Sunday 29 January 2023

County Cricket Members Group Update



An update from Alan Higham of the County Cricket Members Group, not from Jeff Moore our elected Chair, who had promised to do so but has failed on several occasions so far, even when there isn't anything significant to report back on. I am told we have to have faith as he's on our side, unlike some in the management team. Jeff is evidently just a poor communicator.

Notts members update

Four months since the Division Two title was won at Trent Bridge and just over two months until the first day of the new county championship season, so we have well and truly turned the corner!

The county chairs continue to discuss changes to the structure and schedule of the domestic game.  The aim was to reach some consensus before Christmas if possible and definitely to agree any reforms to the 2024 season well before the 2023 season starts.

From our sources, it appears nothing has actually been agreed. There does not appear to be a consensus around change.  Perhaps agreement will be reached to move division one to 8 teams but a reduction in the number of first class fixtures or Blast fixtures for 2024 is not at this stage on the cards. 

Richard Gould started as CEO at the ECB this month.  The review of the ECB's finances by Worcestershire's  chair has not yet reported but is expected to do so soon along with the Cindy Butts report into equity in cricket.  We should expect the pressure for significant reform in domestic cricket to increase during the season.  We know that some county chairs actively favour radical reform but are waiting until the mood changes before making their positions clear.  There is a further chairs' meeting towards the end of February.  

All this means county members need to be vigilant and continue to ask their county bosses for updates and ensure that members' views are respected. 

Notts has its AGM before most other counties on 27 February 2023. Please do make the effort to attend either in person or online.  You can ask about the chairs' meeting which will have just happened the week before.  It is also when your representatives are elected!

Notts members elect 8 of the 12 General Committee members from the membership. The nominations committee can appoint 4 people to the General Committee and these need not be Notts members already.  Many other counties don't allow their members to choose their Board/Committee representatives. Also, the nominations committee at Notts can't vet and block Notts' members from standing for election.   It's one of the features that makes NCCC very special.

You will see the candidates standing for election to the committee in the AGM papers by the end of this month.  You can vote for up to 3 candidates but you can simply choose just to vote for just one person if you want to maximize the chance that they are elected.

One member, Dave Gunn, did an immense amount of voluntary work on the campaign last summer and he is standing for election. 

Please, however you want to vote, do take the chance to vote. It's more important than ever to be confident that your Committee reps will make sound decisions on the game's future.

Alan Higham

Should you wish to reply to this Jeff Moore, feel free to Email or use the comments section below.

1 comment:

  1. 75 NOT OUT
    DAVE GUNN = great bloke - ideal for the NOTTS ccc Committee
    He needs our votes !
    He WILL forcefully represent the views of ordinary Members , who politics aside , just want to watch a good days cricket in decent surroundings and with good facilities and not need Sat Nav to get to !


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