Saturday 27 November 2021

Michael Vaughan Interview


27/11 Vaughan interview


Essex hat trick of allegations


A third county added to the list of historic claims


The "scandal" at Yorkshire is now losing it's shock value but to maintain the news shadow over the T20 World Cup, attention has shifted to Essex over the last couple of days. Is it an ECB Hundred conspiracy? "There's no interest in T20, The Hundred is the future - there's no racism in the Hundred either".

Essex joins Yorkshire on the naughty step

Just to reiterate, racism is wrong, it's nasty and has no place in society anywhere in the world. However it does exist and not just (allegedly) with certain Yorkshire CCC or Essex CCC officials - it's a global problem.


I have been sitting back from the Yorkshire situation where there will be no winners ultimately. The drip feeding of claims and counter-press releases has now totally eclipsed the T20 World Cup. There's nothing much else happening apparently, so I'll give you guys and gals another forum to express any opinions, should you be itching to do so.

Please just be mindful of what you say...

It's a chuffin' minefield.


  1. Totally against racism, to avoid being banned from the game, seriously I really am.

    Feel sorry for Yorkshire in many ways. There is a sort of public lynching going on, I think club will survive, but they must be taking a huge financial hit, and the suspension of international and "major" matches, brutal.

    It is totally not in our interest for Yorkshire to be massively weakened, or worse. It is always a highly competitive match, with good crowds.

    So no pleasure at all from me over events though clearly huge mismanagement .

  2. Its all terrible publicity for the game of cricket- lets hope the whole situation calms down . Will the Yorkshire top brass have to resign en- masse to satisfy the ECB and thus re instate Headingly as a Test Match etc venue . Will their vital sponsors return or are Yorkshire as a Club tarnished for quite a time regardless. Someone famous once said that we are all born racist , whether we are black , white or in between . It has no place in the game of cricket or indeed any sport . Having literally seen hundreds of matches " live" at Trent Bridge over the years I cant recall witnessing any racism from players on the field or spectators.
    But have heard plenty of good humoured banter. References and jokey comments about players being too fat , too thin , too short , too tall , too bald , too hairy , too slow , cant bat , cant bowl and field like my old granny . That's all good fun and part of the game. Be awful to sanitise it so no one dare say anything . Lets face it , these days some people are offended ALL THE TIME. People have opinions and it's not a perfect world. The biggest aggro i seem to recall in the Notts dressing room didn't involve race or colour . It was a series of serious spats concerning " white" guys ! Between Notts players and Kevin Peterson ! Did Mr J Gallian not throw KPs kit back out of the dressing room window? Nothing to do with him being South African ! It was a playing matter !
    So what next for Yorkshire and Michael Vaughan etc . Can any of us honestly recall exactly we said to each other 13 years ago in the heat of the moment !
    I cant - thats a fact
    So what do others on here think ?

    1. The MPV "you lot" comment, that he denies saying, you could imagine as a clumsy off the cuff joke - MPV having a large say in picking the team himself. With 4 players of Asian origin, not saying anything at the time or for the next twelve or so years, perhaps they understood the irony of the joke, (bad/poor taste you decide) at the time of its delivery. I know irony is a difficult concept for many to understood, with many words remaining unspoken but rather being implied. But I've not come here to defend MVP, who says that the words were never said anyway, no racial slur, no bad joke - he's a former England Captain with what should be impeccable character and reliability.

      Expected standards of public figures / of everyone have changed over the decades perhaps we shouldn't judge people so harshly for their words said in the past using today's more enlightened standards, quite so much.

    2. Do I detect a touch of irony in your comments about MPV, Ray?

  3. At Notts we have had many black/ brown / various ethnic players who have been well loved by the fans and praised to the heavens by the rest of the team and management
    Sir Garfield - who ever said a bad word about the great man ?
    Carlton Forbes - a great crowd favourite
    Franklyn Stephenson - god like status with the Notts fans
    Vasbert Drakes - well respected
    Samit Patel - loved and praised by all Notts fans- how he will be missed when he calls it a day
    Others on here can add to the list . Many more respected and deserving players who have graced the TB playing surface.

  4. My opinion is that if the offences are proven (by court of law - not just an in house ECB commission), there should be appropriate punishment. But I don't agree in trial by media. Many people I have discussed this matter with don't think anything wrong happened - I do disagree with that opinion - but it does reflect a viewpoint held by some ex-players who are now in their 60s, 70s, etc - maybe a similar demographic to Board members. The undemocratic Graves trust veto on the Yorkshire board should be removed by ECB as a criterion for staying in first class game, to ensure good governance, given the doubts raised. Doubt they will be so bold.

  5. Two other former England Captains discuss.

  6. There's a lot of talk about the toxic nature of the dressing room at Yorkshire. There has been nothing to counter this "opinion" in the press and on social media. Can I point out that both Joe Root and Jonny Bairstow both played in teams including Rafiq. Joe Root has been shown in the past that he will stand up for others but on this he has been silent (unless that's one of the drip fed items that I've missed).

