Saturday 25 December 2021

Christmas Greetings


Is Omicron a beacon of hope for the future?

Let's hope so, and look forward to a full season of cricket in 2022 with no interference from viruses or politicians, and with not just good cricket being played by Nottinghamshire, but also some silverware being celebrated winning too.

What's missing from this list of 16 names?


  1. Well theres no Santa Claus nor is there any Notts players

  2. No wicketkeeper ?

    Sam Billings is a bit of a part time keeper

  3. No centrally contracted England Test players ? No Alex Hales, Ben Duckett or Joe Clarke(that's no surprise these days with their selection policy). No David Lloyd or Michael Vaughan for a comment they MAY have made, since regretted and duly apologised for on many occasions there's no way back.No dogs called Kevin or Steve and no MPs as there too busy wuffing wine&cheese during their covid crisis meetings. No personnel from Restaurant Six as they've been given the entire Festive season off and lastly no Rudolph as he's self isolating ?

  4. Although Billings does not keep often for England, he is Kent's first choice keeper so isn't really a part timer. He also keeps for Sydney Thunder in the BBL

  5. Banton also keeps in white ball for Somerset, and Salt has been keeping in the last 2 seasons for Sussex in white ball - so there are 3 keepers in the squad, but I expect Billings will keep

  6. Presumably the Omicron comment is a reference to its severity compared to the Delta variety? . So the question is this - as the damn virus mutates into other forms and variations is it becoming weaker and weaker? It's reached the stage now where Omicron is showing the same basic symptoms as the common cold . It's hard to now tell the difference . So we could all live with that like we do with flu every year. So the next virus strain to appear -- will it be a milder version of Omicron and thus be less dangerous. Or will the next one be stronger than the Delta virus and we will be back to square one? I have had 3 jabs now within a twelve month period , with a fourth one just around the corner apparently. Is this the new normal . ?
    But back to cricket .
    After what's happened over the past two seasons let's all hope for things getting back to how they used to be. No need to book in advance at TB ( unless a sell out type game) . Just decide to turn up on the day and sit where you like amongst old friends and move to another seat to escape the wind or sun etc .
    Looking at the various cricket sides selected for international matches it's amazing that Notts players are all being overlooked. Is there a reason for this that isn't common knowledge? Or aren't the Notts lads just considered good enough for selection ?

  7. Yes it is strange no Notts players were considered given we were one of the better sides in most formats last season, Perhaps it was thought last seasons upturn in results were just a blip and we will return to our winless ways next season.

    We shall see on that topic but i for one think its unlikely that will happen, There is a confidence amongst the team that bodes well, So well that Notts have so far not seen the need to sign another overseas player, Nor for that matter anyone else youth players apart

    As for Covid, in a lot of ways it reminds you of the Spanish flu outbreak at the end of WW1 many millions died until eventually enough people gained immunity and it stopped its spread , Looking through history Spanish flu was unusual in that the it lasted longer than most other flu outbreaks Hopefully Covid will follow the same pattern and will either become no worse than a bad cold or better still disappear altogether!

  8. So looks like no Notts player answer to be out forward, guys ?

    Hope you are all having a good time and The Very Best for 2022

  9. Zanga you mention Spanish Flu in the era of 1918
    Reminds me of a grisly pub quiz question .Which horrible event caused the most deaths?
    The 1914-18 Great War?
    The Spanish Flu epidemic 1917/18/19?
    The answer which often surprises folk is the flu outbreak which killed an estimated 50 million people as opposed to 14 million in WW1.
    So you could argue our recent Covid Pandemic has hardly started yet compared to the catastrophic flu figures?
    Lets hope not
    But I saw a report last week that stated it would be impossible to give the whole worlds population three jabs a year in order to control the virus spread and keep everyone reasonably safe.
    So who knows what the future will bring ? Are we now living in the new " normal"?
    Who wants to sit in a theatre , cinema , indoor sporting event ( outdoor as well perhaps?) having to wear a mask ? It diminishes the enjoyment a lot --especially if you have to wear glasses all the time !
    Its now the end of Day 2 in the 3 rd Test. Haven't checked the score yet - I darent!

  10. Perhaps best to continue to leave the score check, Sufficient to say that maybe we might yet not be looking for someone to open with Slater!

    Agreed about the restrictions, Masks and all it means make me long for the summer of 2019.

    Perhaps the best hope we have for a covid free future are the rapid advances scientists are making, Lets not forget that its only a little over a year since the first vaccine was administered (8/12/2020) They have not yet found the complete answer but bit by bit they are getting there.

    Happy new year everyone, Lets keep our fingers crossed for a successful year for Notts...

    1. Since English cricket, what is left of it, changed the term "batsman" to the ugly "batter", England have not made a decent score.

      Also no centuries.

      Cricketing Gods punishing us ?

  11. Oh dear.
    Oh dear oh dear
    Just looked at the Test score( 3rd Ashes Test)
    It's embarrassing
    It's humiliating
    Its almost a national disgrace ?
    ( I know in the scheme of things at present cricket scores don't mean much to a lot of folk battling covid and the associated problems- I fully understand that)
    The current fiasco in Oz land is a reflection of how red ball cricket has been downgraded and pushed to the margins by the ECB planners and bean counters.. The mighty Blast 20 and the loved by some 100 Baller have a lot to answer for . Many of our Test players simply can't get stuck in and play a long innings without a wild swing every other over. James Anderson must feel like packing the game in . He bowls his heart out at aged 39 and the batsmen come in and meekly surrender.
    The red ball game must be given a higher priority in the coming cricket seasons . It's probably NOT want the Counties want because it doesn't generate much income and in fact the 4 day game is a financial loser for some Counties . But surely a correct balance has to be struck between the white and red ball games. Who wants to sit for six hours a day watching County cricket in cold and often wet and miserable April or September with its cooler weather and shorter days with bad light ending play early ?
    But there has to be a way of satisfying and being fair to both sets of supporters so we can see the type of cricket we want to see in reasonable playing conditions.


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