wants anything but success BUT it is just not happening. I don't think that any of us who criticise do so on a personal basis but out of OUR passion and commitment to Notts. So, thanks '75NO' for your wise words.

  21. Anyone know the current pecking order for important decision making at TB?
    Does the existing Committee just rubber stamp whats put before them ?
    Who take the ultimate responsibility for things that go wrong at the Club - including some terrible on-field and off- field decisions in the recent past

    1. The Committee is fully and ultimately responsible - but, hey, it's the MEMBERS Committee!!!

  22. Of course they might be in a consultation period which you wouldn’t go public on.

    Tough times and it does become personal because it affects individuals. What grates or course is that in recent years we have not replaced the head coach and bowling coach, we have retained them but in different roles whilst adding new - and probably expensive - coaches.
    Add expensive new players to that mix, and the continuation of 2 overseas players in the t20, and the bills are quite high and cannot be balanced of the ground is empty especially for the limited over stuff.
    I do fear that the cull of people and players could be quite severe but of course the biggest impact will be on the individuals so we can only hope that things are not as bleak as we might think.

  23. Question !
    Who is the leading run scorer so far in the Bob Willis trophy matches.?
    Answer Jake Libby
    Why didnt Notts get the best out of him ? He has had to go to another Club in order to shine.

    1. And well played Graeme White for Northants.

  24. Totally agree re Jake

    Very sorry for any lisu g and worried about losing their jobs at Trent Bridge. The scourge if job losses has hit my family too

    Also very sorry that Jack Blatherwick has been released at 22. He had one Championship match and one List A. I thought he bowled well and should have had more chances .

    A recent too table Blast Clash at New Road had 18 players from Accademies, that us the future

  25. Oh dear 'Rich' - the Spell Check isn't working!

  26. I don't expect to hear of any redundancies / non-renewal of Contracts until after the end of the Season on 3 October 2020.

    Given the precarious state of things looking ahead to next Season I think that Hales should definitely be released - he has had a very poor 2020 and as others have pointed out the fact that he does not play red ball cricket severely limits his Match fitness. Could you imagine a footballer only being prepared to play Cup Matches, for instance?

  27. PJ -yes I agree about Hales match fitness and sharpness . He is now simply playing enough cricket . He needs to be playing first class matches to get his eye in again .I said on a previous posting that players who only want to play when it suits them (viz- White Ball Cricket )are perhaps a luxury Notts can no longer afford especially with the financial situation so cloudy .So Alex why not sign a full contract for 2021 which enables you to play in all formats ?
    A very worrying time ahead for cricket fans ,players ,administrators - in fact everyone connected to the game .

  28. Sorry - should read-
    He is now simply NOT playing enough cricket .

  29. I would agree. I’d love to keep Hales - he is the most prized T20 wicket there is. But surely all signals point towards a smaller playing staff which can function across all formats. Although of course that sentence affects Christian, Gurney and, for all I know, Samit in the future. All great contributors to the Notts white ball success.

  30. Sadly I wonder if dear 'Fletch' is also coming towards the end of his playing career - if so, I do think that he would make a good Coach as he relates so extremely well to everyone and despite his size has proven to work hard at his fitness. I would retain Samit for at least another Season - he has put in some good batting and bowling performances for Notts over many Seasons. I think that Harry Gurney has to go as well.

  31. I just wonder what the total all in staff numbers will be at the start of the New Year?
    Can anyone answer me this?
    I live next to Woodthorpe Park and at this very moment Gandeys Circus is on full decibel with about 350 paying spectators . How can it be right for 350 folk to be sitting in a circus tent ( previous capacity pre - virus was 1,000) in a pretty confined enclosed space and yet Trent Bridge cricket ground is not allowed a single paying spectator?
    Where is the logic ?

