Tuesday 22 March 2022

3.95 M Turns Loss into Profit


ECB Bribe aids Derbyshire profit

Another 16.4 Reasons Not To...

Having seen a comment on another post, I think it's time to rattle the cage again and reintroduce the subject that divides us Notts fans; yes the Trent or more precisely the Trent Rockets...

Trent Bridge's partners in the bastardisation of cricket would appear to include our neighbours from down the A52. See this moan on Facebook:

KJ commented:

Derbyshire Offering Discounted Tickets For Trent Rockets!
Just had an email from Derbyshire CCC offering members significant discounts off Hundred Balls Up Competition tickets for Trent Rockets matches at Trent Bridge, Nottingham.
I can’t believe that Derbyshire County Cricket Club are actively encouraging people to buy tickets for ‘exhibition’ matches staged in another county, especially as Derbyshire will be competing in Royal London 50 over matches, many of which are at home during the same month!
Are there any other non Hundred Balls Up competition staging counties effectively encouraging people to watch a hybrid form of cricket elsewhere?

This ties in with Ram Chops on the other post.

This is what the Derby members have been offered.

Are these the same prices as the pleas to Notts members from NCC(C) offer?

Have Cruetking and Stonewall got their tickets yet, as demand is obvious high, and they sadly did miss out last year?


  1. Yes indeed bought all 4 matches inside first 10 minutes of being available. And I’ve not just bought the gold tickets category Notts members can request reserved seat allocation with a replica shirt included, I’ve gone for Baz, and I get an hospitality option in the DRS as well. Expensive option on sole match basis but the club will do you a very competitive deal if, like me, you commit to all 4 home games

    1. Nottinghamshire will be without: Mullaney, Hales, Duckett, Patel, Moores, Harrison, Carter and Ball for August. :( sad face

  2. Yes - thanks for asking !
    Best Adult Gold seats now purchased in my regular viewing stand . I thought the GOLD ticket prices would go up to £35/£40 for the coming season . Matches were " sold out" last year in the 100 Ball comp so obviously the demand is there and they can charge what they like .
    Will the 100 Baller be the SAVIOUR of cricket or the RUINATION of it?
    Can we have some reasoned answers please to that question ?

    1. If the Lord's model is replicated, Blast prices will rocket in 2022. Cue the conspiracy theories: discount the frachise, erode the Outlaws brand by shooting the stag and price new spectators out of the Blast...

      Pleased you have everything you hoped for CK.

  3. As the French nearly said in The Crimea "
    "C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la cricket, c'est de la folie."

    1. Cricket-lite perhaps. I'll not be in the brigade charging to get tickets.

  4. As we know it -about sums up the 100.
    The Blast 20 or the 100 Ball .
    Which one will stay the course ?
    Is there really place in the congested season for both to thrive?

    1. Congestion only amplified by the invention of the unnecessary new competition.

  5. Notts Viewer - I think you have mis understood my various postings about the various domestic cricket Competitions .
    I am basically a traditionalist .
    Given the choice of watching -
    Blast 20 match
    100 Ball match
    Royal London Cup Game
    4 day County
    The 4 dayer wins every time !

  6. I’d like to applaud you for bringing the Hundred to the fore. Having bought my 4 gold standard match tickets i was intending to simply forget about it until August. But, after this article i have a renewed, almost refreshed vigour for the whole stonker of a tournament. This being the case, i was so impressed with my complimentary Alex Hales Trent Rockets shirt they sent me for my gold standard ticket booking, have now decided to purchase more items from the merchandising range. This delight of goodies, includes a Trent Rockets training shirt, a cat collar for my feline supporter, a jock-strap, a set of cuff links, a seat cushion and a very tasteful pillow case and matching quilt cover. It’s worth also noting, that the Trent Rockets merchandise is of a far superior quality to the ordinary Notts clobber we buy. As the saying goes….you get what you pay for in this world

    1. Not with a Notts membership do you now get what you have paid for.... now you have to reserve a seat 2/3 months ahead of arrival (apparently this is what folk want).

  7. I think Nottsviewer has a secret penchant for the don't mention the Hundred, as he can't seem to help himself with bringing the subject up.With this in mind, what does Nottsviewer think of Southern Brave releasing Quinten de Kock and threatening to use their right to match card to buy him back during the draft on Mar 30th?

    1. QdK is evidently a troubled soul at the moment, having problems with his knees as well. The Rose Bowl franchise do whatever they like for me, but it certainly has got someone's gander-up. Stick to the roadmap Sir.

  8. On the subject of the Hundred, I've recently secured a booking for all 4 Trent Rockets home games, viewing and dining from the SIX restaurant at a cost of £600 plus VAT, which I think is pretty good value.

    1. Exactly Long Eaton, the price is immaterial, it's the quality of product that is important; be it the meal or the accompanying entertainment. All that and the beautiful atmosphere provided by Six and its like-minded patrons.

  9. Question .
    Which games at TB will get the biggest attendances this coming season ?
    Blast 20 ?
    100 Ball games?
    The figures when published will make interesting reading

    1. The figures published won't necessarily reflect the number of people inside TB on match days. It is clear that someone is attempting to put people off attending T20 games however, so perhaps the T20 spin will be in an opposite direction to that of the cuckoo parasites. Either way, the attendances published will reflect the desired narrative of TB's lords and masters, the ECB.

  10. Are you saying Notts Viewer that the new barmy pre booking of Blast 20 seats is a ruse to discourage punters from attending matches ?
    Surely not !?
    Is it some sort of desperation rule so as to make the 100 Baller more attractive. ?

  11. I am getting cynical, but it would fit a pattern of behaviour in recent times.

  12. If you recall a few years ago, long before the pandemic, when the Hundred was to be twenty overs per side with regional franchises; Ms Pursehouse said at a Members' Forum (remember those) that she wanted to make every game "an event" like matches in the Big Bash. Causing unnecessary palaver, enforcing booking and restricting seating will certainly increase the slow build-up up to the "event(s)" for those that can be arsed. The otherside of the coin, means those who attend spontaneously, perhaps new attendees, won't get as good an experience (being left with the unwanted seating areas) and so wn't bother again or even won't bother at all and will choose to go to the cinema or the pub instead with the cash.


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