Thursday 19 August 2021

Royal London One Day Cup Final at Trent Bridge - Glam Win



Comfortable win for Glam as Durham flounder in the chase

cricinfo report click or swipe

Good luck to two finalists today. I hope the best team wins and for those of us that get down to Trent Bridge, have an entertaining game to enjoy.

Not in the spirit of 2021?

I hope any Hundred "eliminated" players are not inserted into the counties' elevens, as that would be missing the spirit in which this tournament has been played in this year. Durham, have alas, included a couple in their traveling squad (Potts and Raine) which personally might swing my support to team from across the Severn.

No one would schedule a Final for a Thursday, just two days following a semi-final, would they? Not if you wanted a good attendance from working patrons; but that is exactly what the suits at the ECB have done and we wouldn't expect anything less from that select bunch of  _______. 

The Royal London Cup in 2021.

  • A competition blighted by Hundred wildcard emergency call-ups, leaving many counties calling upon the services of teenagers. 106 (at least) List A debutants spread over the 18 counties.

  • A competition played, certainly by Notts, on rural outgrounds, far from the comforts of county HQ leaving non-traveling fans with a poorly streamed service (Welbeck and Grantham), rendering the games as virtually invisible - it's not 2019 anymore we all expect more now we're post-lockdown.

  • It's been a competition with plenty of rain truncations and DLS revision of scores; I'd say most games in Notts' group had some element of weather modification to 50 overs format.

  • A competition played under the shadow of the ECB's new baby, ignored by Sky (although I understand that they will intrude on the Final).

The Final

  • Glamorgan in their hundredth anniversary year, have sealed their place in Thursday's Royal London Cup Final at Trent Bridge, taking full advantage of being one of the counties least hindered by Hundred wildcard raiders.

  • Eliminated Hundred draftees are said to be available for the final, but would that be fair?

  • So who will you be cheering for, Glamorgan or Durham?

Tickets for the final cost just a tenner for adults and kids get in for less than their bus fare to get there at a quid, I think.


  1. Stonewall Jackson17 August 2021 at 06:50

    Astonishing to think the suits&blazers would think a midweek 11am start(as stated in our Notts membership guide) for a downgraded competition, right in the middle of the new Hundred and in the middle of the India v England Test Series would sell well. But they obviously did, which shows what world these people live in. I wasn't going originally but since finding out it's now a 1pm start decided to buy a ticket at £35 which I am now informed will result in me getting a nice little refund of £25 due to them having to drastically slash the ticket prices almost at the last minute.
    If I am reading correctly then, does this now mean that Matty Potts and Brydon Carse would be available Durham make the final and likewise Jason Roy, Tom Curran and Laurie Evans would be available for Surrey ? This is on the basis the Northern Superchargers and Oval Invincibles now cannot reach the eliminator or final of the beloved new competition.
    I will be roooooooooting for Glamorgan as I have more of a personal affinity with them than the other 2 sides and there's always the tenuous Notts connection with Billy batting for them in the middle order. It would be good to see him produce something on the day.

    1. Hi Stonewall,nice to hear from you.Glad you’re attending Thursday and look forward to seeing you in my first visit since 2019.Lisa has given me a freebie ticket,an offer I couldn’t refuse

    2. Compo must be for your services to triplication - the Triplicateking!!

      I have sorted it out, as you can see.

  2. Am going too, and a Welsh victory would be nice, such a friendly club.
    Hope the day goes well, despite understandable misgivings.

    If Surrey get there, as per names above, will Ollie Pope play ? Hope so as he is best to get some cricket, although if we lived in a more sane World it would be in the County Championship.

