Wednesday 22 September 2021

MCC Has Gone Soft!


Yesterday the ECB withdrew England from touring Pakistan, being less than honest about their reason for doing so, as has been proven today on Social Media.

British High Commission click here

Today, the MCC the so-called guardians of the sport, followed the meaningless trend for renaming batsmen as batters.

If batsMAN is to be considered to be gender specific, then surely huMAN is also. As far as I am aware, cricket is only played by humans. A human with a cricket bat, stood at the crease is a batsman. Simple, a child can understand that; well until some interferring Trendy-Wendy sticks their oar in, that is!

It's little wonder we hardly MANufacture things in this country anymore and that MANchester is now just the city in the North West or is even called Salford on occasion. As far as I am aware binmen are not yet called binners and Postman Pat delivers letters in Greendale. Shock, horror Dale is a boys' name too.

You may have spotted that I'm not being totally serious, but neither can the MCC. The change is unnecessary. If a child of whatever gender (there are so many to chose from these days after all), can't understand that you don't have to be male to be a batsman, then how are they ever going to MANage to understand even the rules of a game of Hundred?

Is it so inhuMANe to describe Heather Knight, with bat in hand, as a batsMAN?

Why do some feel the need to MANoeuvre change to traditions? There's no real roMANtic attachment to certain terms but how is third MAN any less offensive or inclusive than batsMAN. It's not like anyone has committed MANslaughter, it's just seMANtics!

Get a grip MCC - it doesn't what colour either, so long as it's not blue.


  1. Drives you mad doesn’t it. It won’t catch on. Assistant referees in football are still called linesmen by fans at the games.

    1. As the free thinking socialist, Manny Shinwell said to a fellow leftie :
      "Ain't nobody tells me what to think "

  2. Talking of batter. Where are the best fish and chips on the circuit?
    for a high number of chippies it’s difficult to go past Scarborough.rennards at the top of north marine road near the mini roundabout with castle road is a good one( there’s also a good chinky restaurant opposite, though some department at the ECB will come down on me for saying chinky)going left out of the ground and turning left at the north riding pub there’s north bay fisheries also very good .small fry also with a cafe ,( north street) run by two sisters and featured in dickie birds travelogue book on Britain is also good.
    Nearer to home the chippy on Radcliffe road opposite Trent Bridge house is nice and Wetherspoon never let you down with fish and chips.
    Our own, the late mike bore used to send Michael Vaughan out for fish and chips when he was younger and coaching him, and didn’t jack Simmons used to own a chippy?think Chris old had one in Cornwall too, so plenty of expertise the cricket authorities could of called upon on the subject of batter.

  3. A good batter at the Magpie Cafe in Whitby

    1. Good nomination Dave,( though I’ve never been in) they queue out of the door and down the street for a table there.

    2. Fish and chips from the chippy next to the Great Orme tram terminus at Landudno has always been excellent.

    3. The list of fish options on the menu is bewildering at the Magpie Cafe. Rockfish restaurant in Exmouth is very good too, their brill is ....brill! (grilled but not battered so doesn't count).


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