Thursday 4 February 2021

NCCC Committee Election 2021


Four candidates for two places, namely

Andy Hunt
Diana Peasey 
Richard Stevenson
Bill Russell

A further two people will be put on the committee via the Nominations Committee


  1. Can't vote now !
    But then I made my choice and will rejoin if, well a lot of ifs these days

  2. Same here Rich. The club and cricket in general has taken our blind loyalty ( and money) and ignored our views for far too long.its time to wake up and smell the linseed oil.

  3. Ref renewing 2021 Membership - for me its a question of wait and see if Notts ( and other Clubs) can be bothered to press for limited admittance to watch the red ball games inside the ground. I have asked Notts if they have any idea how ticket allocation would be organised should say a crowd of 1,000/2,000 be allowed.
    I gather 4,000 members have already paid up for 2021.
    But if say only 1,000 spectators are allowed into the ground , the maths say there is aprox a one chance in four of being admitted.
    Pro rata should the crowd limit be increased .

  4. To appear on the ballot for the general committee, to be sent out to members the applicants go to a Nominations committee. This Nominations committee has cocked things up yet again by including a person who wasn't a member last year. This has happened before and people over 70 have incorrectly been excluded.The workings of this nominations committee and influences directing them, seem to be rather obscure. Surely our CEO is capable of spotting this defect, particularly as it has occurred before. There seems to be a question as to whether this committee can allow someone to go on to the ballot, while also considering them for the general committee if they don’t get elected by the ballot.
    Many members don’t know what is going on. Jeff Moore held a meeting with regard to governance after play at a home match in 2019. Who wants to do that after watching Notts all day? Talking to a friend of mine he sums it up. We don’t know those who are proposed and often only get information from the circular and from little get togethers.

    Anyone wishing to be on the committee should stump up in front of the members at a lunch time in the Derek Randall Suite to offer themselves to scrutiny during the season. An opportunity has been missed as these committee candidates could have been quizzed on line using zoom this year.

    We sit up in the Radcliffe Road stand, where the jacketed don’t venture, but they stay around the pavilion, while committee people lounge on their balcony. To us it seems an opportunity for some to join an elite and talk loudly in the pavilion. To be fair to Richard Tennant he has come up to the Radcliffe Road stand, sat with the “punters” and been available for discussion. He seems a nice chap. Mike Smedley also used to come round also to have a chat when he was President.

    People speak highly of Richard Stevenson, Bill Russell and Jeff Moore, but many don’t know them. There is believe me lots of cynical chatter aimed at Mick and Lisa. What information we tend to get is the propaganda from Trent Bridge. Most people up in the Radcliffe Road stand don’t have any time for Mick and Lisa, but shrug with an air of resignation. The other question is “what does Mick actually do and some of the others?” Anyone wishing to broadcast views on how to obtain change would be able to obtain traction for their views. The peasants would rise up!

    We are fed up with the home pairing of Mick and Lisa and with the disdain which they treat members. She seems to be manipulative and interfering on the cricket side where she has no qualifications to offer. Her smug arrogant attitude belies the continued failure of the club over recent seasons, although the success in T20 was welcomed.
    Both of you go and soon. People are fed up and some even high ticket executive members who reside above the pavilion are fed up and comment about the conflict of interests they see. Phil Cooper

    1. Thank you Phil for summing-up the feeling of many members, perhaps a silent majority of members, who feel a disconnect with the current running and future direction of the club. This disconnect is surely going to get worse with Richard Tennant's Nomination Committee but that is what members voted for.

  5. Richard Tennant is retiring from the Committee. Please study the candidates CV’s closely and select those with a deep love of the club, a relevant professional background which would aid the club and also consider those willing to not only talk to members but raise their and members concerns with the committee. So use your votes wisely vote for Richard Stevenson (the only remaining active and very experienced accountant on the committee) and Bill Russell

  6. These new rules were proposed a year ago re: the role of the Chair(man)

    The Chair would still be elected or re-elected on an annual basis by the General Committee

    The maximum period a committee member could serve as Chair would be six years

    Extensions to the maximum nine-year term on the General Committee could be granted by the Nominations Panel and sanctioned by the General Committee, in order to fulfil a six-year term as Chair. This would be limited to a maximum of three additional years.