    There has been a lot of tarring of people with the same brush and there is a danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water if all / any good work done at the county is total disregarded.

    Ollie Robinson of past tweet infamy, made his List A debut in an eleven that included Rafiq. No inference intended, just an observation.

  7. The " situation" at Yorkshire needs clarifying and sorting out before the start of the 2022 cricket season . We can't have distractions and back biting and witch hunts spoiling things . It appears there are other resignations pending amongst the Yorkshire top brass . Just the usual severance pay/ compensation to be sorted out. Perhaps players of the stature of Bairstow and Root have chosen to stay out of the controversy ? They have other things on their minds including fighting over a " little urn"

  8. Rafiq told the BBC he dreaded "every second" of his career (at Yorkshire). So why did he go back a second time to the county, having been released once in 2016(?).

    BBC Sport: When asked if he had seen any racism at Yorkshire, Root said: "Not that I can recall, no... but it's clear things have happened at the club."

    Yes this needs sorting out quicker. It needs to be independent. It mustn't just be a witch-hunt.

    1. Rafiq's spells at Yorkshire were 2008-14 and 2016-18

      Joe Root first played for Yorkshire 2s in 2007

  9. Tuesdays parliamentary committee is going to be , erm, interesting.there could be more to come, it hasn’t even started yet. I think there will be a free for all during and after.

    1. He said something, but he also said this, while him over there said that - all finger pointing with no substance.

  10. Does it all come down to compensation and severance pay? At the end of the day , no one ever seems to lose out financially
    Hope its not just a " game" most people are playing ?

  11. I ask myself that question too, Pavlov's Dog.

  12. We are now in the realms of behavioural therapy.
    The theory concerning Pavlovs dog is open to interpretation .

  13. Behavioural therapy ?
    Something we all need, we could all do better.

    Which brings me into a head on collision with racism.
    Accepting that
    1) It is bad.
    2) We need to not reduce, and if possible remove it from sport and society.

    But what is prejudice, whether in race, gender or any aspect of being human ? It is our preferences so out of control, we speak and act irrationally and unfairly.

    But those preferences are in us all, we are still part animal. We tend to stick with people like us, and feel uneasy with those who are different, in any way.

    Not nice, but true, and whatever colour skin we have, we are more at ease with our own.

    We should resist this, reach out, be fair and just and open and caring. But we are human, imperfect.

    So Black, White etc, we have prejudices within us. For someone to lecture, as is happening a lot,from the standpoint of being a black person, is fine, until it turns to the you lot are bad and we lot, and particularly me, are good. It just does no good.

    It is clearly wrong and annoying, we ALL need to look into ourselves and try to be and do better. But this is a hard process and takes generations to make progress.

    Although individually we can move forward, black, white, whatever, and need to.

    So racism is not, and never could be, in one direction. Although to be in a minority is, of course, always difficult.
    But in Yorkshire CCC, could both the white and Asian men have both done better ?

    Is that the real answer, rather than a series of sackings and trial by media ?

    For everyone to say :
    "Could I have done better ?
    Can I do better ?"

  14. Sure is, even the great
    Princess Diana would hesitate to enter.

    Thanks for publishing my views.

  15. Some deep stuff there Rich . You have given the matter a lot of thought.
    I would like to bet racism still exists around the world in 500 years time . You cant force people to like each other if they simply don't want to . Like minded people often stick together because that's what they are most comfortable with .
    I don't think the overall situation in society is helped nowadays by adverts for good jobs that indicate white applicants will not be considered . This was highlighted last week by one famous firm that employs 40,000 worldwide.
    Does constantly " taking the knee" help I wonder . Many people are not in favour ( who are NOT racist. Is it just too political and makes many folk uncomfortable?
    As far as I know the problem of racism has never existed at Notts CCC thank goodness

    1. If Rich is teetering at the edge of the Minefield, CK you're walking a tightrope over that Minefield.

      I admire your optimism that humanity will be around in 500 years with rising sea levels / climate change / reforestation etc etc - Perhaps in 500 years time, those with more melanin will be at an advantage and the inbalance of global influence and power will be reversed by then. Who will be the "racists" then?

    2. That should have been imbalance, no doubt as in imbecile...

  16. Its accepted that the adult version of cricket was first played over 400 years ago.
    ( Dickie Bird took the players off the field when a spot of rain fell)
    It would be comforting to think the game will still be around in another 400/500+ years time.
    I wonder what version of the game will be played?
    What will the rules of cricket be?
    What " new" cricket shots will have been invented?
    How will the bowlers counter new technology bats that can hit a ball as far as a golf shot?
    Will the " SIX" restaurant still be open ?
    If Test match cricket is still being played will TB still be a Test ground?
    Or will Nottm Council authorise its demolition and create 1,000 more student flats?
    Will the colour of someone's skin still be a factor in life in general?
    With the predicted global warming and many extra sunshine hours then will we all develop a darker skin tone and end up all looking the same?
    Just a bit of fun on a dark , gloomy , cold November morning that has news headlines sending you back to bed to escape the real
    " covid" world .

