Wednesday 26 August 2020

Harry Gurney to Miss Blast 2020


Trent Bridge chose to announce the injury to their premier T20 bowler, 24 hours before the launch of the Blast 2020 competition

No Gurney, no problem!

Harry Gurney has been ruled out of the T20 Blast competiton with a shoulder injury. Having taken no part in cricket so far in 2020, it is unclear if it's his pint pulling or his smoking arm that is afflicted. 

Gurney is due an operation next month. The operation won't be scheduled for a Monday, Tuesday or a Wednesday for business reasons.

Eat out to help

Peter Moores reckons we have plenty of bowlers that can come in and fill Harry's boots, so no problem there then...

Does the Tap & Run have adequate cover, however? Reservations

In December 2019, Harry Gurney sustained a Grade 1 Hamstring strain causing him to pull out of the Big Bash. If, as the comments below suggest, Harry was carrying a shoulder injury then as well, why wasn't that corrected at that opportune time?


  1. BBC sports reporting gurney out for the whole blast with a shoulder injury 19min ago

  2. @TrentBridge waiting for @CatandWickets to make the official announcemnet. Moores plans in tatters, is the headline that you won't be reading.

    Temporary job vacancy at Tap & Run Upper Broughton - pot washer

  3. Just to point out that the game is on Thursday and not Friday!

    1. So it is. The world's gone mad, T20 on a Thursday - crazy!

  4. The Wooden Spoon26 August 2020 at 16:56

    As for Mr Gurney, Notts wont miss his batting and fielding, for sure.
    He could well be past his sell by date now,a bit like the barrels of beer gathering dust in the back yard's of his public houses.

    1. Cat & Wicketless26 August 2020 at 17:18

      "Best in the world death bowler"

  5. Harry has been carrying this shoulder injury for at least two years now and despite this he has continued to play through the pain barrier and help his and your team to some success particularly in 50 and 20 over cricket in that time. Additionally before he retired from first class cricket he was more often than not leading wicket taker for Notts in the County Championship. You can imagine how disappointed therefore we as his family are to read the above rather ridiculing and disrespectful report and comments from people who say they are members and supporters of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club.

    1. I think that none of us would doubt that Harry has brought 'added value' to Notts over the years - any frustration is more to do with our sadness and frustration that he has not been able to continue to play in all forms of the Game and rescue Notts from our recent sad plight. I, for one, wish him well.

    2. I dont consider than anyone on here is disputing Harry's contributions in past seasons in both four and one day cricket.

      However,this late announcement of Harry's withdrawal from the competition is symptomatic of how this club is currently being run. I am sure that this long standing injury was not common knowledge amongst the membership

      Also, people who pay money to the club through subscriptions, are entitled to
      Voice their opinions,whether favourable or not, as the case may be.

    3. I think young Harry has dished out plenty of ridicule and lack of respect to those on social media that have a differing vision of what club loyalty means. If an individual uses their status within a club to publicise their own businesses on social media, restricts his own contribution to that club in order to market his own services to overseas franchises, in doing this having a detrimental impact on that club and it's performances in all competitions; do you not think a backlash from supporters of that club is warrented? Notts have failed to find the 40 or so wickets that Harry used to take in the championship every year resulting in relegation and generally poor cricket in recent years (not Harry's fault). Everyone understands that a player's career is for only a relatively short span of time but very few of us have the one career for life anymore. Loyalty and committment to the club is what supporters want to see. If Harry has had this shoulder injury so long, why did he not go under the knife last September after Finals Day? If he had he would have hopefully been fit and ready to contribute to Notts Outlaws in 2020, which all supporters would have cheered-on and appreciated. The reason for the delay in having the operation might have something to do with contracts overseas (nothing to with Notts CCC) and then further delayed by a global pandemic (nothing to do with Notts CCC). Some might say that that was selfishness and greed that delayed the corrective surgery. I think most comments on this platform are made in jest and I believe the administrator has removed vile comments in the past but I do not see any cause for him to act here. Enjoy the adulation that comes with having your family member being so good at what he does and the rewards that with it but don't criticise people for their now vindicated views when your family member has made an incorrect decision.