    Were these new rules passed by the members?

    1. The topic of Governance was used to increase the Club's rules by some 7 pages (over 40%), with well in excess of 50 amendments/additions. Many having nothing to do with Governance. And all voted through on an 'all or nothing' basis, contrary to Club Rules.

  7. Club members are receiving the ballot papers with a letter of explanation which says that one of the candidates has withdrawn. In fact Mr Rathore should never have been allowed to appear on the original ballot paper because he was not eligible, which is a very different thing. How did this mistake, costly with printing and postage, get past scrutiny at the Club?

    1. Exactly as I posted. This is at least the second time this has happened and it is suggested the fourth. Its not that difficult to check on who isnt and is a member. Maybe Lisa is too busy scheming on power grabs? The club is mainly run by this executive committee of 4, so it is important that this is bolstered and the Mick and Lisa show is held to account. Phil Cooper

  8. By now you will be in posssesion of a new, green, ballot paper for the Election. Despite what the covering letter infers, Mr Rathore did not withdraw but was withdrawn as he did not meet the eligibility criteria. This is the 2nd such instance this Election, the first being identified prior to the original ballot paper being sent out. On both occasions it was not Club Officials who discovered this, but various members who brought it to the Club's attention.
    All applications must be submitted to the Chief Executive, Lisa Pursehouse. In addition, in its new role the Nominations Panel must ensure the eligibilty of candidates. What are their excuses for failing in their duty? This is not the first time in recent times that this has happened. One might be inclined to wonder if this shoddy approach is born out of a desire to see certain people elected in preference to others.
    Perusing the Minutes of the 2020 AGM, yet again they seem to have been 'doctored' to remove any criticism of Mr Newell, MS Pursehouse's boyfriend. At last year's AGM Mr Evans quoted tha example of when the Club was relegated in 2016. At that time members raised the question of Mr Newell's continued employment. At the AGM the Chairman informed all that Mr N had been appointed Director of Cricket and would have nothing to do with the 1stXI other than player recruitment. (still waiting for this to happen). The next year's Minutes failed to mention this, as did 2019's despite it being raised at the previous year's AGM. No surprise to see that 2020's also fails to mention it, despite it being one of the reasons why the Minutes were not adopted as a true copy by members - its omission having been raised again. Such a matter that Mr N took issue with Mr Evans after last year's AGM - in front of witnesses. At last year's meeting Mr Lee raised the question of conflict of interest, given that two members of the Club's Senior Team were co-habiting. Despite being named at the meeting, the Minutes have left them out! Obviously MS P and Mr N.
    This might lead some of you to reflect on how, after seasons of failure, two relegations and 26 Championship games without a win (spread over two & a half seasons) Mr Newell is still in a job. A guardian angel?

    1. Kenneth Williams2 February 2021 at 17:01

      Are you suggesting Mick sleeps with an angel?

  9. I am not used to blogging and not sure how to do this, but I want to follow up the comment about the members not knowing the people who are standing for election to the Committee. This is understandable if there are four thousand, and as one of the candidates I would welcome the suggestion of a scrutiny by the members or a zoom meeting. A problem could be that the season ends well before the nomination papers have to be in to the Chief Exec, but there should be a way of overcoming that.
    I always enjoy walking round the ground at TB and talking to members, actually I think that Radcliffe Road Lower is the best view there is.
    One of my priorities is better communication between those who are running the Club and the members, and I will press for it if elected.
    Having seen NCCC play at all the other seventeen counties I have seen how many of them interact better with their membership. Ours is still a members club and it important to try and maintain the ethos, traditions and qualities which were taken for granted in the past.
    For that reason I urge all members to read the particulars of each candidate and register their vote at this election, if you do not do so it gives leverage to those who say that members are not interested and are of little account.
    My phone number is 07739 741631 and if any NCCC member would like to talk about this, at a reasonable hour, they are welcome to call me.
    Let us hope that there is plenty of cricket and sunshine this year and that we can get back to enjoying ourselves at our Club.
    Bill Russell

    1. Thank you for posting your comments Bill. We've now had statements from candidates, or strong advocates for a candidate, for half of those involved. Could we have a statement from Andy Hunt and Diana as well, I wonder... although most know of Diana already.