    1. I note that you're now hedging your bets on 500 years for humanity. Is our use by date nearer 400 years?

      By then the average male will be nearer 7 foot tall - Trent Bridge was deemed unsuitable for elite cricket in Year 2364, it's boundaries being too short after the infamous "perfect score game" was recorded by Trent Relics v Northern Nuclear Fusion playing in the longest format of cricket - 100 balls (50 balls per side) - the result being a tie where both sides scored 300 runs - every ball clearing the ropes. In year 2365 Trent Relics relocated to the former East Midlands Airport site - the car parks and runways obsolete with the invention of solar powered teleportation back in 2298. New Trent Bridge's boundaries were then extendable to a quarter of a mile around the wicket. Relics fans had the option of using the state of the art teleportation system to get to New Trent Bridge or to ride on the newly opened HS2 rail link which finally became operational in the spring of the same year.

  17. The six restaurant will still be open and there will still be only six customers in it.

    1. The Six Restaurant was rendered unusable after suffering 127 direct strikes from maximums during the first class season in March 2029 - the season closed in that April (ready for the start of the Hundred tournament which lasted for 4 months) as did the Six Restaurant which was turned into an extended DJ lounge with some large audio speakers.

  18. Will the DJ there still be playing tedious Adele records. How old will she by then ? How many more breakups ?

    And will Nottingham be by the sea side ?

  19. Yes - lets have a bit of fun !
    We could all certainly do with a good laugh in these really difficult days.
    Even the best known woman in the world is struggling at the moment ( the Queen , not Madonna or Katy Price).
    Year 2500 is light years away so I am adjusting this posting to 2121- just 100 years away. I probably won't be around but you can never tell what all these Covid injections might achieve?
    First serious question - how many countries will still be playing Test Match cricket?
    Will the 100 Ball competition still be played in 100 years time ? ( Hopefully not is the wish from 75% of "real" cricket fans)
    Will any UK cricket ground have a complete sliding roof which will allow cricket to be played all the year round?
    Will the price of a pint of ale at TB still be £4.50 or will the price have increased a little?
    Will " mixed" teams of males and females ( and others in - between) be allowed to play each other?
    Will cricket still be played on grass or on a unified artificial surface which favours neither batter or bowler?
    The list is endless !
    Others no doubt may have comments to make !?

  20. One piece of advice I forgot to give out that may help cricket fans . It's been reported that about 30% of the population can still be wide awake at 3am in the morning worrying about this and that ( mainly that)
    The cure for insomnia is simple .! Just tap on to the " Girdlers"website and purchase recordings of Dave Bracegirdles 4 day County match commentaries
    When played at bedtime they are GUARRANTEED to induce deep sleep for many hours!
    ( Sorry Dave - only joking . I for one will miss your gently entertaining commentaries when you decide to call it a day)

  21. Rather losing my sense of humour

    Today at the DCMS was great for journalism catastrophic for cricket.

    As the wonderful article says at the top of page, politics can, and I fear will rip our game apart

    When it is wrecked, they will walk away to find the next victim.

    And the game is helping in it's own destruction, we all feel powerless. Like watching a car crash we cannot stop.

  22. It was a car crash, Harrison and his 3 passengers didn’t have there seat belts on.

  23. “ feeble performance of ECB boss Tom Harrison proves he is unfit for purpose “ Oliver brown chief sports writer daily telegraph earlier

  24. Laurie Carrington16 November 2021 at 22:24

    Azeem Rafiq points his finger of doom at Nottinghamshire - saying multiple players have been victims of racial bullying at Trent Bridge

    At Leicester too.

    Additionally -

    When did Kevin become a derogatory word for a person of colour? Utter boulderdash with a touch of claptrap.

    As I understand it, in France the name has been taken on a meaning and is used for someone who is a bit dim or an oaf. The naming as first name, rather than a mocking term, is in use in France but isn't as common as say in England or essentially as it is in Ireland. It has nothing to do with a person's colour.

    Some folk appear to want to be offended by anything and seek it out. Why the interest in Alex Hales mutt's name in any case? It could be far worst though- remember the dog in the Dambusters name!

  25. What to make of it all . ?
    These days it seems advisable to say nothing to anyone about anything without the aid of a voice recorder?
    Surely people who have been different from mainstream have always been insulted from time to time!?
    These days say nowt and keep yer ead down seems good advice

  26. My wife met Alex while walking the dog on the park a few times. He didn’t know my wife knew who he was. We believe he told her his dog was called “ Dennis “

  27. I remember in the mid 1990s 4 guys (all white) from my cricket club drove up to see Notts play Lancs in a knock out cup game at Old Trafford (before floodlights and satnav), we weren't sure where the ground was, stopped and politely asked a middle aged black guy who promptly said "F*** off white trash" and went on his way. We looked at each other for a split second and all burst out laughing, I'm sure it's not funny when you get it all the time, it's still the only time I've been racially abused. Maybe we should now report it to the police.


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