Saturday 29 October 2022

Strauss Cuts: A Dead Duck


Strauss’s proposals dead in the water after county revolt.

Elizabeth Ammon.
The Times.
Saturday, 29 October 2022.

PTG 4039-19833.

Andrew Strauss’s radical proposals to reduce the amount of county cricket and create a top division of only six teams are set to be rejected with more than two thirds of the counties indicating that they would block any moves to cut the number of matches (PTG 4022-19760, 8 October 2022). However, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) is understood to be considering the idea of condensing the Hundred, its flagship franchise tournament, into a shorter time span, to allow more County Championship cricket to be played in August (PTG 4032-19807, 21 October 2022).

Strauss’s high-performance review panel published 17 proposals in September designed to help England become the top-ranked team in all formats within five years. It recommended a six-team County Championship top tier with two conferences each of six teams below vying for one promotion place. It also suggested a reduction in Championship matches from 14 to 10 per summer, with the changes to take effect from 2024. Other recommendations included cutting the number of T20 Blast matches, also from 14 to 10 (PTG 4006-19692, 22 September 2022).

Counties were given six weeks to consult their members, with a vote on the proposals scheduled for the end of this month (PTG 4020-19752, 6 October 2022). Changes to any of the three domestic competitions would require 12 of the 18 counties to vote in favour, but it became clear almost immediately that the proposals would not get anywhere near 12 votes. It seems certain now that there will be no need for a vote after most counties indicated they would reject the recommendations in their entirety. The only changes for 2024 onwards are likely to involve some tinkering with the schedule, which happens in most years anyway.

One area where there could be a small but significant change is the Hundred. There is a view among many counties that it should be shortened by a week — at present it is played over more than five weeks to coincide with the school summer holidays — to free up an extra slot at the height of summer to play a championship match. This means there could be one or two rounds of championship games in July and another in August.

Previously, a proposed change to the Hundred would not have been entertained but this could now be up for discussion. A reduction in the time span of the competition could be achieved without cutting the number of matches by having more than one double header at different venues on some days,

While the original proposals were endorsed by the ECB, the governing body always knew that opposition was likely, and they are comfortable for the counties to come up with other solutions. Under the new administration, headed by the former Surrey chairman Richard Thompson, there is a much more collaborative approach with the counties than in recent years (PTG 4012-19718, 28 September 2022) The issue is identifying the solution, but here is general agreement among the ECB, county executives, players, coaches and many supporters that the 2022 schedule did not work.

A Pear Review 24/10

From the Worcestershire CCC website

Following widescale discussion during multiple Members’ Forums and following the Board’s consideration – Worcestershire County Cricket Club can confirm the following:

  • The Sir Andrew Strauss-led High-Performance Review (HPR) has many aspects that we support looking through the important lens of improving international performance.
  • However, at the county level, reducing County Championship fixtures is not supported. Our preference and desire is to maintain 14 games rather than reduce to 10 games, as proposed in the HPR.
  • We totally support the best v best overriding principle in the HPR and believe this can be achieved with two divisions rather than three leagues of six counties. We favour a true meritocracy with two up and two down from each division.
  • Worcestershire does not support reducing the number of Vitality Blast games from the current level of 14 games. That would be particularly harmful to counties like ours that do not have alternative games to host.
  • A reduction in County Championship and Vitality Blast fixtures would harm the holistic health of cricket in our county and beyond.
  • Our preference would be to truncate The Hundred (if possible) to reduce strain on the overall schedule. There is very limited appetite amongst our members to play first-class Festival cricket during this period.
  • Reducing the level of competition for select players (seamers, internationals) is a serious consideration properly highlighted in the HPR. This can potentially be achieved for these players by other means, such as limiting their number of fixtures, as in other sports, rather than wholesale reductions for all.
  • It should be noted that many of our players choose to play cricket for other teams when not appearing for us, indicating that for many, they desire more cricket. More analysis and consultation with players is required on this important issue.
  • The concentration of the schedule, and in particular the switch from one type of cricket to another, is an important factor that needs improving with better scheduling of competitions rather than a per se reduction in overall games.
  • The schedule will not change materially in 2023, therefore, we have time to work through and properly consider any putative change for 2024.

We look forward to working with other counties, the PCA and the ECB to arrive at an appropriate solution in the best interests of cricket. 


  1. 75,NOT OUT.
    Well thats clear enough
    Basically they want to keep the number of County , Blast and RLDC matches at the same level as now .
    But shorten the amount of time the unloved ( by many) 100 takes up . How do Clubs like Worc make their money over the whole season ? I would certainly say they lose money playing the 4 day game due to top heavy expenses and paying attendance . The RL CUP is probably a break even situation unless they progress to the later stages . So basically the Blast 20 crowds are their survival lifeline . I can well see their problems and point of view.

  2. I’m writing out my cheque for a Worcestershire out of town membership as we speak. Has anyone forwarded this to Moore and pursehouse before they go ? Foxy

  3. Well done Worcestershire.

  4. Very fair points about county players wanting more games not less. Half the Worcestershire side turnout on a Saturday for Ombersley CC in the Birmingham League and it's the same for several Warwickshire first teamers.

  5. 75 NOTOUT
    This is the news most proper cricket lovers have been waiting for. It just shows what can be done by pressure from the grassroots and loyal Championship County Members. Did we ever really find out WHAT THE VOTING INTENTIONS WERE OF THE NOTTS TOP TABLE?
    As I read it
    the existing menu of 14 Championship games is pretty well guarranteedfor the next two seasons. . We have to accept that the 100 Ball Comp is here to stay at least until 2028 , because valuable contracts have been sighned by Sky and the BBC plus others perhaps. This will provide vital annual income for a few Counties operating on the edge of viability. If pressure can be exerted to reduce the 100 from 5 weeks to 4 then I would be much happier overall .
    It looks as though the penny has dropped at the ECB and common sense will prevail . Newly appointed ECB TOP BRASS are obviously more sympathetic to the views of ordinary followers of the game .

  6. She writes a good article does leg side Lizzy.
    I give it a cautious welcome because nothing is confirmed yet. The devil may be in the detail.
    All we’ve ever wanted is to be treated fairly. The life long cricket lovers have been treated I’m in no mood for being magnanimous, being booted out of Trent Bridge for 5 weeks, county championship cut back and played in winter and the 50 over competition all being played away in effect is reprehensible. Plus , when were the Nottinghamshire members asked before the end of October?Granted it doesn’t say which October!
    It’s a vote of no confidence and pursehouse out as far as I’m concerned.foxy

  7. 75 NOTOUT
    Foxy - a lot of Notts Members ( probably the greater majority) will agree with your sentiments . Some people will have to be made accountable!?!?

  8. Rejected "by two thirds of the counties" well what the hell are the other counties playing at, whoever it is should be ashamed of themselves, they're as bad as Strauss.

    1. One of the other counties I’m disgusted to say is probably Nottinghamshire. Vote no cony. Foxy

  9. 75 NOTOUT
    Will a backlash from Notts Members bring about a “ day of reckoning” for Lisa and the Notts Committee? What happens on Tuesday if there is an overwhelming vote of No Confidence?
    Would it actually make any difference?


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