17 February, 2022

Essex in a Bother


Essex investigation into racist language


Is it time all players deleted all content on their social media accounts and started afresh? 

The forensic Twitter Police swoop again and nab a former kid!


Well apparently Middlesex are totally Muslim friendly now unlike the [najum] link within this BBC article which is infected with a Trojan Virus - so don't click it. The rest of this BBC post is safe


Should the formats of cricket be changed to accommodate the needs/preferences of more diverse sections of our society? 

Cricket takes time to play, that is the nature of the beast. The higher the standard, the longer period of time required to get a true result - hence Tests are 5 days and kids can play a game in an hour.

Fiddle with the formats too much and you'll lose what cricket is...

Middlesex Chair Sat On 

Historic? Welsh ? Racism?

Is the BBC on an agenda? Look for racism and you'll find racism in any society or organisation if you look hard enough or if you just listen to selective commentary and testimony of past events.


  1. Poor man, more like jumped on.

  2. When did disagreeing with another person ever give an individual actual pain? EBR needs to cut out the emotive blackmail. An ironic choice of word.

  3. BBC also call for comment from expert witness, antisemite and bare-faced liar Azeem Rafiq.

  4. Politics, once you let it in, seems to poison everything.

  5. I am sure 90% of us have said daft things in the past and wish not to be reminded of them . Some of the Charlie Williams / Bernard Manning stuff was broadcast on main stream TV not so long ago . It was generally acceptable then to laugh at things it's wrong to laugh at nowadays .
    Witch hunts are not the way to go forward especially when things are said and jokes made in bad taste from formative teenage years . Most of us get more fair minded as we progress through life's up and downs .

  6. Most grow wiser as we grow older. It's not fair to punish a man for foolishness from when he was a boy. The criminal system does make a distinction but cricket is so desperate to be seen doing the right thing now with racism.

  7. It seems unfortunate to delve into people's pasts. I don't think many people would be proud of their 16 year old selves many years later?

  8. Social media is proving to be a poisoned chalice for many it would appear . Things said in the heat of the moment through anger or ignorance can come back many year later to bite you on the backside.
    Is free speech now being threatened ? Things taken out of context can be blown up/ magnified and a misunderstood situation can easily arise?

  9. Am reading Chris Lewis's book at the moment
    Fine book, a story of redemption. From the depths he has become a real force for good in society, by warning people off drugs and drug related crime

    He makes no racial accusations against our club However it was clearly no love affair ! Where we unfair ? Perhaps, the applause when he was sacked, I found unnecessary. Just accept it and go ahead. He was a frustrating, though gifted player. A decent guy overall, but maybe not always easy to deal with.

    Usman Afzaal, I felt sorry about. Also a huge talent, not really fulfilled. Did we make mistakes with him ? Maybe again But not racial, as far as I am aware.
    Number of players in those times, like Dowman and Archer, we could have handled better.

    Of course, we never know what happens in that dressing room.

    Maybe though, while not being racist IMO, we could do better at accepting people from differing backgrounds. Maybe we are not perfect, but then who is ?

  10. I wonder what Basher Hassan thinks of his many years at the Club ?
    Basher was , and is a very popular player and later employed on the Clubs commercial side .
    He would be in a better position than most to comment on Notts CCC overall treatment of the many ethnic players that played for us .

  11. For the millionth time, racism is wrong and bad.
    But George Orwell book "1984" says so much about what is going on now.

    So much finger pointing, including by some famous names in cricket and elsewhere, virtually no self examination.


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