Sunday 12 December 2021

Is the Outlaws Name Being Locked-Away?


With all things franchise and brand at Trent Bridge now, are Nottinghamshire looking to rebrand their Notts Outlaws one day name, to revert to being Nottinghamshire even when wearing the coloured uniforms?

To make things simple for the "new audience", probably!

There is no mention of Outlaws on the new yellow or green shirts for 2022.

One of the last places to find the stag and the Outlaws is deep on the gifts page of the Trent Bridge shop...


  1. Outlaws name really caught on.

    Hundred franchise team, now what's their name ?

    1. Nuts the Squirrel12 December 2021 at 15:23

      Any other brand at Trent Bridge will detract from the ECB's desired branding at that venue - help me Rich, I can't quite remember but isn't it something like Tent Rickets. Rickets was always popular with children until the invention of vitamin D. So kids stay in the tent out of the light, go vegan, and don't eat eggs and stay off those fortified cereals.

  2. I know one thing , the shop has never been the same since the unsung Trent bridge legend John Ellison retired.

  3. As everyone these days says
    " you cant get the staff!"
    ( The RIGHT staff that is!)

  4. Rachel in the shop is very friendly and efficient to be fair. But yes, the halcyon days of John Ellison in that pokey little shoebox at the back of the Wm.Clarke stand that wasn't big enough to swing a cat(stag) around bring back a lot of memories for me. The continual supply problems with the kit from the manufacturers and the legendary sponsorship of PKF in blue which didn't seem to change for season after season and supplied in thick polyester from manufacturers par excellence Excito. Guaranteed to produce the same sort of sweat akin to Luke Fletcher on a session or Samit Patel excitedly awaiting a delivery from Domino's, stag or no stag this current range of figure hugging, climate controlled micro fibre items of aesthetic excellence are just not the same.

  5. Yes , nothing against the staff now but John was a welcoming and friendly face to visitors new and old ,seasons in and out for decades.just as happy to sell a kid a 10p pencil sharpener or rubber knowing full well they’d be back for a top notch Gunn and Moore in a couple of seasons time.

  6. I wonder why the " old days" always seem better as you get older?
    You cant beat polyester for producing that uncomfortable sweaty sensation on a hot , clammy day. Why on earth would anyone want to wear a soft , good to look at and wear natural fibre- like cotton?

    1. Most of us I guess are old enough to have had bri nylon shirts.

  7. Stonewall Jackson14 December 2021 at 15:39

    Yes, but Fox Road, did you wear those batting gloves with the green rubber spikes that basically gave you no protection whatsoever and wear a cable knit sweater. Also you would have had to linseed your Gray-Nicholls(as Frankie Howerd could have said)? All distant memories for the new breed, like Tom Moores, who just take their pristine New Balance straight from the factory and it's ready made for action

  8. All of those things.
    Indeed, going full circle, when the national lottery first came in we had a divi up at work.
    I went straight down to see John in the club shop, bought a beautiful traditional cricket jumper with “ Nottinghamshire “ embroidered in gold with the city coat of arms. 27 years later I still wear it , it’s seen better days, but the again so have I !

  9. John Ellison was a great servant to the club, the shop and to his customers. I remember one January, going to the shop for cricket equipment for, and with, my son to buy for his birthday. Of course the cricket equipment was not on show at that time of year so he closed-up the shop and took us up into the stockroom in the Radcliffe Road stand where, over half an hour or so, said son tried everything for size, weight and colour. Cost me a bob or two but we felt like we mattered and he got exactly what he required. Customer service.

    I should have known the writing was on the wall for the stag when the green and gold NCCC umbrellas were hidden in the shop 18 months ago with some purple Trent Bridge efforts taking precedence!

  10. Yes Fox Road - those everlasting white Bri Nylon shirts that gradually changed into a drab greyish colour after many washes . Many years ago I lived in London working for Bookmaker William Hill . My flat mate only possessed ONE shirt - a Bri Nylon one , probably a Tootal one . Every night he used to wash it and leave it to dry overnight dripping into the bathroom sink . Then wore it the next day . This went on for weeks !

