11 February, 2022

Yorkshire Internationals Ban Lifted



Internationals ban lifted

Yorkshire Civil War Brewing?


Guardian Unrest


Yorkshire Forum


Yorkshire In Financial Crisis

Rafiq - Yorkshire OK now to have Internationals

Azeem Rafiq happy to have his friend in a key job at Headingley.


Yorkshire set deadline for Internationals by ECB


Sid and Harmy Army


Darren Gough is said to become the next Director of Cricket at Yorkshire.

Gough appointment

Purge fallout

Yorkshire players threaten to quit after mass sacking of coaching staff caught up in racism scandal

New chairman Lord Patel said dismissal of Martyn Moxon, Andrew Gale and others was necessary to rebuild trust in the county

By Ben Rumsby and Tom Morgan

orkshire face a player revolt – and a bitter legal battle – over a cull of their entire coaching team in the wake of the racism scandal that has engulfed the county.

Telegraph Sport has learned that Lord Patel, the beleaguered club’s new chairman, held crisis talks with members of the squad on Friday. Some players were said to feel so strongly that they were threatening to leave themselves.

“The players are absolutely distraught and feeling very aggrieved at what has happened,” a source said.

Players are said to be furious at what they deemed an indiscriminate cull, one that could nevertheless help lift the ban on the club staging England matches and lure back key sponsors.

“It would seem that they’re tarring everybody at the club with the same brush,” the source added.

Those sacked included director of cricket Martyn Moxon, signed off sick with stress, and head coach Andrew Gale, suspended over a historic anti-Semitic Twitter post, whose positions were made untenable following Azeem Rafiq’s harrowing testimony about the scandal in front of a House of Commons select committee.


  1. Yorkshire are our brothers and sisters under attack

  2. 16 employees now without a job - and just before Xmas. Surely all 16 can't be classed as racist!?
    So have some been thrown out of work as a public relations excercise?
    Its a very complex situation for the Yorkshire Members and Players to deal with-----what and whom to believe?

    1. That’s the thing, can all 16 really have committed the type of gross misconduct that warrants being sacked?

  3. Admire them for their courage in the face of the attacks on the club

  4. Have they been through all his old tweets etc ?

    He was player/manager/captain on his return from Essex about 2007 ish for 2 seasons

    From memory, that did go too well.

  5. It’s a move to try and placate the members and long standing fans if ever I saw one.
    It’s also a poison chalice ( although I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a real poison chalice)
    Just read in the paper the Yorkshire 16 are meeting solicitors in Leeds to go for wrongful dismissal this lunchtime and to get “ gross misconduct “ removed so as not to be branded as racist for future job prospects. None of them expect to be reinstated.

  6. Stonewall JacksonMonday, 06 December, 2021

    Difficult to imagine all 16 are all guilty of gross misconduct/ racism/bullying. If so, then there was a bigger problem at the white Rose than we could ever have imagined. If it's just a handful then surely just deal with them and let the others go about their daily business. For the ones guilty of the above then I have no sympathy and if they have difficulty finding employment then that's just rather tuff titty. Surely there has to be a difference in severity to the ones who may have made an inappropriate and misguided comment once or twice to those who may have subjected the player to a consistent and systematic regime of racial harassment and bullying over a sustained period. The ones guilty of the latter will just have to take the consequences of their actions in the future but I still struggle to accept that all the 16 can be guilty of gross misconduct deemed so serious it results in dismissal. But if that is the case then hard cheese to them and they will reap what they sow in the future.

  7. Paul Grayson, although he was with Yorkshire long ago, joined the coaching staff after Rafiq left. Why exactly has he been sacked ?

    Martyn Moxon is diagnosed as suffering from Stress Related Illness. The charge of "cowardice" is outrageouse from the chair of the parliamentary DCMS, and grossly unfair.

    To sack someone while they are off sick, now that is cowardice.

  8. Yes , shows you how the government views mental health issues. Plus, Mark Arthur ( who I always found more than alright) had been the fall guy in all this, ok , he’s the ceo so he carries the can, but why would you show up for a kicking in from of parliament when you’ve already been sacked.