    1. Defies all reasonable logic - just like the Government!!!

  32. Roll up this map of county cricket, we'll not be needing it these ? months

    William Pitt The Younger almost said

  33. Boris is announcing new Covid restrictions tonight, which may well last for SIX MONTHS!
    That takes us right through till next April- when the new cricket season will be putting its toes in the water. So if we are still not on top of this virus by then what will the new plans be ? Its a terrifying prospect for all sport , just not cricket. How long can some sports survive WITHOUT PAYING SPECTATORS?
    If no vaccine is available by that time then we are just going to have to live with the virus and its consequences when people congregate. It will just be another of lifes hazzards. Some will take the risks and others will not . I would be quite happy to visit Trent Bridge on a Friday evening to see a Blast 20 game with fans numbering 3,000 to 5,000.
    Its the uncertainty about anything and everything that is unnerving !

  34. Boris is announcing new Covid restrictions tonight, which may well last for SIX MONTHS!
    That takes us right through till next April- when the new cricket season will be putting its toes in the water. So if we are still not on top of this virus by then what will the new plans be ? Its a terrifying prospect for all sport , just not cricket. How long can some sports survive WITHOUT PAYING SPECTATORS?
    If no vaccine is available by that time then we are just going to have to live with the virus and its consequences when people congregate. It will just be another of lifes hazzards. Some will take the risks and others will not . I would be quite happy to visit Trent Bridge on a Friday evening to see a Blast 20 game with fans numbering 3,000 to 5,000.
    Its the uncertainty about anything and everything that is unnerving !

  35. Boris is announcing new Covid restrictions tonight, which may well last for SIX MONTHS!
    That takes us right through till next April- when the new cricket season will be putting its toes in the water. So if we are still not on top of this virus by then what will the new plans be ? Its a terrifying prospect for all sport , just not cricket. How long can some sports survive WITHOUT PAYING SPECTATORS?
    If no vaccine is available by that time then we are just going to have to live with the virus and its consequences when people congregate. It will just be another of lifes hazzards. Some will take the risks and others will not . I would be quite happy to visit Trent Bridge on a Friday evening to see a Blast 20 game with fans numbering 3,000 to 5,000.
    Its the uncertainty about anything and everything that is unnerving !

  36. Boris is announcing new Covid restrictions tonight, which may well last for SIX MONTHS!
    That takes us right through till next April- when the new cricket season will be putting its toes in the water. So if we are still not on top of this virus by then what will the new plans be ? Its a terrifying prospect for all sport , just not cricket. How long can some sports survive WITHOUT PAYING SPECTATORS?
    If no vaccine is available by that time then we are just going to have to live with the virus and its consequences when people congregate. It will just be another of lifes hazzards. Some will take the risks and others will not . I would be quite happy to visit Trent Bridge on a Friday evening to see a Blast 20 game with fans numbering 3,000 to 5,000.
    Its the uncertainty about anything and everything that is unnerving !

    1. Come on 'Cruet' we don't have to read everything 3 times - use the DELETE Button!

  37. Accept my apologies for duplicated texts. Phone settings need adjusting !

  38. Accept my apologies for duplicated texts. Phone settings need adjusting !

  39. Accept my apologies for duplicated texts. Phone settings need adjusting !

  40. Try the DELETE option on this Page.

  41. Very hard on all those working there
    But to be fair, hard on those making the decisions
    Sure they do not want to put people out of work

    No heroes or villains in this

  42. I wonder if it might be a bit early to take out 2021 membership - although it may help the Club in the short term IF the 2021 Season is abandoned or shortened then refunds would again have to be offered. Covid-19 shows no signs at all of going away and no effective vaccine seems in sight - I personally think that 2021 is looking decidedly iffy.

  43. Join us for 2021. Benefits include watching the grass grow from between the railings of the perimeter fencing. It allows you to go in TBI or Larwood and Voce, in which the landlords will be more than happy to put the live stream on. We have reciprocal arrangements with Leics, this allows access to dog shite alley, between the ground and the nets and connects the Cricketers car park to Duncan Road. Perimeter fencing views are available from the Aylestone Road side of the ground. For a small extra fee, you can book the top floor of the Cricketers pub, which allows great views as long as it doesn't clash with karaoke afternoon. We're also reciprocal with Warwickshire. Please don't go when there letting people into the ground for there pilot events. We as a club don't believe in allowing 10% into the ground. We feel it far more beneficial to sit on our hands and grab as many donations as possible. Look at our end of season financial accounts from Mar 2020 to Mar 2021. Two tranches of 3 million from ECB, £500,000 from the furlough scheme, £500,000 from members donations and £500,000 from the job support scheme. So don't delay join Nottinghamshire County Charity club today.

