Tuesday 21 December 2021

A Sad Commentary

 Another disappointing turn in the reality check that's facing cricket in today's society of double standards, deceit and the rewriting of history.

Bumble Skyfall


  1. Stop making excuses for racists. I like this site because it keeps me up to speed with Notts cricket, but the attitude of so many here to the Yorkshire affair is disgusting. The sooner all the old bigots like Lloyd are off the air, the better. And that goes for Dave Bracegirdle too; I remember how hilarious he found the nicknaming of Pujara as "Steve". Sorry, but zero tolerance.

  2. If Pujara had a real problem with Steve, why did he allow Steve to follow him from county to county? Pujara is the International, looked-up to by fellow professionals- he didn't need to be their besties. He had one job - learn English conditions. No I can't spell his first name either without the aid of copy and paste. This one stinks of bandwaggon sorry John.

  3. Maybe he didn't have a choice that the nickname followed him from county to county?

    Maybe if people made a tiny bit more effort to learn his name, that wouldn't be such a terrible thing?

    Maybe his job of learning English conditions shouldn't have involved being subjected to casual racism under the usual guise of 'banter'?

    Not sure what bandwagon I'm jumping on, but if it's being anti-racist, I've been on it for a long time.

    The general tone of discussions around this subject on this website make it pretty apparent to me that a) I'm pretty out of step with the sentiments of many cricket county fans in the UK; b) The culture surrounding the game is as inherently racist as Rafiq exposed it to be at Yorkshire. Awful.

    Honestly, I know it looks like it I'm trolling because I haven't posted here before. But I love Notts CCC, and rely on this site for keeping me informed on the club - I haven't lived in the county for over 30 years, so as a consequence don't often get to see the team play and don't feel qualified to comment in general. But really, the tone of this discussion straight up sickens me.

  4. OK Let's end this thread here. I was hoping to promote a discussion about the loss of a commentator with a bit of character and sense of humour. The bloke said nothing with malice nor with intent to course offence, expressed an opinion and has apologised too. If, John, you believe Nottinghamshire CCC to be a club riddled with racism, then that is your opinion but in my opinion you're wrong. The atmosphere is always friendly, good humoured and respectful, even when Derbyshire are visiting.

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  7. "Publication does not necessarily mean agreement with views."


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