Wednesday 22 February 2023

Trent Bridge Price Hike?



Being serious now and on reflection: from the experience of booking patterns last season, when the middle tier of the Radcliffe Road stand was one of the most popular areas for members, who booked before the tickets went on general sale, the club knew that members would want to sit in that area again. Even for poorly attended games in 2022, that area was usual sold out.

Firstly they say members won't be forced to reserve a seat in 2023, then the following week they drop a bombshell that not all areas of the ground will be available to members anymore, unless they fork-out extra cash to do so. That's underhand at best. Effectively a member wishing to sit in the premium area of the ground would be asked to pay out for the cost of another membership in the space of just 13 days between 26 May and the 8 June when Outlaws have 5 home matches (5 x £40), but the member would get 5 free drinks and right to stand in special room and have experience with a big screen.


So you want to sit in the middle tier of the Radcliffe Road stand to watch the T20 Blast?

If you're a member, we've already been promised that you don't have to reserve your seat and that we all have freedom to roam!


Looking at the tickets released to general sale this morning, good ol' Mickey Temps has devised another means to limit ticket sales - a new category of ticket or two which reserves seating in a prime member favourite area of the ground - the middle tier of the Radcliffe Road!

For £50 you, on a per match basis, could have a Century Club ticket which is "Premium seating in the middle tier of the Radcliffe Road Stand. Entry to the Sobers Hall chill-out space before during and after the match. Player visits and autograph session. One free drink for every guest. Big screen broadcast coverage. Branded kids’ activities & merchandise give-aways". The junior option will cost you £20.

Less boozy but feeling peckish, you could for a bargain price of £36 have a T20 Takeout ticket. "Reserved seat in the Radcliffe Road Stand middle tier, including a takeout food option from the Cricketers Suite to be consumed back in your seat. The food will be available in the 90 minute period prior to the start of the mens match." Again for a juniors it's cut to £15.

General adult tickets, in non-reserved seating will now cost £24, which I'm sure has had a inflation busting hike. Could a non-member ticket purchaser from last season confirm this please...

The advertising states "adults from £10", which I'm only seeing on the Vikings fixture. Notts have however introduced a senior price of £17 per match and £18 for 16-21 year olds. No tickets for £10, except for one game.

Worryingly, the Yorkshire game also gives Members the option of priority tickets priced at £40, which I assume is for the Century Club, playing extra for an addition premium "experience"! So to sit in the Radcliffe Road middle tier, members do have to reserve a seat, and play a premium too?

But, the ticketing website is currently a bit ambiguous as a Family ticket for that Yorkshire game, 2 adults and 2 children you can get at a bargain price of £6.25.

I'm sure Mr Temple's remit wasn't to limit ticket sales really, so what is the craic?


  1. Replies
    1. They must be trying to find new ways of squeezing more money out of everyone; members and non-members alike. Someone's got to pay the lecky bill for all these floodlit games.

  2. Dad's army = low crowds.

  3. Blummin eck . Foxy

  4. 75 NOT OUT
    Life in general becomes ever more complicated ! ?
    And so it appears does attending a Blast 20 game and sitting in your favourite seat- middle tier Raddy Road!
    A message to Michael Temple . You upset a lot of people last year with the ill thought out advanced seating direction PLEASE DO DO THE SAME THING AGAIN BY TINKERING WITH TIERED PRICING IN FAVOURED PARTS OF THE GROUND .Who actually owns up and admits to thinking up these hare brained schemes that just cause ripples of dissatisfaction?

  5. 75 NOT OUT
    SORRY typo error .
    Should read “ PLEASE DO NOT DO THE SAME THING AGAIN .......

    1. Ponsonby-Smyth wrote direct to her ladyship complaining that Tarquin and Cordelia wouldn't be happy sitting with riff-raff from Clifton or Bilborough, having already traveled down from Edwalton and had to park in a grubby public car park on horrid grass with nowhere for their man to charge the EV so they might have to use the Bentley; therefore better seated accommodation had to be provided by her club as a matter of urgency. To sit with the hoi polloi and damage the planet on the same day would be too much to bear for the darlings and they'd have to tell all their friends to boycott her nasty grubby place and not invite her to their social gatherings again.

  6. They’ve never heard of “ if it ain’t broke don’t fix it “ these days. They’ve not only got to do things, they’ve got to be seen to be doing things.ive been on the club website and frankly it’s double Dutch to me . foxy

  7. What a splendidly pretentious little offering, The Century Club, then for the slightly less privileged of you out there, we have the t20 takeout offering, then for those almost bordering on ‘pleb’ status just find a seat somewhere else in the Raddy Rd Middle tier and then, finally, for the great unwashed of you out there, sit somewhere else in the ground and take your punishment.
    I think next season the club should introduce restricted seating areas depending whether you’ve booked first class, second class……..or steerage - Full steam ahead, Mr. Cristian.
    Timothy Lumsden.