  9. Opinions 50-50 split on Yorkshire feeds re: Gough appointment.

  10. How will this unsavoury business end ?
    How many more scalps are required to placate the accusers ?
    It just shows you how little I know after over 50 years watching cricket .
    I never saw this racism problem surfacing.

  11. This is an absolute witch-hunt being propagated by far-left activists seeking publicity for their viewpoints.

    1. There's no place for racism in cricket, sport or mainstream politics.

  12. Sport and politics!
    Everything seems to have political overtones these days.
    Simple things can suddenly come very complicated .
    Paddy's, Jocks, Taffs , Poms etc . Are these words we can no longer use these days .?
    I hardly dare say anything these days for fear of offending someone .
    No wonder " comedy" has died a death . No one seems funny any more

  13. How Boris finds the time to keep fathering children beats me!
    Prime Minister of the UK was once a good job to have .
    But not any more surely ? A fresh problem to deal with every five minutes.
    As the Queen famously said " I cant see why anyone would want the job !"

  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/59619301

  15. The way wonderful Jim Maxwell on TMS says Khawaja is good fun !

    Hope cricket and humour both survive. These are evolving times, or is that revolving ?

  16. Just here to say that it is entirely possible to believe a cricket club can have an endemic racism problem and that the whole coaching staff could justifiably be implicated in it. The keenness to disbelieve Azeem Rafiq, and believe any opinion against him, is telling.

    But evidently I'm in the tiny minority here on that count, given that the persistent posts here suggesting that racist name-calling is "comedy", or that the respectful pronunciation of someone's name should in any way be connected to "good fun".

    Maybe the moderator could be as censorious of these bigotries as they were of my comments when I called you all out before Christmas? Or maybe you guys are so hung up on what you doubtless refer to as "cancel culture" that you're keen to put it into action yourselves?

  17. John - I have read through this whole thread again . I cant detect anything that would upset anyone . Everyone on here agrees that there is no place in sport ( or anywhere else) for racist attitudes.
    I think you might have to lighten up a bit otherwise you are going to have a pretty angry and unhappy 2022.
    I have posted on this site for a while now and also read nearly all of the postings . My conclusion is that the general tone is fair and moderate . I don't know whereabouts you sit in the Trent Bridge ground . I have been going down there for over 50 years and never encounter racist attitudes . Its generally accepted that TB is one of the most attractive cricket grounds in THE WORLD. A place that generates a good friendly atmosphere no matter who is playing ( and that includes the keenly fought matches against our old foes Derby!)

    1. I have given John an avenue to express his thoughts, so please be mindful. I had hoped for a discussion on Sid's appointment, as he was a Notts' favourite not so long ago. I will shut this thread down if necessary as well, however I do hate doing that!

      Please be mindful everyone. As they say, "we're all Notts aren't we!"

    2. Poor Old Sid make an infringement picked-up by the language police in an interview on Sky at the weekend...

      Yorkshire obviously want to move on and get prepared for the coming season but they're not being allowed to. They'll need media training so all statements by club representatives are bland and meaningless or have a complete media blackout, which is nothing anyone one wishes. That's the fault of the nit-picking media, but obviously the likes of John would say otherwise putting the blame totally on Yorkshire and their supposed culture of Islaophobia, or is it racism?

  18. Indeed we are.

    Seems Yorkshire being kicked around again by ECB.

    The latter really need to look at the "plank in their own eye".

  19. I think this confirms Yorkshire's Div 1 status and so Notts' place in Div 2

  20. If people believed Boris Johnson as readily as they choose to believe Azeem Rafiq...

    and if it was reversed...

    1. Azeem Rafiq to be appointed new spin doctor for Number 10, perhaps.

  21. Clare Conner has been appointed to review "dressing room culture". One of those glib phrases, is she there to see if domestic men and women players prefer The Beatles or Mozart ?

    No, she is there to report racist remarks. Such remarks are not wanted, but will someone snooping around looking for trouble, really achieve the end of them ?