  3. What a complete downgraded shambles the RLC has turned out to be?!
    Its main plus point is the unexpected opportunities given to young and inexperienced players. I well remember at a Members forum at TB plus an AGM that Lisa and Co were trumpeting the fact that the RLC final had been “ granted” to TB . We now know that was because no one else wanted it !
    Easily proved by thousands and thousands if tickets being reduced with days to go from £35 to £10!
    £10 to see a prestigious ( sic) one day cup final !
    Will Notts lose money on the whole deal I wonder?
    Notts were blindsighted and sold a “puppy” by the ECB . THEY KNEW!
    All TB need now is for it to be rained off to add insult to injury( obviously I hope it goes ahead and its a thrilling match with a last over finish )
    I wonder what the Royal London organisation make of how their competition has turned out? Are they entitled to some form if sponsorship money refund from the ECB . I bet the following day after the final the result will be barely mentioned in the various daily newspaper sports pages.
    Regardless of all the various comments on here about the very contraversial 100 Baller we surely have to wish the Trent Rockets every success if the reach the actual final . Fantastic Notts players like King Samit and Prince Mullaney deserve some glory after their efforts .
    There is so much going on in the world of cricket at the moment its almost head spinning !
    But what a welcome change from last years ongoing dramas.

  4. The Gillette cup, the Nat west trophy, cricket s showpiece final, cricket s FA cup final on the first Saturday in September, reduced to a kids for a quid event on a Thursday night in Nottingham.
    “ an appointment to view” decades before a marketing man invented the term on Wednesdays right throughout the summer.
    It will go the same way as the much enjoyed benson and hedges before too much longer.

  5. Stonewall Jackson17 August 2021 at 11:30

    Yes, Rich it would appear so, the Pontiff has already been reintegrated into their side. Also I guess Will Jacks comes into the equation. I'm not sure they will beat Durham though if you look at the side they've put out today at the Riverside. It's pretty strong. I remember David"Bumble"Lloyd saying that legendary Lancashire team of the late 60s/early 70s batted through, I think, 65 overs in the original Gillette one day tournament scoring about 180 and they all congratulated each other in the interval as they all thought it was big score.

  6. “The pontiff “ lol
    Trevaskis ( kills all known germs ) is bowling now.

  7. Will the “ Pontiff” be wearing his usual red attire?

  8. In honour of Peter :

    This I am 99.99% sure of, is the first List A County match at Trent Bridge not involving Notts.
    My slight doubt is the 1962 experimental Midlands 65 over competition. We were knocked out by Northants, despite posting a good score; but I can find no reference to the final being here.

    If Glamorgan win, it will be their first national final triumph, for Durham, their second.

    Glamorgan joined the County Championship in 1921, Durham 71 years later. So they are the two "new boys".

    1. The final of the Midlands Knockout Competition, as it was called, was played on 9 May 1962 at Grace Road between Leics and Northants. Leics, who won by 5 wickets, had beaten Derbyshire in the other semi-final on 2 May, the same day on which Notts had lost to Northants at Trent Bridge. The potted scores for the Notts game were: Northants 168-9 (65 overs; Keith Andrew 38*, Brian Crump 34, John Cotton 15-2-24-4, Andy Corran 15-5-31-2, Ian Davison 15-3-43-2), Notts 137 (54.2 overs; Geoff Millman 60, Bomber Wells 17*, Malcolm Scott 15-8-23-5, Michael Dilley 13.2-1-28-3). Autres temps, autres moeurs!

      Cricket Archive classifies games played in this tournament as "Miscellaneous" rather than "List A"; I assume this is because it defines the List A era as starting with the Gillette Cup in 1963.

      But it is true to that say this year's RLODC Final will be the first List A game at Trent Bridge between two first-class counties neither of which is Notts.