  8. 75 NOT OUT
    Yes - we cant possible have steerage punters on the lower tier coming into contact with a higher level .

    VIZ - middle and top tier.
    This is another case of mission creep.

  9. Which Secret Shopper22 February 2023 at 08:05

    Yes the pricing is misleading. It does say £6.25 for a Family Ticket (2+2), but when you try to buy and change that 0 to a 1 (ie for 1 family) the menu options give only 0 or 4. So the advertised price is actually for a quarter of a ticket, for a quarter of the family group.

  10. I’m going to email the top brass and ask if white gloves can be provided for any patron’s availing themselves in the new Century Club seating and exclusive area and then handed back to the steward upon leaving the ground(for sterilisation purposes).
    We certainly do not wish for these VIPs to have to soil their hands whilst mixing with the ordinary Membership and riff-raff’ upon entering the lifts or walking around the corridors or stair halls.
    Dress codes may be relaxing at other Stadia but we certainly do not want the standards slipping at our venue.

  11. 75 NOT OUT
    Imagine the scenario in Notts ccc Commercial Directors office before the start of a new cricket season . The topic for discussion is how to get more money out of the long suffering cricket supporters , many of whom have thought about using food banks owing to the soaring cost of living . So what are the revenue raising ideas ?
    1- charging £5 to use the lift up to the SIX Restaurant .
    2- charging £2 to use the toilet facilities in Rad Road stand apart from the bottom level
    3 - charging £50 per two hour session to sit with Dave Bracegirdle in the Notts live stream commentary box .
    4- an extra £20 should you wish to actually commentate on the game itself - two overs maximum
    5- £25 per day for a Steward to park your car in the Forest car park and return it to the Dixon Gates at the end of play .
    6 - £50 per Blast match for a trip around the ground supervised by Nuts the Squirrel - under 10 year olds only- price includes a choice of drink plus fish n chips .
    Other money raising schemes are under consideration - details to follow later by Email .

    1. Don’t laugh , you’ll only encourage them . Foxy

  12. Sounds very much like MT is trying very hard to justify the ( probably ) very big salary Notts pay him, Someone somewhere will have to pay that money and it looks like once again it will be Notts supporters pockets footing the bill.

    As others have mentioned if it ain't broke then don't fix it.

    Notts at one time used to have amongst the lowest membership subscriptions, its still amongst the lowest, Perhaps Notts need to look at their pricing if they are finding things difficult, Going by this back door route to raise funds will only succeed in alienating the supporters who have already paid for this season fully expecting to be able to sit in middle row of the Radcliffe road stand...

  13. They clearly have plenty of time on their hands in the winter to come up with this one.

    Imagine the conversation over breakfast

    Mrs” you’re running late for work darling “
    MT “ no , I’m working from home”

    Mrs” what again? What are you doing anyway? “

    MT “ research “

    Mrs “ on?”

    MT “ looking at hospitality packages at Tottenham, Arsenal and Chelsea and seeing how it can be applied at Trent Bridge “

    Mrs “ what about Man City and Liverpool?”

    MT “ no , they are in the north, their fans will never swallow it, Man U could be worth a look, they’re in the north but their fans are from the south “

    Mrs” you’ll go far”

    MT “ there’s a job been advertised at lords”

    Wife “ be great to live in St. John s Wood “


    Picture the scene

  14. 75,NOTOUT
    FOXY - I suspect you are on stronger tablets than me !?

    We may all have a go at Notts ccc from time to time . Thats right and proper . But we all know deep down that Notts Membership is generally excellent value for money and the Ground itself is virtually second to none. R

  15. Yes 75 you are right. Just a bit of fun really
    The point I was trying to make was that in the early days of t20 ( which I enjoyed)things seemed so much simpler.
    Option A . Members option
    You rocked up, sat where u want, watched the cricket and after 3 hours went home. In my case via a bus to the vat and fiddle for a few pints of sheriff s tipple or harvest pale( formerly trammie dodger)
    Option B . Day trippers option.
    You rocked up . Took no notice of the cricket and were constantly in and out of your seat for over priced beer.

    The patrons of both options co existed fairly well together in the main.

    Got to go now the nurse is here with my medication

  16. 75 NOTOUT
    Foxy - in these difficult times its our humour that keeps us going ?
    The way things are , if we took it all seriously then the asylums would be full to bursting.
    The back biting and shenanigans in the current Notts ccc committee rooms are proof of that .


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