      If you experience any problems owing to Bots harvesting your phone number from the comments, let me know and I'll find a way to stop further trouble.

    2. An honest and worthy comment Bill.
      Open transparency with integrity equals democracy for our members and you deserve the vote of our members to protect our club and members future at Trent Bridge.

  10. "Kenneth Williams2 February 2021 at 17:01
    Are you suggesting Mick sleeps with an angel?"
    Pride comes before a fall. Perhaps a fallen angel?

    1. Yes indeed - what with Kenneth Williams mentioned all we need is Barbara Windsor and Sid James - or do we have the equivalents?
      Phil Cooper

    2. Kenneth Williams5 February 2021 at 17:50

      A cross I have had to bear all my life :D

  11. Murky waters indeed.
    Is there a power struggle going on at the Club?
    Are there employees who are not happy with the Mick N and Lisa P ongoing situation - because of a possible conflict of interest?
    Whatever happens in the Committee ballot we should all remember that the most imporrant thing for the Members is the quality of cricket played and the results obtained.
    Lets hope there is an excellent dressing room atmosphere which is unaffected by matters out of the control of the players.
    The Boris Govt are making huge efforts to get the whole UK population “ jabbed” by the middle of summer at the latest . This augurs well for actual bums on seats at Trent Bridge .
    On paper we have players who should give the Club a good season.

    1. There are reported problems concerning dressing room discipline. Some players perhaps taking advantage of a relaxed approach. This is denied at the top, but this comes from a number of sources.
      With regard to attendances, we could well have an elderly vaccinated population where the risk of transmission is small and where social distancing could be more relaxed. We then get into the area of people saying that it would be against human rights to have areas for those vaccinated. Perhaps over 60 areas with a more relaxed social distance?

    2. "The Boris Govt are making huge efforts to get the whole UK population “ jabbed” by the middle of summer at the latest" We owe a huge debt to OUR NHS whose organisation has pioneered perhaps the largest vaccination programme ever. We need to thank them properly and restore the funding to them. If only the billions (22) had been spent properly on the test and trace

  12. Raddy Road Red Dog3 February 2021 at 12:55

    What does a vote matter. Theres never a vote about stuff that matters. If there had been a meaningful, binding vote about the Hundred and the Six restaurant, then we wouldnt be stuck with them now.

    Those at the top are too good at political games and the management of information, so that ordinary members havent got a clue as to half of what goes on and what mistakes are made by Newell, Tennant and Pursehouse. Only the good news matters and only the good news is shared in the media.

    1. The vote does matter, as it is only by electing the right people that the issues which you highlight can be addressed and Lisa and Mick called to account. Richard Tennant is unlikely to remain as chairman and to be fair to him he has put in a lot of time, although many would not agree with the direction in which the club has gone. I must admit that if the club continues with the "dynamic duo" continuing to pull the strings I will follow others who have not renewed their membership by voting with my feet. Phil Cooper

    2. There will be a new chairman as Richard Tennant is retiring from the Committee

    3. see above but how many years has RT been chairman and / or member of the committee?

      Extensions to the maximum nine-year term on the General Committee could be granted by the Nominations Panel and sanctioned by the General Committee, in order to fulfil a six-year term as Chair. This would be limited to a maximum of three additional years.

      RT has been instrumental in forcing changes to the constitution and has been a central figure in the composition of the Nominations Panel as a result. The current direction and the senior employees of the club (MN and LP) are the legacy he will leave the club with (if he does go). He is the one to thank / blame.

  13. Mick confirmed by Cricinfo today as general manager of the Trent Rockets. Presumably another wage. I'm sure a thorough best person for the job process was applied.

