Sunday 19 December 2021

Yorkshire First Team Look for Exit?


Yorkshire Players seek exit

Yorkshire Vacancies

Gale additional release of duties

Yorkshire Heads Axed

Yorkshire, under the leadership of new chair Professor, The Lord Patel, have eventually acted in response to Azeem Rafiq accusations of racism etc, by removing both their DoC and Head Coach as well as fourteen others, including the entire coaching team.

Is the reaction as a result of Rafiq's statements or that there's an impending independent governance review approaching?

Either way, the axe has been swung and has cut deeply it appears - or at least that is the intended appearance. Will the courts now be filled with counter claims for unfair dismissals etc?

Yorkshire state 

Yorkshire axe


Joe Root to meet Rafiq

Because it's all about Azeem Rafiq and not everyone or anyone else's reality.

Tim Besnan no disciplinary action but

Tom Harrison 5 point plan

Some reactions to the testimony from the flawed character, Azeem Rafiq.

"talking shop" - click or  swipe

36 calls - click or swipe


  1. We are all flawed, but Azeem's problem is that he has proved that he is the same as the people he is pointing the finger at.

    At last he has gone quiet. I wish him well, honestly, but a period out of the limelight will be of benefit to him and us !

  2. Michael Vaughan now paying a heavy price for his alleged remarks to his Pakistani team members all those years ago
    Dropped from general BBC TV progs plus Ashes coveredge.
    Does his denial not count for anything ?

  3. I am looking forward to cricket resuming, bat on ball, ball on helmet, ball on body, ball over ropes. Rather than endless discussion about the past.

  4. Max - I agree .
    But fear the current alleged problems and attitudes in cricket will rumble on and on. Its pretty certain that similar allegations of racism will surface in the sports of golf , horse racing , rugby , cycling and others.

  5. As part of its regular communications, Yorkshire County Cricket Club today gives the following update.

    Whistleblowing hotline
    The independent whistleblowing hotline became operational on Monday 15 November, and the club is committed to transparency regarding the volume of contact to the hotline.

    Following its announcement on 22 November that 36 individuals had emailed the hotline in its first week, it has been confirmed that 12 emails were received in the week 22 November-28 November.

    Mohinderpal Sethi QC of Littleton Chambers has been appointed to lead the independent investigation process to consider complaints that are lodged through the hotline, and all communications received are reviewed by Mr Sethi’s team which communicates directly with those who have made contact.

    More information about the hotline may be accessed here:

    Anyone wishing to lodge a formal complaint about any form of discrimination that they have suffered as a result of any act or omission of the Club can do so using a dedicated email address:

    Professor The Lord Patel of Bradford OBE, Chair of Yorkshire County Cricket Club, said:

    “It is essential that those who have experienced or witnessed discrimination are able to come forward to share their experiences. I thank all of those who have contacted the hotline so far, and urge anyone with concerns to come forward.”

  6. There are people I get on so well with among the members who are non white.

    Fantastic people, the answer is to build friendships, by doing that barriers come down, bigotry withers away.

    Not sure the approach being taken is actually helping that much wanted process.

  7. Alf Garnett to become the new Yorkshire DoC ?

    1. Welcome Yorkshire. Your pain is all of county cricket's pain.

  8. This just gets worse for YCCC, I suspect Gale and Moxon have got huge severence pay offs on the condition they don't take the club to an employment tribunal (the club would lose). What with the change of coaching/governing/admin staff, the costs involved, lost sponsors, bad publicity etc.. it must be the worst nightmares all coming true at once for YCCC members.

  9. Just read on line in a daily telegraph headline that many Yorkshire players are threatening to quit in protest at the mass culling.
    This isn’t over yet by a long chalk

  10. There will be splits in the Yorkshire dressing room . Results and morale then always suffer . There will be players who agree with yesterdays massive cull of 16 employees . And other players who might think it's an over reaction and each of the 16 should have been given time to defend themselves . After all , they all now appear to be guilty by association - not good for possible future employment.
    The Yorkshire players are no doubt back in light training with no coaching staff to organise and direct things.
    Lets hope that some sort of normality can be achieved before the start of their 2022 cricket season .
    The game needs a strong Yorkshire team . Yorkshire folk love their cricket perhaps more than any other County . Just look at the fabulous players they have produced over the years!

  11. There’s often a lot of talk about “ team spirit “ “ the dressing room “ and “ banter” . Most of it twaddle . Does it really exist? Perhaps it does or is it just transient and only happens when a team is winning ?

  12. The latest draft schedule sent to the counties last week has the Championship season starting on April 7 with seven rounds of games played before the Blast starts on May 25. Two rounds of Championship will be played in June and three in July. The last four rounds will be played in September. The interesting thing to note is that when there are an even number of counties in each division, there are normally 15 rounds played. This allows a catch up round, when teams are playing tourists.16 Rounds may suggest two divisions of 9 with a certain county relegated. That would mean playing 6 counties twice and two once each in both divisions as 14 games wouldn't be breached.

  13. If it's ratified then it's an improvement on last season . Three four dayers to be played in the " height of summer" gives the 2022 season a better balance.

    1. Agreed. It’s better for the cricket lover and it might even help the England team.

  14. Important to note, there are 16 rounds, but every county only plays 14 matches. Therefore Notts, and everyone, will miss 2 rounds, so still not clear how many matches in June and July.

    Back on topic, Graeme Smith and Mark Boucher being investigated in SA, for alleged racism.

    One charge against Smith is that he did not select the black reserve keeper when Boucher's career was ended by injury.

    GS, plus selectors (?) opted for de Villiers to keep.

    This very likely to have been a cricketing decision to bolster the batting, as Boucher was a big run scorer. A worrying development, as any historic selection decision could be deemed racist, when there is no evidence for that conclusion

  15. Innocent looking decisions taken years ago can now be questioned for having racial overtones . It could become a McCarthyism type witch hunt where perfectly good and honourable people have their views examined line by line .
    And then the incorrect decision is reached . Trial by inuendo.


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