Tuesday 30 November 2021

Next Season's Fixtures


Will Yorkshire suffer the punishment of relegation or loss of Test hosting rights, following the Rafiq saga?

Will Notts benefit from Yorkshire's punishment?

We'll have to wait until the New Year to find out.


  1. Lets hope the ECB see sense and allocate more 4 day County cricket into the middle of the summer schedule. Its what the great majority of County Members obviously want- proper cricket played when the light is good and the weather is warm !
    Its not much to ask !?

  2. PS
    It begs the question .
    If Yorkshire are relegated to Div 2 as " punishment" for their " involvement" in the Rafiq affair -
    Then which County takes their place?
    Notts perhaps?
    How would the average cricket fan view that scenario I wonder?

  3. Think we should not base promotion and relegation decided through the politically impure sport of cricket.
    In line with last season, as Notts 3rd place finish was ignored in a neat political stitch up, politics should prevail.

    So for next season, each player should make an anti racist speech and a public vote should be held for those speeches, the votes per team deciding the Divisions for the following season

    But anyone who has ever had inmpure political or social thoughts should be excluded from voting. So this will take many years, with Notts staying in the 2nd Division while the process proceeds

    Deciding it on winning cricket matches ?
    How last century !

  4. Martyn Moxon and Andrew Gale have left Yorkshire.
    I have watched and admired Martyn's for 40 years. I met him once. My brother in law taught Andrew at school. I am convinced they are being treated unfairly.

    Of course, Yorkshire sometimes, due to their success for many years, caused jealousy. But now fans and other counties look on with a sort of frozen horror, as The White Rose County is torn to pieces. We wonder if we are next.
    There is no fairness in this, just spite and revenge. And lectures from hypocrites. Racism is not monopolised by any one so called race.
    Martin Luther King taught there was only one race, but that is not the mood today


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