    She also is to look at crowd behaviour. Great, we pay our money and get monitored. Once, just once, in 57 years have I heard a foul racist shout, and that person was rightly evicted.

    Feel sorry for Middlesex Chairman. He said that black people in South Africa prefer football and rugby to cricket. I have read that same thing from several sources. I do not live there, so do not know.

    He was forced to say he meant that that was only due to denial of opportunity. Well it maybe that most black people there freely choose other sports ahead of cricket. That is not racism,it is recognising their right to choose.

    Bit by bit freedom to say totally reasonable and unbigoted opinions is being curtailed.

  22. Often things said in all innocence can be wrongly interpreted. Just a single word out of place can condemn virtually anyone .
    Where will it all end? As nearly everyone seems to be offended by everything then that will lead to very boring and static conversations .
    We seem to be treading on eggshells all the time.
    The Traditional BRITISH sense of humour directed to all and sundry , whether black , white , yellow , pink and all other shades is fast disappearing . The seaside comic postcards that we all sent to each other are now frowned upon . Women with big backsides and oversized chests were classed as figures of fun by Donald McGill and Co. Weedy bald headed men being towed along by a fierce looking oversized woman was considered just a bit of fun .
    Cant be much fun being a comedian these days . You are only allowed to make fun of Boris it now seems!?

  23. Fancy poking fun at someone who gets confused with parties and work meetings(they are very similar aren’t they after all) and who had the nerve to address the Nation on National live tv telling us how we must adhere to the rules, for the sake of the NHS, only for him to put himself above these very same rules because he’s so very special and deserves dispensation to the rest of the country. He is obviously the only person who had a birthday during lockdown so we must all make a special case for him but no one else of course

  24. Boris the great survivor!
    Teflon coated( double thickness)
    What is more important I wonder !?
    Todays headlines about a possible messy war between Russia and the Ukraine ?
    Boris having a birthday cake and a glass of plonk when he was not supposed to ?
    ( Remember apparently thousands of Nottinghams did the same thing on a regular basis
    Is it all a matter of scale?

    1. Isn't Boris from a ethnic minority? Lithuanian I believe. Does it stop him from being a buffoon? Heck no!

  25. One rule for one…..Thursday, 27 January, 2022

    Perhaps anyone who was not able to visit their loved ones before they passed away, due to them obeying his own Government’s rules, in accordance to stop the virus spreading and protecting the NHS during lockdown may not regard his and his Government’s series of misdemeanours as just a harmless piece of cake I would suggest? It’s totally irrelevant if others disobeyed, millions of others stuck to the rules and he has been found out to be what he is. Most of the country can see this, surely ?

  26. With this Country in such a mess I just wonder if it's the right time to change the Prime Minister? Who on earth would want the job anyway ? Everyone knows it's an impossible one and nearly always ends in failure and brickbats.

  27. You could have said that Yorkshire CCC have got away with it Scot-free, but you can't say that now as it's a slur on our most northery cousins. So, Yorkshire found guilty by kangaroo court and the media, have escaped without any punishment to the club or organisation which was, allegedly, through its systems and culture responsible for discrimination that those accusers found so abhorrent in November. That's alright then, everything been fixed has it? It's was all the fault of the 16 sacked individuals, with no club involvement.

  28. Yorkshire in deep trouble.
    Say that with no pleasure, the county of my birth, and much of family live there
    Former CEO is demanding substantial compensation. 4 of 16 other staff dismissed have started proceedings for unfair dismissal. The other 12 have plenty of time to do this, and may well.

    Former Chair has pointed out that Lord Patel's position is unconstitutional, as he has not been elected by the members.
    2 EGMs to put this right have been blocked, as legal action taken successfully, as way meetings called was also unconstitutional.
    Deadline for club to meet changes demanded by ECB, so Yorkshire can again stage international matches, is fast approaching. Those changes are yet to be fully implemented.
    All the sponsorship deals for new season are dependent on international
    cricket returning.
    Club is in the red, and although Colin Graves power has been cut, the debt to him remains.


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