    4. Nobody cares about the KKR Harry Gurney

    5. It was suggested that allowing Harry Gurney to drop the red ball game would have negative implications for Notts was made on this blog, at the time. That Notts wouldn't find those 40 wickets per season (Ken comment) from other players. I think results have proved this to be correct. In cahoots with the weak management blame can be apportioned partly to that decision for the Notts recent decline. So as Ken says, criticism is vindicated. Harry Gurney is well rewarded for what he does, or doesn't do so really the joke is at our expense. I'm sure he doesn't give two hoots what we think.

  6. Sorry to hear about Harry's injury

    I disagree with him on a lot, but like and respect him

  7. Why the late announcement of the long standing injury John?

    1. That would be the question I would like answered. If as John Gurney has said, he has carried this injury for two or more years, why announce he can't play the day before a competition starts? It's not like Trent Bridge are trying to sell tickets and negative news will hit sales.

      Shouldn't he be furloughed if the club are strapped for cash?

  8. Only two players have taken 100 T20 wickets for Notts. Samit leads the way with 154. Harry Gurney has taken 115. HFG took 254 championship wickets for Notts @30.39 between 2012 to 2018 and was leading wicket taker in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2018. We all know what has happened in red ball since.....

  9. People with dining areas in conservatories that start throwing cricket balls around, had better make sure the conservatories are made with shatter-proof glass.

  10. MAG what were the number of wickets each year? Never been able to swing a ball into a right hander like a Sidebottom or Lewry. Always had to go round the wicket to create the same angle.

    1. I've added a link in the body of the post "Harry Gurney Notts stats" or see if this works: c/o MAG

    2. I was sent an Email yesterday by Trent Bridge, there's a link in it to a video montage "Outlaws Unleashed" - which wasn't knocked together in a panic yesterday afternoon. The montage (if that's the right word) does not feature any significant footage of Harry Gurney. So the cricket club have known that they would be without our specialist bowler for some time and have chosen to keep fans in the dark about it. Maybe they didn't want to announce it until they had sourced a replacement, which hasn't materialised so were left with the eleventh hour shock-horror-surprise -BS announcement yesterday. Or maybe they don't give it much thought and think people believe the "facts" as they are presented all of the time.

  11. Stonewall Jackson26 August 2020 at 21:10

    Very well said young Kenneth(as Mr. Clough would have said) A lot of what is said on this brilliant forum is tongue in cheek as it were and with a certain amount of dry humour I would suggest. Harry is Trent Bridges Mr.Marmite. Some like yours truly appreciate the many great bowling spells for our club, others point his also, quite frequent, awful spells and off days he has. He also, as Kenneth quite rightly points out, has to accept a certain amount of flak for choosing the career path he has done. Guess we'd all do the same but in our, boring and unrewarding line of work, do not have his options. One thing is certain, we all wanted Harry lining up for us, alongside the fantastic Baz, for tomorrow's game against the Tykes.The vast majority on this superb site are all fervent Notts fans, cough up each season with their hard earnt, and just want Notts to get back to the very top which is the position this brilliant club deserves to be in.

    1. Wymeswold Willow Warbler26 August 2020 at 21:57

      If you think the stick Harry Gurney is bad, wait until tomorrow and if Ben Duckett messes up again (hopefully he won't as he's got a lot a debt to repay to supporters).

  12. Not sure what John Gurney has taken exception to.

    Harry is a smoker or at least a reformed smoker (who knows now).
    Harry pulls pints in his full time job (and has also been helping out in his local community during these difficult times etc etc)
    Harry has a business in which advertises special offers etc etc that take advantage of Govt schemes (possibly) which run Mon-Wed.
    Peter Moores has said Harry is replaceable.
    Harry is the best death bowler we have got, or had in T20
    Harry cannot field or bat for toffee, well certainly not to the standard expected of a professional cricketer more that of a pub landlord (perhaps) although Notts Heritage team might point out that Nottinghamshire, in the past, have had some very good pub landlords that could bat proficiently also.

    1. I agree with 'Mag' in that stats don't lie - so he HAS been a good wicket-taker and really shone in some games. I also agree with 'SJ' - cricket is a short playing career for most and, yes, most of us in the same situation as Alex and Harry would probably have done the same. Injury which affects cricketers can be devastating - it took Jake Libby a long time to apparently recover not just physically but also emotionally. My guess is that Harry would ideally wish to continue playing in both formats successfully but IF he is not fit for the 4-day Game then we have no choice but to accept that. Professional cricketers are also actively encouraged to plan for life beyond their playing days so Stuart and Harry have done well in their hospitality venture.