  14. Blast and Royal London fixtures out at 7am on Fri 5th Feb, according to Glamorgan website.

  15. First of all, I would like to wish all the candidates well in their election campaign to join the Notts committee. In the two years I have served on the committee, I have raised several issues which have been mentioned in the club’s background leaflet for this election. I cannot talk about other matters which remain confidential.
    My career has been journalism, firstly in newspapers and then in broadcasting. I was the union official at the BBC in Nottingham for 17 years before I took redundancy and I have chaired the Nottingham branch of the National Union of Journalists in Nottingham since 1998.
    Perhaps what you don’t know is my cricket background so here is what I have put on my Facebook page.
    I may not have played cricket, but as an army child, I have watched cricket since I was eleven. My first game was Hampshire v Surrey at Dean Park in Bournemouth. My father, a Londoner, was a Surrey man. After a posting to Germany, the family eventually settled in Leicestershire where I became a member at Grace Road. I saw Leicestershire win the County Championship title in 1975 and the Benson and Hedges Cup that same year. I saw David Gower play in his first ever county championship match.
    Then, I watched Test matches wherever I worked for the BBC and was lucky to see the brilliant England v Australia Test match at Headingly in 1981. My career took me to Nottingham where I saw India play New Zealand in the 1999 World Cup match at Trent Bridge. Sadly, I saw Notts lose in the T20 final against Leicestershire in 2006. I went to Australia in 2006/7 for part of the Ashes series and finally I became a member at Notts in 2008. Redundancy meant I could watch more cricket. I have followed Notts at home, away and at out grounds. I have gone to all the white ball finals at Lord’s and Edgbaston, plus all the Test matches at Trent Bridge. I have been to South Africa three times to watch Test cricket and I also went to the 2009 T20 World Cup matches, as well as the 2019 World Cup matches at Trent Bridge.
    For those who don’t know me I’m the woman who shouts ‘Come on Notts’ at the front of the pavilion. Four years ago, I organised a collection for Chris Read, when he retired as captain and raised a thousand pounds which I presented to him at the Cricketers Award ceremony at the end of the season.

    All the best, Diana Peasey

  16. Thank you Diana.
    We know you are Notts ccc through and through!

  17. So the rumour isn't true that your responsible for Moores not being sacked last season.

  18. For balance can anyone speak for Andy Hunt?

  19. Hi All
    Just been alerted to this, and seems appropriate to mention a few things.
    As the bio on the voting forms says, my main focus is the recreational game. I am minded to seek election at this time for two reasons:
    1 The recent merger of NCB and NCCC, making the County Club is now the overseer of the recreational game.
    2 The last 12 months, where local cricket clubs have, like nearly all organisations, faced a level of uncertainty like never before.
    Both of the above make it, to my mind, vital that all parts of the game we all love are represented in decision-making environments. I spent the greater part of last week (whilst not home-schooling) taking part in the interviewing process for a group of volunteers that are putting their hands up to be a part of the new structure.
    Whilst the landscape for cricket clubs remains uncertain, it is a really positive step forward and I have been personally really impressed by the calibre of candidates.
    We have a club network of 104 clubs in Nottinghamshire, all of whom are full of volunteers who time and again carry out amazing work in providing cricket to all parts of their communities. Their effort last year, under the most incredible pressure, was amazing.
    Those volunteers need all the support they can get, and more. My hope is, in doing that, we can open doors to as many youngsters playing, watching, scoring, and umpiring, so they can share a love for the game with us.
    I hope that gives you some insight into my position.
    All the best and lets all keep our fingers crossed that we can enjoy some live cricket this year. And if TB isn’t open in the early part of the season, don’t forget to check in with your local club to see if you can enjoy some there.

  20. This is an appeal to all NCCC members on this site - please register for the club's AGM which will be via Zoom to be Covid compliant. The date is Monday 22nd starting at 7 p.m. The club is also asking for your questions. You have to register online and will get the details for the meeting in due course.


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