Friday 19 November 2021

Alex Hales Speaks


bbcsport - click or swipe

Nottinghamshire statement - click or swipe


  1. Is Alex second left ?

    Seems to me to be harmless fun, or is fun against the law now, shortly to be joined by humour and free speech ?

    I have a musician I really like, long ago when Harris and Bolus opened for Notts, he had a number one hit with his band Matthews Southern Comfort, "Woodstock".

    He has done a much more recent recording called "The Thought Police"
    Sort of sums up where cricket, and maybe society as a whole, has landed.

    All very Orwellian these days.

  2. New Year’s Eve a fancy dress party!!!!!!!

    1. Who's been sitting on the photo for all these years? They clearly didn't think it was offensive for over a decade.

  3. I seem to recollect that it's traditional for the England touring cricket team to have a fancy dress party every New Years Eve . I dread to think what " innocent" photographs will emerge from these fun gatherings of yesteryear. If you were touring India it might be considered a good laugh to dress up as a local Sultan ? Likewise if touring say Pakistan or South Africa. Who knows the home team may reciprocate and copy some of the " white" touring teams members? All innocent and no doubt good fun at the time and done in the right spirit with no offence considered or intended .
    But now, a few years down the line ........... who will be offended ?
    Virtually everyone it would appear!?

  4. The club statement is a clear back covering exercise. The additional investigation should take less than 10 seconds, it won’t do though.

  5. It appears everyone is GUILTY these days until proven INNOCENT .
    The reverse used to apply until quite recently.
    If Alex Hales is considered to have views that bring Notts into disrepute then what will the repercussions be?
    Terminate his contract ?
    So that another County can snap him up?
    When all is said and done he is a proven crowd pleaser and match winner.
    Alex says he has now " grown up " and takes a more adult and responsible view on life.
    We all make mistakes . I dread to think about things I have said over the years, taking the mickey out of all and sundry. Things said with intended humour , not nasty malice.
    Times change, views alter, life becomes ever more fraught and serious.
    Witch hunts are never pleasant to observe.

    1. If anyone has been brought into disrepute, it's Alex Hales; brought into disrepute by the actions of the aforesaid Alex Hales.

      You can't undo history, just learn from it and move on.

  6. So whistleblower is not as white as some he accused!

  7. Times change and so do peoples views, its hardly fair to judge a person on their actions from 10+ years ago, As Alex points out he was young and like many of us at a similar age prone to making mistakes, Its not something AH is ever going to repeat and after a suitable apology it should be left to gather dust wherever it was found.

    The worry is though that Notts will want to make some sort of example to the "Thought Police" Hopefully they are not that daft,Yes Alex has been a little silly but in my opinion his so called transgressions deserve nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

    Racism needs stamping out, Education has to be the key but that is obviously a long term project, Short term we have to watch out for it happening and step in if needed , Hopefully Notts are a not a racist club, I would find it difficult to believe they are given the number of black and asian players we have had playing for us over the years.

  8. Yes Zanga - I too don't believe that Notts CCC embrace any form of racism.
    Everyone plays on their merits not on their skin tone.
    Lets hope when the new Ashes series starts the newspaper headlines are about the cricket being played and " nowt" else.

  9. The strange thing, being fascinated by popular musical history, Al Jolson "blacked up" out of respect for the Blues singers of the Deep South.

    Hope they don't ban "The Jazz Singer", the first talkie of all time, but these days are weird enough for anything.

    1. The Two Ronnies used to "black-up" for sketches as and when they were required to do so for a certain character - it was their show and they played all of the leading parts. Is this inclusive? Does it position people of colour into "ordinary, run of the mill society" - normalising ethnic diversity? Yet these episodes will only now be found on Youtube - destined never to be repeated on TV again - deemed unsuitable for modern imaginations to even to be able to comprehend.

      What about The Goodies? They all black-up in their anti apartheid episode -

      and then there was their Rastus Watermelon character.

      Times have changed but we shouldn't rewrite history, just because modern eyes might see it as distasteful

    2. Michael Bates in "It Ain't Half Hot Mum"

  10. This thread is entering dangerous territory. Comments can come back to haunt you even made with all innocence. Recent events prove that . It appears these days that no matter what you say , someone , somewhere will be offended!?



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