  44. I assume that the Marketing Department has already approached you - rarely have I seen a more compelling and convincing set of incentives to renew my membership! You are wrong, however, about the 10% ground admittance - that is a Government restriction.

  45. The club's will let you think it was a government restriction. John Faragher Essex chairman let slip that they were allowed 400 in a 4000 capacity, but said it wasn't worth it. Surrey, Yorks, War, Lancs and Hants thought it was worth it, the clue is in the title of the club after all.

  46. Its smoke and mirrors at the moment. Literally cant see the wood from the trees.
    What was agreed behind closed doors at TB we will perhaps never know.
    You just get the impression that letting a few hundred into TB to watch the BWT games was not a priority with Notts CCC.
    However us loyal long suffering fans must be " grateful" for the much improved streaming service which allowed us better access in seeing our local heroes in action.
    The accounts for the past season will make interesting and unique reading.
    With such a fluid situation apparent for next season then the 18 County Clubs Directors of Finance must be losing hair at a rapid rate.

  47. As a professional cricket club it's a non negotiable to give your members live cricket. That's your purpose in the community, even if it means taking a bit of a hit for 2 months, by bringing more people off furlough. Its about keeping the game relevant. Your more likely to get members renew earlier if you put that effort in.

    1. Svensson Johansson31 October 2020 at 13:11

      Yes, very well said A46. Were Notts and Middx/Lords the only Test outfits not to wish to take part in the pilot test exercises ? We clearly had no intention whatsoever of trying to get our Members into the Championship games. It was just more easy to write this season off and hope for better next year. Fair enough, but don't then put the begging bowl out and ask your loyal members to cough up their membership fees in return for a cap and a silly metal pin badge. Yes, we all know its the Government that sets the guidelines and not the ECB, but Counties, especially the wealthy ones like Notts, surely have moral duty to show willing and not just give up completely and fob us off with a silly live stream and just sit back, take the handouts from all parties and plead poverty.

    2. Yes SJ, even Durham were up for it. Notts and Middx were the only main test grounds who didn't want to know even with the sky cameras of the group stages, in Middx case the rebuilding of the Compton and Edrich stand being an issue.

  48. Members will renew in the new year when they know exactly what the conditions will be, before paying or for those that have already deferred payments will decide to renew or demand their money back.

  49. Good luck with getting your deferred payment back.

    1. It was very simple to get a refund, the ticket office staff are brilliant

  50. The party’s over. Get used to the live stream because next season won’t differ much from this ,sadly.

  51. Svensson Johannsson1 November 2020 at 12:51

    Yes, possibly so. So in a desperate bid to make the 'live scream' experience more appealing, I am going to watch paint dry in the lunch interval and then the grass grow out of my upstairs window in the tea interval. Cannot wait to see the sun beating down on those thousands of, empty, white bucket seats. I'm counting the days down for another chance of this.

  52. Correct, there will be hardly any renewing of memberships until well into the new year and only when everything is crystal clear.

  53. I might be wrong about next season , indeed I hope I am. But watching the press conference last night the medical staffs body language and non verbals sent out a message of extreme concern and worry.they looked ill at ease and pre occupied.

  54. At the start of the AGM Lisa reads out a list of Members who have passed away since the last AGM
    I fear that when ( if? ) we gather together in Feb 2021 the list will be longer than usual.
    As we all know by now the really vulnerable people during this tragic pandemic are past retirement age.

  55. Some members may wish to renew only when they know that political interference in sport will cease - sport has always been non political and the ICC claim to insist on this - hence the current issues involving Cricket South Africa. But ICC are being inconsistent by not threatening to expel cricket boards whose governments are influencing spectator attendance rather than leaving it to an ECB or county-level decision

    1. We need to slow down the virus - so it is wholly right that cricket does not allow crowds - or any other sports. It is not about political interference but about public health.

