Sunday 25 December 2022

Confirmation of Passing


I think all Nottsview regulars have known it, but now it can be confirmed that a very vocal and passionate Nottsview commenter did pass away at the start of 2021. There hasn't been any acknowledgement from NCCC at either the 2021 or 2022 AGMs during their roll-call of sadly departed members during those years, however.

Philip James Measures born in Nottingham in 1949 and died in the first quarter of 2021 in Derby (it is presumed in Derby Royal Hospital). Prior to the pandemic, Phil was living in Uttoxeter.

Everyone can search Philip's comments at their leisure, there is a search facility for this blog, and just by using "PJ" in the search field I found this string of comments. Phil posted comments using various variations of his name. There's no doubt Phil loved cricket and loved Nottinghamshire cricket, it's also equally clear that he had little time for self serving leeches. There are many examples to find.

Like this one 

I think that it's fair to say that since the end of 2020, Phil has been missed.



  1. Sorry to read this ,RIP Philip.
    He was certainly a” character “ and thorn in the side of many in authority both inside and ( i would imagine) outside Trent Bridge.
    On a couple of occasions over the years I have telephoned the club on, or near to the day of the AGM and asked to have individuals name added to the list of departed members to be read out.
    He was a sight around the ground and at cricket lovers with his trade mark gold and green blazer and general appearance. RIP

  2. He had a proper bee in his bonnet with the General Committee under Tennant

    1. He had no confidence in the committee and direction they were taking the club

  3. Club should correct this at 2023 AGM, or are people who disagree with the club to be ignored, even when they pass away ?

  4. I’d like to think if someone, one of us perhaps, rings cricket reception and asks his name to be added that it would be done. I’d like to think so anyway.

    It’s curious though, many of us on here possibly know each other by sight , be on nodding terms or have the occasional conversation,but know little about one another, once September rolls round that’s it . One can be half way through the following season or even the one after before thinking you haven’t seen someone for a bit. Very English, very county cricket, and moreover ,nothing wrong with it . Foxy

  5. 75 NOT OUT
    I can see him now standing up , mic in hand at the AGM asking awkward questions and the subsequent look of panic on the top table !
    Of course his big ongoing clash with the Notts Committee was the question of election after the age of 70 and the smoke and mirrors interpretation of the election rules .
    Sad that his passing away has not been generally known about.

    1. Rules didn't matter when it came to accommodating "one of their own" on the committee. JM had no problem bending the rules double to get PW back on the GC when he'd already served the maximum number of terms after the new rules were introduced.

  6. I always found ‘PJ’ as he often referred to himself on Nottsview a very warm, likeable person and he was certainly a character there’s no doubting that.
    He was not everyone’s cup of tea it has to be said however, despite his very sad passing away.
    He was a social worker by trade and detested social injustice and discrimination and greed by the privileged few - he certainly would not fit in or have any time for this current bunch of parasites that call themselves our Government then - and clearly saw aspects of the Notts governance he thought was wrong and unjust, in particular the ‘age discrimination’ argument regarding election to the Notts committee.
    I remember him trying to give the Nottsview website a real plug at a Members Forumn, but unfortunately he didn’t quite explain what he wanted to say as eloquently as he normally would and I don’t think he got the message across to the seated Members present.
    But I’ve always thought good on you Phil for trying to raise the profile for people who may not have been aware there’s an alternative, more objective, more suited to the real Notts fans out there than just being constantly brainwashed by Notts Pravda website.

  7. I was a seconder on Phillips Committee nomination form.The then committee and high command made sure he didn’t get on the ballot!

  8. 75,NOT OUT
    PHIL would certainly have been a thorn in the side to many Committee Members . I reckon he had enough support to get voted on . But Club Rules were used in a peculiar way in order to invalidate his nomination . It made for a long and interesting thread on here about unfair age discrimation and the subsequent rule change . Too late though for Phil to consider afresh nomination the following year.


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