  13. The shock of Harry G not playing tomorrow is understandable
    Notts supporters assumed Harry G and Alex H were ready and raring to go in the Blast 20 starting tomorrow.
    So the questions are this -
    Did the Club know that Gurney was carrying a long term injury( 2 years)
    Has an operation or treatment been delayed so that Gurney could fulfil other lucrative contracts elsewhere in the world
    Have Notts ( his employer) been kept in the dark about this long term injury?
    Has Gurney taken the Club for a ride in accepting a generous salary but knowing that he would not be able to play for them this season?
    These questions need answering .
    A more detailed explanation of the ongoing shoulder injury needs to be aired for the long suffering Notts supporters - of which 99% fully expected Gurney to take the field tomorrow night.
    This leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
    Have Notts Ccc been fully aware of this shoulder injury?
    I dont recollect Peter Moores ir DOC Mick ever mentioning it.
    It has to be asked - has Harry Gurney taken advantage of his situation to his financial benefit but to the detriment of the now precarious finances of Notts CCC?
    I think the Notts ccc faithful are entitled to a full explanation of the current and previous situation.
    Of course I am sure we wish Harry Gurney a full and speedy recovery so that he can again play for us .

    1. Very good questions which the club nerd to reply about but will they.

  14. 2017 T20 Final, Gurney waa a hero in winning us that game.
    2019 semi-final against Worcestershire, he contributed to us lising that game, with an excessive amount of extras.

    I like Harry Gurney..... just wish he could get more consistent. And fit!

    1. I've always liked Gurney and have always been proud when he has performed well around the world even if I would rather he was playing for us.

      He has been responsible for two of our best/most memorable moments in recent years

      1 hitting a four to win that game at Aigburth by one wicket; and

      2 yes he was brilliant on finals day 2017 but the peach was his slower ball that utterly bemused - I think it was - Sibley, but anyway you know which one. No Notts bowler has so joyously completely befuddled a batsman since the blessed Franklyn Stephenson (who seemed to do it about once a day).

      It is a shame he is unavailable and I hope all goes well with his recovery.

  15. Harry Gurney announced on Sky TV this evening that the injury to his shoulder happened during lockdown , which is slightly at odds , with the comments from his relative yesterday on this website.

    Although the match was abandoned, looked like both Fletcher and Ball were fit to play along with Nash.

    1. Armageddon Richard27 August 2020 at 20:00

      Lockdown which ended how many weeks ago? So why sit on the news Notts. Someone is being very economical with the facts and the timing.

  16. John Gurney says one thing ( a two year old niggling injury)
    HARRY GURNEY says its an injury picked recently in "" lockdown"
    Can we have some adequate explanation please!

  17. In the Nottingham Post on 6 June 2018 Harry Gurney wrote:

    "It is always frustrating when you're injured, and that is certainly the case for me right now, but I'm trying to take the positives from the situation."

    Shame on those who seem to think that Harry and Notts may be being untruthful. Many cricketers develop these 'niggling' injuries which can, and ofetn do, become worse the more they are untreated.

    Let's hope that Harry's Op does the trick and Notts get him back in even better condition than before the shoulder problems commenced.

    It's been a couple of weeks without bowling so I'll be trying to come back fully refreshed as if it's April 1 again when I’ve got over this calf problem fully.

    I've had a shoulder issue for the last 18 months. It doesn't affect my bowling, but it has affected my throwing a bit.

    1. Armageddon Richard28 August 2020 at 08:32

      The timing of the announcement by Notts and Harry was a little disrespectful to Notts supporters, the media and the general public if it was clear that Gurney would not be able to play at all in 2020 for the Outlaws, as Harry's latest comments suggest and the editting of promotional material by Notts presents. It was known for several days if not weeks, this is evident.

      I bored with this, he is a great bowler at times but a liability at other times. The Outlaws team is stronger for his inclusion but that isn't happening in 2020, so lets move on.

  18. If a player is injured then why keep quiet about it?
    What is to be gained?
    Far better to let the long suffering supporters know the true situation.
    It just illustrates the folly if allowing players to pick and choose contracts of Red Ball or White Ball.
    It just needs a White Ball player to suffer a niggling injury at the wrong time of the season ( as in The case if HG) and that player virtually doesnt play for you for 12 months.
    With smaller squads being the future then Notts need all contracted players to play in all formats- simple!


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