Tuesday 28 February 2023

Notts CCC Annual General Meetings Past -the "acrimonious" 1993


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12/ Nottingham Evening Post February 23, 1993

10/ Nottsview 2020 If only we'd known what the future had planned eh!

5/ Mansfield Reporter 27 January 1888

4/ Nottingham Evening Post 9 April 1920

3/ Nottingham Evening Post 8 March 1997

2/ Mansfield Reporter 1 February 1889

1/ Nottingham Evening Post 29 January 1883

All matters Schism forgotten it seems by 1882 and beyond, but the stress must have played on Captain Holden, perhaps accounting for some of his bizarre behaviour in 1882 (v Australians see at the bottom of this thread) which led to him being invited to stand down in 1883. Note the members reactions through this report of the AGM.


  1. 75NOT OUT
    It's 1889 and NOTTS ccc are in debt to the tune of £5,000. That would take a lot to rectify. Amazing that the home fixture against Yorkshire only produced Gate receipts of £49 but that expenses for the game were over £90 . Possibly a rain affected match ? The meeting must have been held upstairs in the George Hotel , in the ballroom . Long since closed but I remember it well .

  2. 75 NOT OUT
    I well remember the very first match at Trent Bridge involving NOTTS playing a one day match under floodlights . It was a pretty cold night and the match finished about 10.30. The floodlights were pretty dim and situated on platforms on the backs of lorries sound the outer perimeter. About 10 pm us shivering spectators were treated to free ice creams ! Lobbed into the stands by the catering staff ! I know I had two choc ices free gratis! A strange night all round .

  3. I went on one of I think 2 coaches to the oval with one of my sons and is mate.(both age 12 at the time)we never got there , it was lagging it down with rain when we left Trent Bridge.not many people had mobile phones in those days but Tom Patterson on the other bus had one to keep in radio contact with hq for any news on prospects of play . The abandonment was signalled from his coach to ours. Both buses duly came off the motorway at Edgware,round the island at the junction and back north to Nottingham and that was that. Foxy

    1. Yes Foxy I’ve just looked at the scorecard(or the non-scorecard to be more accurate). Didn’t even get as far as the coin toss.
      Not surprised Notts had such a poor championship campaign in 1997, Tolley HighNoon,Bowen&Oram as first teamers tells you everything.

    2. I’ll have to look at that . The fact that I was daft enough to go and watch them says as much about me as them ! (Social services may be interested from a child protection point of view too)
      the coach trips were sort of headed up by that husband and wife team that always sat on the two end seats near the pavilion doors , back row on those days. Think he was a retired headmaster. Always at the agm always at Trent Bridge and away games. Remember them? Foxy

  4. Todays brilliant snippet no,4 and all these years later nothing has really changed for the non-Test grounds although most are now having concerts and other activities, like Firework evenings to raise additional revenue.
    Regarding the players remuneration, only so relatively near ago as Paul Johnson playing, wages were still pretty poor with some players on 6 month contracts. I know he had difficulty in obtaining his first mortgage.
    It’s probably about right now in my opinion, certainly for decent County players plying their trade year after year.
    Are the rewards too much at the Elite end ? Possibly so, but this is today’s society and no doubt they would point to other high earners in other sports.

    Yes, Foxy, being a non driver, I also used to go on the club coach’s. I think the two you refer to were cordially known as Mr.&Mrs. Trent Bridge ?

  5. 75 NOT OUT .
    Ref the long AGM report via the George Hotel in 1888
    Interesting to note that the cricketing year in question for NOTTS ccc was considered well below par , despite the fact that of 14 matches played , NOTTS had won 8 and drawn 3 ! If only!?
    Also I noted that NOTTS were considered the leading cricket club in the whole Country.
    Match expenses for far away games against Surrey and Middx seem very low considering the cost of travel there and back plus accommodation and food. Looking at the accounts that year it's obvious NOTTS were running a very tight ship and every penny was accounted for . Even the cost of food for the TB cat ( Tiddles) was listed.

  6. And by the time of that much more recent AGM, cat well out of the bag re the direction cricket in this country and county were travelling.

  7. In past years until 2021 the blog had a report of the AGM, open to comment. No such report of the 2022 AGM, a shame because it was a useful correction to the official line. has the author given up or resigned? It would be good to have it reinstated.

  8. The author of the previous years' "minutes" never submitted a report to Nottsview (alas) in 2022. However, last year all members were able attend or watch on Zoom the goings-on first hand as they are with tomorrow's AGM.


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