  56. Certainly public health comes before crowds back at events, including cricket

    But at this stage we do not know what the situation will be in April

    In terms of vaccine(s), and if the number of cases will have gone down again

    There is a point at which, as before, Government and Health Advisers believe the risk is low enough to allow some spectators, or maybe even more than that.
    Everyone then has their own decision to make
    I do agree, while cheered by vaccine news, the current situation is a long way from crowds coming back

  57. Some more apparent good news again today on the vaccine front. I think we are probably going to have to lump it again as far as spectators go next season though.
    Thought it was a bit funny the experiment they had had at the oval. 2000 allowed in but then confined to that one stand over where the old scoreboard/ cricketers pub was.
    The bigger grounds could easily cope with county cricket spectators on the face of it,but I’m not privy to all the corporate , management and other health and safety reasons

  58. Our government's mantra from day one of the virus, was, and still is, that the social distance and exclusions from sports events, are necessary, first and foremost, to protect the NHS, from bring overloaded with sick patients.

    Come next April, the virus will have been in existence for over a year, the annual flu season will be over, and the NHS should be able to handle the consequences to whatever extent the virus still has on our existence, especially with the likely availability
    of a vaccine

    So there is no reason whatsoever, why spectators, should not be allowed to watch county cricket at the very least, with social distancing at these games, not being a problem.

    1. You'll not see this in the news headlines, but in Italy they have been retesting samples taken from patients that died of "flu and pneumonia" in September 2019 and found guess what, Coronavirus. Were we hiding away from this virus 12 months ago? No, because we didn't know it existed but people still died and it was a managable statistic then when we thought it was just flu (which has its own vaccines) killing people. So why is it not ok to die from Covid but it is perfectly normal to die from the flu and its complications in other years? We must get life back to normal ASAP, the mental health impact on the general population is going to be much longer lasting and more damaging in the long run.

  59. It looks pretty certain that the days of big , tightly packed
    crowds for Blast 20 matches are over for the time being. But I will be amazed if Notts members ( perhaps on a rota basis) are not allowed to sit in the stands next season for the bog standard County matches. Membership re- newals are going to be thin on the ground unless some hope is given that spectators will be allowed in to TB in limited numbers.

  60. So the 'Six' Restaurant sous chef got knocked out of MasterChef in the first round! A candidate for redundancy?

  61. Notice international matches are on sale now - hope or expectation?

  62. Replies
    1. Stoneori Jacueselli18 November 2020 at 12:33

      Got a feeling your probably right with that one, Foxy. What did they used to say in the U S of A, You've got 2 hopes, No Hope and Bob Hope

  63. Stoneori Jaqueselli18 November 2020 at 12:29

    Don't normally watch MasterChef but made a point of tuning in last night. The Cafe Six sous chef was unlucky not to go through, it was a close call and he looked very capable and competent which of course, you would expect. It would be interesting to know if the Michelin Star chef is still knocking about for the 6odd events a year he was promoting or whether this was just a 'one off' to promote the business when it started out ? The staffing overheads would seem exorbitant if he's in their employ on a continual yearly basis ?

  64. Like I expect many of you, I’ve dined a few times in the long room bar at Lord’s. Very reasonable priced, well cooked good portions and service. Indeed on one occasion the chef, either spotted my Nottinghamshire tie or realised I didn’t get the size I am by not eating ,came over and asked if I wanted anymore. Even I had to say thank you and decline.

    1. Foxy - FYI: comments disappear for approval when comments are made on postings over 7 days old. It's nothing personal, it's just an attempt to reduce the amount of spam comments from gambling sites and such like, which tend to appear on older posts. During the IPL and PSL I was getting multiple spam comments on posts more than 12 months old sometimes.

  65. No problem. Thanks for the information. Being still not an expert on let’s call them computers, I wondered if there was something wrong my settings. Appreciate the explanation.


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