Tuesday 1 November 2022

Notts Members' Group Rallying Call Today's the Day


Rallying call from Notts Members Group to Notts Members - please make every effort to attend the EGM on Tuesday 1st November.

Members will no doubt have the seen the official invite to either attend the EGM in person or to register for Zoom access. Members need to be aware that we need at least 100 members to be present for the meeting to go ahead and we therefore ask you to make every effort you can to be there.
Since the EGM was formally called at the Forum on 5th September, there would appear to have been much discussion on the HPR proposals between the counties themselves and also with the ECB. Much of this has gone on behind closed doors. In more recent times, however, many counties have engaged directly with their memberships, ensuring that those members could give their committees an informed steer on the various proposals that have the potential to make a big impact on the structure and schedule of first class cricket in this country in the future.
Such has been the level of pushback from members nationally to some of the Strauss proposals that it would appear, if the attached recent article in The Times is to be believed, that many counties have already fed back to the ECB that the proposals are unacceptable.
How the Notts hierarchy has fed into the national process since the EGM was called is a complete mystery to members. All we (the Notts Members Group) have been told is that ‘there has been no vote or any alternative proposals put forward for the Counties to consider. We have committed to sharing and consulting on any such developments with the membership and that hasn’t changed.’
We’d like to find out what the Notts position has been on the various issues…and how they know they knew how best to represent our wishes if we have not been consulted on them.
To help us ask these questions and to ensure the meeting takes place so that we get some answers, we need you to be there!
Dave Gunn
The Notts Members Group

PS the link to register for Zoom access if you cannot be there in person was as follows: https://www.trentbridge.co.uk/news/2022/october/extraordinary-general-meeting-register-to-attend-via-zoom.html?utm_content=Zoom%20link&utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=13558636_CMM%20voting%20EGM%20update%2020221024

The club has informed us that you will be able to vote via this medium.


  1. 75 NOTOUT
    What exactly were Notts ccc voting intentions on the various Strauss proposals?
    Why the secrecy?
    Did they intend to adopt the ECB wishes and thus sell the Notts Members down the river?

    Tonight should be interesting to say the least .
    Getting relevant information out NottscCCC is like drawing teeth out.
    Do the wishes of the Members count for anything when the Strauss proposals are up for grabs?
    Hopefully the picture will be clearer later tonight

  3. I voted against the motion of confidence, purely because I found the comms poor and somewhat defensive. (Especially the forum in September).
    When I go to a match I am bombarded with feedback requests etc. So the capability is there to communicate.
    I think actually that point was taken and I have to assume will be acted upon. And that was really the main aim.
    Well done to everyone on clear and well expressed points of view.

    Jim G

    1. Thanks Jim. Was Jeff Moore centre shot on the stream, voting that he had confidence in himself? Much like he was on the AGM stream.

  4. 75 NOT OUT.
    Result tonight
    Those who have confidence in the Notts Committee = 76%
    Those without confidence 24%
    So a clear cut result.
    The EGM was a pretty low key affaire.
    Members anger has obviously been diluted by the widespread view that the main Strauss proposals are dead in the water?
    As was said tonight it's pretty difficult for the 18 Counties to actually all agree on anything . Most have different vested interests.
    2023 season looks like same again as 2022
    2024 season may also be very similar as well .
    Perhaps the ECB are now more aware of how important the 4 day game is to the average Member and serious cricket fan .
    But as Jeff and Lisa asked " how can the Players be persuaded to keep playing Red Ball games when their heart ( and their wallets) are tuned into White Ball excitement and increased exposure?

    1. In the words of Jeff Moore, we have 7000 members. Something less than 150 voted that they had confidence in his actions, or non-actions as the case is. A 2% mandate to carry-on and tell us nowt. Have a forum on 5th Sept to solicit views (but don't tell anyone that that is what you're doing), during the play of a championship game. (We are members, we joined to watch cricket). How is that open and forthcoming? That's being sly if anything. That's why I voted that I didn't have confidence in the chairman. People say that he's one of the good guys, God help us if we get a bad guy or gal next at this important time for English cricket.

  5. Thanks for posting the results. I don’t trust them but accept the democratic result. If pursehouse and her mates can learn to listen to the majority then perhaps some good may eventually come out of it .foxy


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