Wednesday 1 December 2021

ECB Have Money to Burn


throwing money at players in the Hundred


  1. What great news !
    Greedy, over paid, selfish top players getting more money.

    So much more important than investing in grass roots and county cricket. And certainly in facilities for those pesky people who pay to watch cricket.

  2. “ You ungrateful sod “ is what my mum used to say to me. You should be glad you’ve got a port a loo in the middle of a field at Grantham, welbeck and derby.

  3. It does seem a mid- direction of scarce available funds .
    It simply goes to show that come hell or high water , the ECB are 100% determined to make the 100 Baller a success.
    Is it now their absolute priority ?
    Are they now so far in ,that no matter what , it cannot be allowed to fail ?
    At this time of general belt tightening it does seem strange that wages can be doubled at a stroke for the women plus a massive 25% increase for the men .

  4. Don't mention the Hundred.I did, but I think I got away with it.

  5. Ah ! Mr Faulty!
    The Germans can't remember who started it!
    Now , 70 years later you do actually wonder who did win the war !?


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