      There have been plenty of List A games at the ground which are not Notts vs another first-class county. These fall into five main categories:

      A) Full international games between two countries as part of World Cups and bilateral tours
      B) England Lions v South Africa A in 2017
      C) Notts vs a Minor County, Minor County regional team (Minor Counties North / East), Combined Universities team or Unicorns as part of a formal competition
      D) Notts vs other countries (Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands) as part of a formal competition
      E) Notts vs touring international sides (Australians, Zimbabweans, Sri Lanka A, Bangladesh A)


  9. Peter would correct me, for Durham their third !

  10. Stonewall Jackson18 August 2021 at 12:47

    If you're only counting the one day stuff Rich, then I don't doubt you are right as you always seem to be. If we include T20 the first year back in 2003 when no one wanted it we hosted the final which Surrey won I think under Adam Holioake. From memory, Leicestershire were also there I can remember seeing the Indian batsman Virender Sehwag batting for the foxes and I think also Warwickshire made it to finals day also. Not sure who else made it. And nothing is new with the Hundred as there was live music on the day before the final when possibly Atomic Kitten performed their vast repertoire of musical delights. What a poor side the Notts Outlaws were in those first 3 seasons of T20 but incredible Samit Patel played in this inaugural season. Noticed KP has a new nickname for him now "The Lampost" as he always lights up at night obviously meaning he normally saves his man of the match performances for the big floodlit games.

  11. Stonewall Jackson18 August 2021 at 13:01

    Before I get corrected I DO realise T20 is not classed as List A cricket I just wanted to report on another Final played at Trent Bridge involving domestic counties but not including Notts.

  12. As the old Dean Martin song goes
    “ memories are made of this”
    As I remember it , the first ever 20/20 games were almost treated by a joke by most Counties.
    But when the crowds increased along with the exposure and revenue things started to change.
    Just look at the Blast 20 and 100 Comp now !
    Sell out crowds , massive increased income for the Clubs , some of the worlds best cricketers taking part, generally good atmosphere in the grounds between opposing fans , a pretty safe environment for young families. Etc etc
    The future has arrived.

    1. Why yer lumpin Blast in wiv 100?????? Ones fer supporters of county cricket but tothers fer the puerile cheer owt brigade!!! NOT THE SAME

    2. Every mention of the blessed *** competition, twists the dagger that has been plunged into the backs of ever County Member a little further. If you would prefer a season of 10 first class games maximum, 8 50 over games and a *** tournament you just carry on with you anti-county views, but be certain that if there is to be another *** deal and with another 3 years, then that will spell the end for the 10 excluded counties.

      The fixture schedules this year have been a shambles and it isn't the fault of Covid-19, it's the fault of the **** competition. It is driving people away from cricket in greater numbers than it could ever attact new ones. If you were to believe the propaganda, the *** matches are full houses - that's great! But there are far less houses being filled.

      They say that they want more people playing cricket. Again that's great! But, where are the best of those going to play when most of the counties have gone? Where will future franchises draw their players from? Shooting itself in the foot! Short term profit at the expense of the future - you enjoy the ***!

      Every Member Counts

    3. Can I borrow that: Every Member Counts - It's got a certain ring to it?

  13. The thread including and since the "offending" phone number "malfunction" has been removed by me as I am the administrator. Please don't post phone numbers in the future, thank-you.

  14. Whilst I'm doing a review: "Trevaskis kills all known germs" - please explain FR.... Domestos/Trevaskis not even close IMHO

    1. Not close , but close enough for u to work it out.unfortunately for me I can’t stop thinking it every time he’s playing.....other cleaning agents are available.

  15. Taking the Royal London Final itself, it was something of a triumph for county cricket.

    A good and supportive crowd, across all ages, and a good contest, if perhaps lacking the drama of a close finish, but that happens sometimes.

    Supporters from Wales and North East good humoured and enthusiastic, and the victory clearly meant a lot to Glamorgan, team and supporters. They represent something and somewhere.

    Great support for the event from Notts members and supporters.
    But do the management still put any value on us ?

    1. Perhaps they wanted us there for the TV and aesthetic purposes!

  16. Yes ,agree with all you said Rich. I think Glamorgan and indeed Durham do both represent something and somewhere. I expect it was more tense if you supported either club. After 23 long months , (in my case, because of the pandemic and other health issues) it was great to be back inside Trent Bridge at long last.very long enjoyable event.

  17. There’s a nice ( I think) video montage of yesterday’s event on the club website.


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