  11. I recall Ms. Pursestrings stating the Notts Outlaws brand would remain when the new Maplin's style monogram was released for the Championship shirts so it does really make you wonder whether they now feel it compromises the Trent Rockets brand.

    1. I reckon one more year of Outlaws with the NCC monogram, as they're advertising "Outlaws wear Adidas" on the website, before the Outlaws name is erased.

      Has anyone else noted the lack of the Championship kit in the shop - does that mean a new sponsorship deal is in the offing?

  12. Could the reason be the resurgence of the coronavirus omicron strain. ?With a very fluid and potentially worrying scenario I would think that large orders for virtually anything may be put on hold for a while. Masses of cancellations across the board at the moment means organisations and business could be left with piles of stuff they can't sell.

  13. They ll never sell those horrible purple umbrellas in a month of Sunday league games, whoever thought that was a good idea I’ll never know. I give them a clue though; gold and green

    1. Stonewall Jackson16 December 2021 at 15:48

      Or those Gift vouchers for Restaurant Six with the downside that the venue will be closed over everyone else's busiest time of the year(and it's nothing to do with Covid restrictions). Anyone feeling really generous could combine this gift with a Trent Rockets hoodie. A perfect Christmas gift combo......for someone you don't like

  14. I received an email from the SIX restaurant yesterday advising me of their opening/ CLOSING times over the normally busy and lucrative Xmas and New Year period . They are closing this Sunday night 19th Dec and not re-opening until the second week in Jan 2022 !
    I cant think of another " top flight" eating establishment that closes over the busiest time of the year.How on earth do they expect to make any money over the long term .?

  15. I think the players who have been to university or top private school(that's about half the side then) should be able to take to the field in their university/school cricket caps and cravats just like Douglas Jardine did in the infamous Bodyline series in Australia in 1932-33. The collar on last years championship shirt is far to big. Anyone wearing it with a shrunken head will look like Harry Hill. Let's go back to the days of Fred Trueman, wearing a cotton vest underneath rather than a figure hugging skin and the need to roll your sleeves back up after every ball you bowl on the way back back to your bowling mark

    1. Harry Butler Daft (Trent College)20 December 2021 at 11:23

      Etiquette dictates that any Nottingham CC player or official that has represented any Public School, University or college and wishes to wear those colours, in part or in totally, whilst representing Nottingham CC must have grown a handle-bar moustache for at least two calendar years and that said moustache must be fashioned into the form of stags' antlers by approved barber Tony of Nottingham Road, Arnold. Anything else would be bad form gentlemen.

  16. Lol! Love the Harry Hill reference!
    We need more laughs in these pretty difficult times full of grinding bad news .
    Walking about its plain to see the worried look on peoples faces and a general lack of banter and communication .
    At least we have 65,000 students in Nottm to act daft and give us all a chuckle. Saw a group of 20/30 blokes the other night dressed as cavemen - in this weather!

  17. Reading a thread that has been closed down today on here it begs the question ?
    Poor old much maligned Dave Bracegirdle . Is he offended by his nick name of Double Corset and variations of it ? I would suspect not . So with reference to PUJARA AND " STEVE" - what do we make of it ? My own name is Polish and difficult for some to pronounce and subsequently I have been called all sorts of things . Was I remotely bothered? No !
    Same with my Dad who had an even longer unpronounceable Christian name . It got shortened to Walter Was he upset or bothered ? No !
    So there are two sides to this little ongoing debate.
    What do others think ?

  18. I'd be offended if anyone kept calling me Rory or Ollie with the way they're both batting in the Ashes.

  19. This allocating someone a " nickname" is as old as the hills .At school you are often given one based on your body shape , personality or actual surname or perhaps a physical feature . Probably my best old mate of 35/40 years standing has been given the nickname Grizwald- mostly shortened to Grizzzy. That's because of his pretty complicated beard and moustache growth . Is he offended ? No!
    So many personalities in sport and politics and in public life are given various " names" Perhaps a lot of folk are getting over sensitive about the whole subject of alternative names . Providing its not insulting or carrying dubious overtones I suspect it will continue . Yesterday a leader in the news headlines speculated that comedy and humour generally are almost dead because these days you hardly dare make a joke about anyone or anything?


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