Wednesday 23 March 2022

Nottingham Cricket Lovers Society's Next Meeting 31st March


This additional meeting is a replacement for the January meeting which was cancelled as a Covid precaution – it will have the same speakers as originally planned for January.

The two speakers are both Trent Bridge Heritage Volunteers and their presentations will focus on two interesting and controversial cricketing personalities.

Mike McNamara will deliver a cricket heritage talk ‘Sir Julien Cahn – the ultimate outsider’. A successful businessman, Cahn was President of Notts CCC on three occasions in the 1930s and supported the Club financially, including funding several ground developments at Trent Bridge.

In the second part of the meeting, local cricket historian and writer Chris O’Brien will speak about the amazing life of cricket writer and music critic Sir Neville Cardus. The talk will draw on ground-breaking research by Chris on the life and work of Cardus, which culminated in his recent book ‘Cardus Uncovered’.

March's first Nottingham Cricket Lovers’ Society meeting on Thursday 17th from 7.30pm, will feature as speaker Director of Cricket Mick Newell.

The evening will also include the society's annual general meeting.

Supporters are also welcome to pay £5 on the door to attend this individual meeting if they haven't already paid £15 for the year's subscription.

At the meeting, the Nottiinghamshire Cricket Annual will be available to purchase.

Former England and Essex all-rounder Ronnie Irani will be the guest of Nottingham Cricket Lovers’ Society on Thursday 24 February from 7.30pm, with the meeting taking place in the Derek Randall Suite at Trent Bridge.

Membership of the Cricket Lovers' Society costs £15 per year, and includes complimentary access to each of the society's monthly meetings across the winter.


Supporters are also welcome to pay £5 on the door to attend an individual meeting.

Pipe and Shine

Nottinghamshire's Assistant Coach Kevin Shine and Head of Science & Medicine James Pipe are to be the speakers at the next meeting of the Nottingham Cricket Lovers' Society, on Thursday 3 February at 7.30pm in the Derek Randall Suite at Trent Bridge.

Shine and Pipe's appearance will be preceded by a talk on Notts' cricketing activities during the Second World War, delivered by Trent Bridge heritage officer Steve LeMottee.

Membership of the Cricket Lovers' Society costs £15 per year, and includes complimentary access to each of the society's monthly meetings across the winter.

Supporters are also welcome to pay £5 on the door to attend an individual meeting.

January Meeting Postponed

The January meeting of the Nottingham Cricket Lovers' Society, which was due to take place on Thursday 13 January at Trent Bridge, has been postponed.

The meeting was due to feature a talk from Chris O'Brien, cricket historian and author of ‘Neville Cardus: Amazing Cricket Writer, Amazing Man’, with a talk on Sir Julian Cahn also part of the intended programme.

The Society intends to resume its calendar of events in February, with at least three further meetings before the start of the season.

Nottinghamshire's Kevin Shine (Assistant Coach) and James Pipe (Head of Science and Medicine) are due to speak on Thursday 3 February, while Trent Bridge heritage officer Steve LeMottee will deliver a talk on Notts' cricketing activities during the Second World War.

Membership of the Cricket Lovers' Society costs £15 per year, and includes complimentary access to each of the society's monthly meetings across the winter.

Supporters are also welcome to pay £5 on the door to attend an individual meeting.

The Guest Speaker for 9th December

The Spirite, and Chesterfield Ch-uunndlerer, Ben Slater is the speaker at the Cricket Lovers’ meeting in the Long Room at Trent Bridge Thursday 9 December, 7.30 pm.

Everyone is welcome to join the Society and attend its meetings. Membership is £15 per year, with the option of paying £5 on the door to attend an individual meeting. Further details are available by emailing

Nottinghamshire batter Ben Slater is the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Nottingham Cricket Lovers’ Society on Thursday 9 December.

Slater, his county’s leading run-scorer across all formats in 2021, will appear at the event in the Long Room, with the meeting due to commence at 7.30pm.

The evening will also feature a talk from Heritage Officer Steve LeMottee on the connections between WG Grace and Nottinghamshire cricket, in the year which marked the 150th anniversary of the cricketing giant’s maiden appearance at Trent Bridge.

Membership of the Cricket Lovers' Society costs £15 per year, and includes complimentary access to each of the society's monthly meetings across the winter.

Supporters are also welcome to pay £5 on the door to attend an individual meeting.

Further details are available by emailing

Future meetings

All meetings of the society commence at 7.30pm at Trent Bridge

13 January
Sir Julien Cahn – the ultimate outsider, delivered by Mike McNamara.
Chris O’Brien, cricket historian & author of ‘Neville Cardus: amazing cricket writer, amazing man’.

3 February
Cricket during the conflict – the story of Nottinghamshire CCC during World War Two, delivered by Steve LeMottee.
Kevin Shine, Notts Assistant Coach & James Pipe, Notts Head of Science & Medicine.

24 February
Jeff Moore, Chairman, Nottinghamshire CCC.
Ronnie Irani, Essex CCC and England.

17 March
Mick Newell, Director of Cricket, Nottinghamshire CCC
Cricket Lovers’ Society AGM

Enid Bakewell is next guest of Cricket Lovers.

One of the greatest players in women’s cricket history will be the guest at the next meeting of Nottingham Cricket Lovers’ Society.

Enid Bakewell played Test and International cricket between 1968 and 1979 and was a member of the England Women’s team which won the first World Cup in 1973. Prolific with both bat and ball, many regard Enid as one of the best all-round cricketers in the history of the women’s game. Her contribution to cricket led to the award of the MBE in the New Years’ Honours List of 2019.

Enid will speak at the Cricket Lovers’ meeting in the Long Room at Trent Bridge on Thursday 4 November commencing at 7.30pm.

Everyone is welcome to join the Society and attend its meetings. Membership is £15 per year, with the option of paying £5 on the door to attend an individual meeting. Further details are available by emailing


Cricket Lovers announce start of new season

A new season of meetings of Nottingham Cricket Lovers’ Society will begin in October. No meetings were possible during last winter but the Society is planning to resume its’ monthly meetings during the coming months.

The first meeting will take place at Trent Bridge on Thursday 7 October at 7.30pm. The main speaker will be Jeff Moore, Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club. Jeff was elected Chairman earlier this year, having served on the Club’s Committee since 2014. Away from cricket, Jeff has held roles as a Chairman and Chief Executive in the public and private sectors including seven years as CEO of the East Midlands Development Agency. He also served as Chairman of Notts County Football Club in the mid-2000s.

Membership of the Society costs just £15 per year and gives entrance to the series of monthly meetings across the autumn and winter period. In addition there is an option of paying on the door to attend an individual meeting. Further details are available by emailing


  1. Enid one of the very best x

  2. Just to let you know that Boyd Headlong has died and his funeral is at Wilford Hill next Wednesday 19th January at 12.30 p.m. Hopefully those who knew him can get along to his funeral. He was very much old school and gave Rose and myself a box of chocolates for organising the end of season Fuddle in the pavilion area. The club was contacted by Martin Hart.

  3. Looking forward to Mick. Regardless of what our differing views on him may be, he’s always good value when he speaks with a witty and dry sense of humour. I can remember at one of the last Members Forumn’s we were able to attend, someone at the back shouted to him “Stand Up” when it was his turn to speak and he replied “Why is it only me that’s got to stand up, has someone got a gun pointed at me” I think this must have been towards the end of 2019 when we couldn’t buy a win in red ball cricket.

  4. The 2022 edition of the Notts Annual will be on sale at the 17th March meeting. Price £5


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