Saturday 1 January 2022

This is NOT AN ARTICLE by John



John a professional journalist, recently posted this comment.

"I don't understand why you want me to write an article rather than discuss things on these threads. Honestly, I'm a professional journalist and have been for 30+ years; I don't write articles for free.

As I said in my initial posts - perhaps in ones that have been taken down? - I visit this site because I've been a Notts supporter for 40+ years but haven't lived in the county since the mid/late '80s, and want to keep up with the team. As a consequence I can't comment on a "good friendly atmosphere" at Trent Bridge, but I can comment on what I perceive as attitudes which feel to me to be problematic: this - "How will this unsavoury business end ? How many more scalps are required to placate the accusers ?" - for instance, which essentially implies that Rafiq and any other person who has complained of racist treatment are liars - that they're "accusers" rather than victims - in spite of the fact that due process has formally upheld all their accusations.

I suppose one question I would ask 75 Not Out is that, given the love of cricket in Asian communities in the UK, do you think those communities are proportionately represented in the playing and coaching staff of county teams including Notts, and likewise in the crowds? If they're not, perhaps we need to ask why, and whether the atmosphere that you find good and friendly might be seen as unwelcoming to others? How do you think English Muslims might feel, for instance, when their national team is supported by fans who dress up as Crusaders?"


  1. I guess this was written by a professional, paid journo; but is obviously not John's work.

    1. A journalist, he thinks we all subscribe to the green and cabbage looking monthly magazine.

    2. John is either: a Troll, an idealist with no idea of the real world or an inhabitant of Cloud Cuckoo Land. I don't know which monthly publication you refer to Anonymous - is it Nottingham Topic?

  2. Can I just say here, once again, that I don't think the admin deleting my posts or quarantining them, as here, on separate and rather snidely framed threads is conducive to open debate. It would be nice for many of my specific points to have been addressed by Nottsviewer rather than just summarily deleted.

    1. It's not for Nottsviewer to answer specific points raised. The Nottsview blog does not represent any organisation. Nottsview is open to anyone to write a piece for.

      On the Crusader point; I suspect those dressed as such are actually dressed as that famous mythical Asian knight, St George (born in Turkey), Patron Saint of England and slayer of dragons. They'd be supporting England, I'd hazard a guess, rather than advocating holy war or a purge on all non-Christians. Fancy-dress dressing-up was prohibited at Lord's, until The Hundred came along that is! So there wouldn't have been any iron clad sword waving going-on pre-2009 there supporting Middlesex eh!

    2. But if you censor opinions, you are representing another point of view, just being too cowardly to engage with one that you disagree with.

      It would also be nice if you could remove yourself from a position of privilege and consider how, say, Muslims must feel to see people dressed as Crusaders, however that costume was intended. I think a lot of problems I have with comments here is that many of you seem unable to see how an environment which you find friendly and welcoming might appear to those who are, to some degree or other, excluded from it.

    3. I delete comments made that attack other contributors to this blog. You clearly didn't see some comments directed at yourself that were deleted before Christmas.

      I shall ask my students (many of who are Asian or Eastern European) next week as to what they see / think if/when confronted by someone dressed as a stereotypical Templar Knight. I have asked teenagers of Pakistani descent previously as to why they're not interested in going to watch cricket. Their response has been much the same as with their white English peers- "it's boring", with no mention of being under-represented ethnically on the field and so don't feel comfortable, or would feel out of place.

    4. Thank you, that will be interesting.

      Just to clarify, though: have any of my posts attacked other contributors? For instance the ones I posted earlier today?

  3. Not least the one where I mentioned how I've never trolled websites, and never spoken on websites as I have here. The reason being I value much of the info and discussion here - as a Notts fan in absentia - and am genuinely upset when I encounter prevailing attitudes that I successfully avoid elsewhere online. Again, the overwhelming amount of comment I have read has been supportive of Rafiq and the Yorkshire changes. I might be something of a lone voice here - which I find saddening - but I'm not elsewhere.

    1. You need to lighten up fella else your give yer sen a coronary

    2. Thanks Ray, appreciate your concenn, but "lightening up" rather than taking racism seriously is what got Yorkshire into the mess in the first place.

  4. The Last Mince Pie of the Season6 January 2022 at 16:10

    Well done Stuart Broad on another 5-fer against Australia.

  5. Well John - you certainly take life in general very seriously!
    Perhaps the two years of covid restrictions has got you down a bit- I can well understand that.
    To be honest I think your comment about spectators dressing up as Knight Crusaders is a trifle ridiculous. Personally I dont go in for barmy costumes but those that do bring a bit of colour and interest to the various games that encourage it . I cant see any harm in it . But as was mentioned previously some people will take offence to everybody and everything . Live and let live should be the way we live our lives surely . Free speech is an inherent and valuable right , providing its not abused . But we are all allowed difference of opinion . Be a very boring world otherwise .
    Well done to our own cricket hero Stuart Broad . Bowled with massive effort and skill today to get his five wickets and thus prove a point . Surely a couple of our batsmen can get stuck in tomorrow and score a couple of overdue centuries ? Perhaps give us a three figure first innings lead and thus give Broad , Anderson and Wood etc something to bowl at ? The batsmen surely can't fail time after time ( Root excluded) . Come on Hameed , get your head down and show the Aussie public what you can do.
    Fingers crossed for something to cheer at after all this time?!

  6. Admin maybe it's best you actually do delete all my posts. I think I should probably regretfully retreat from this place and leave you all in peace. We're always going to disagree.

    1. Before you leave John. Where do you get paid, what publication? I'm sure we all need some perspective for your hostility and obtuse interpretations of what other think or say. I too am normally a reader and not a poster of comments and have lived more racism than I would care to talk about.

      (I am second generation Black British BTW and consider myself English for my sins)


  8. 75 Not Out - have you forgotten about those platform shoes, denim flares and Elvis aviator shades you normally wear in the Raddy Rd stand ?

  9. Has that troll gone back under his bridge now...

  10. Peace and harmony have broken out. Life is too hard at the moment for most folk to get involved in pointless point scoring .

    1. "Pointless point scoring" ?!

      I don't see what our batting in 2019 has to do with all this.


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