Monday 12 October 2020

Richard's Panel Seeks Expressions of Interest


Dear Member

Since my previous communication with members, which came only a few short months ago in July, a huge amount has happened within our club.

The dates which should have seen international cricket arrive at Trent Bridge agonisingly came and went, the work to reduce our costs as much as possible to mitigate the financial cost of COVID-19 has continued, and we have been fortunate to witness, albeit behind closed doors, an action-packed two months of county cricket.

Seeing the team win the Vitality Blast trophy at Finals Day was the best possible way for us to conclude the 2020 season on the field, and it sends us into a challenging winter in the highest possible spirits.

Perhaps flying slightly under the radar, but certainly no less importantly, we have seen progress in relation to implementing the amendments to the governance of our club that were ratified at the 2020 AGM.

Following a robust recruitment process, our new Nominations Panel of five is now in place – and is commencing its duty of addressing the critically important task of ensuring requisite skills, experience and diversity within our General Committee.

Dr Michael McNamara, who previously fulfilled a similar role with the University of Nottingham, and former pharmacy, health and beauty corporate governance professional Stephen Lehane have taken up the two positions on the panel reserved for club members.

Abby Brennan, a former senior public servant and Rushcliffe Borough Councillor, joins them as a non-member to offer an independent view. The panel is completed by myself as Chairman and my fellow General Committee member Kate Davies CBE.

At the conclusion of a transitional period ending in 2023, four of the 12 members of the club’s General Committee will have been directly appointed by the Nominations Panel.

Two nominated positions will be filled at the 2021 AGM in February, followed by a further one in each of the two years that follow.

This means there are now two distinct ways in which individuals can gain positions on the General Committee.

The first is the traditional method of seeking nomination from fellow members of the club by the established deadline of 1 November each year, with those nominated being put to the vote ahead of the AGM. Nomination forms can, as ever, be requested from the ticket office via or 0115 899 0300. It is important to remember that individuals need to have been a member of the club for two years in order to run for an elected position on the committee.

The second method is for an individual to be put forward by the Nominations Panel – and I am today writing on behalf of the panel to seek expressions of interest, which will be welcomed between now and 1 December.

Meeting on a monthly basis, the General Committee’s role lies within strategic policy making and setting the framework within which the executive of the club is tasked with meeting its objectives, both on and off the field.

Individuals who can demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively, possess excellent communication skills, can engage in debates constructively and are able to take a balanced view when making decisions on behalf of the club are encouraged to consider putting their names forward as a nominated member.

It is not necessary for nominated candidates to have been members of the club for two years, indeed, they do not need to be members at the time of being considered by the panel. However, they will be expected to join the club prior to the AGM at which their appointment is announced.

We are determined to cast the net far and wide to capture individuals with the best possible experience and expertise, whilst also ensuring that our General Committee is both diverse and inclusive of all sections of our community.

A passion for helping our club, the recreational game and the Trent Bridge Community Trust make a positive impact on our community will, of course, be a critical asset.

Whether a General Committee member is elected or nominated, skills that complement the existing body of knowledge within the General Committee would be beneficial and BAME individuals who meet the criteria are particularly encouraged to apply.

Should you know anybody – be they a member or otherwise – who you believe fits the bill and would make a positive contribution to the running of the club, please feel free to forward on this information for their attention and encourage them to apply.

In order to express an interest, please submit details of your relevant experience and knowledge, together with why you wish to be considered for the position, to the club’s HR Manager, Helen Wright, by email via or by post to: Helen Wright, HR Manager, Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, Trent Bridge, Nottingham, NG2 6AG.

All applicants seeking to serve on the General Committee for the first time, whether elected or nominated, will be interviewed by the Nominations Panel prior to their name appearing on the ballot form or being considered for nomination.

Each member of the committee is now permitted to serve a maximum of three three-year terms, meaning a constant flow of new talent will be required to serve us now and in the future.

As an historic, elite sporting organisation representing Nottinghamshire on the world stage, we have a responsibility to be accessible and approachable to everybody within our county, be they potential cricketers at all levels, members, spectators or employees.

It is, therefore, imperative that we are continually represented within our governance by individuals that both strive for and embody that mission. Now is the time for us to take those steps forward.         

Kind regards,

Richard Tennant



  1. The 'elite' of society looking after their own???

  2. Can’t see any mention of an age bar in the screed.

  3. Are you now welcome when you reach ” three score and ten?”
    You could end up with a Committee whos make up consists of folk who know very little about Notts ccc.
    A victory for accountants and like?

  4. No age restrictions any longer! Yes, highly likely that it will end up with an over-representation of accountants (although do vote for RS at the next Election) and businessmen. Over the next 3-4 years I fully expect all dissenting voices to have been removed although they are currently marginalised but not silent. Any remedies are, of course, in the hands of the members BUT they have handed power over to the Executive so you get the Committee you deserve!

  5. Maybe I should be anonymous.13 October 2020 at 21:15

    I’m quite tempted to see how far I can get!

    1. What a meaningless comment!

    2. Ok let me embellish it so that you can revise the word “meaningless”.

      Firstly, I meet the criteria of membership, interest in the club well-being etc.

      Second, IVe been lucky enough to have a career which allows me/has trained me perhaps to meet the behavioural criteria referred to - I.e. engaging in discussions, being able to make decisions, understand the perspective of others etc. I’m not an accountant but I understand numbers, have budget responsibilities in the tens of millions etc. That’s not being immodest - but if that sort of thing matters in order to “fit in” then I can play that card with the credibility required. I also have 2 degrees and am fluent in 4 languages, but that is meaningless and immodest. (Although to some it matters).

      Oh and I dined at Six too......!

      I did think about running last year but it’s always a balance between work and family time. The other balance to be struck is one which represents the views of people who know and care (this forum for example);in a way which is influential and does not make the established committee close ranks and be defensive.

    3. But above all you need to be a 'safe pair of hands' - ideally a 'Committee man' and to be in the Notts 'inner circle.' You see, the Committee was afraid to allow 2 of us 'old codgers' to stand last year - and I still maintain that that was clearly unlawful and breached Age Discrimination legislation but no-one was willing to speak out against that and so a PH was Elected although a few of us do not know of anyone who actually voted for her! It remains unknown as to how many votes were cast and for whom - the whole process lacks the integrity and transparency that would be ideal. The fact that the previous year's AGM Minutes were voted down must raise serious concerns also - for the membership to be convinced that they had been 'doctored' was serious in the extreme.

      So, Jim, by all means stand / submit your notification of interest but don't expect to get anywhere unless you fit in with the majority of the Committee and especially the Chairman and the CEO.

      I wish you well.

  6. Get those applications and nominations in ASAP!
    Just think of all those on the house gin and tonics consumed on the Committee room balcony on match days !


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