Friday 3 March 2023

Notts Cricket Cock-up Committee AGM



JAG was taking notes so hopefully a better form of minutes might appear here at a later date but...

After all the pats on backs for the on and off field performances cricketing and financial the night was dominated by constitutional correctness and corrections from the John Evans proposals, where little interest had been shown by members in the e-ballot or in its postal form with a turn-out of near 0% (if rounded to the nearest 10%) - none of Mr Evans', contested by the committee, proposals were passed, through some had a simple majority but not the necessary two-thirds majority.

Mick Newell told the gathered assembly that there might be another signing before the start of the season.

Chris Broad was made club President, in his absence (he's match refereeing in India), luckily the motion was passed by members as he'd already sent an acceptence statement which was read by Mr Moore.

Any other business:

A question was asked on Zoom about the dire facilities at Lady Bay but the CEO, who also happens to be a director of the company responsible, along with the Peter Wright, quickly brushed that area of conversation under the artificial turf, making all the correct noises but not giving their audience much confidence in their conviction to do anything to improve what could be a viable venue if investment was forthcoming.

The evening's highlight though was an electoral mishap, revealed by Ms Pursehouse, where an eleventh hour (last Friday) objection to the eligibity of the two former player candidates was brought into question by an unnamed member, which proved to be too much for legal advice to counter over the weekend and so the candidates were effectively disqualified.

The result of this cock-up meant a walkover election with Lehane, Gunn and Huggard being elected (or rather not elected) to the general committee. The fourth vacant position on the GC (from the Nominations Panel) still remains unfilled, which to me indicates that Huggard had been chosen to be NP's  committee appointment having not gained the support of the voting members (in the disqualified vote), so now the panel get a chance to nominate another, perhaps it should be one of those players that were disqualified from the election as player know-how and perspective is an area seriously lacking on the GC!

There was no suggestion that the unnamed member had any connection to any of the other candidates. 

The evening however ended on a huge downer! After the out-going chair had reminisced about his time as a member and then of his time serving the committee, almost as through rather than going on to be a vice president for a year, he was being put out to pasture and shot. Following Moore's speech, Peter Wright took the mic, he's another vice president for a year after being on the committee since 1665 (the max term is 9 years before rule bending). Wright took it upon himself to admonish the aforementioned unnamed member for causing trouble with the committee election, and the elements within the membership that don't blindly tow the party line. Of course, Mr Wright has the two former players on speed dial and he (earlier) had to relay the news of the clerical cock-up to them in person and then tell the gathered membership their reactions. Moore then chipped-in clouding the issue with hints that motives behind the unnamed members objections (by implication) could possibly have been racist (though the R word wasn't said, but was implied).

All very disappointing to cap off an evening that should have celebrated Nottinghamshire's promotion back to Division One but instead was evening of bitter squabbling over constitutional wording and regulations and another cock-up (following other cock-ups in previous years) by committee, although you would have thought that the paid staff would have vetted all applicants prior to the election paperwork being posted to members, especially after cock-ups in the recent past of a similar nature, so perhaps the buck should stop with the CEO.


  1. 75 NOTOUT
    Question to Peter Moores.
    If his son continues to play badly in the new season is there a chance he might be dropped? And thus give someone else a chance to shine!

  2. Question to Lisa P .
    A straight , no fudge answer please.
    In the coming seasons do you favour TEN , TWELVE OR FOURTEEN 4 DAY matches to be played?

  3. 75,NOT OUT .
    We all know things are tight financially for everyone . But are there serious plans and intentions to increase the ground capacity to nearer 20,000? This to be a club priority . More urgent in fact than improving the Pavilion facilities ?

  4. Good old Notts.

  5. The Randall suite and AGM s always seem to be a cock up . I can remember attending one in I think 1995 ( could of been 94) presided over by the late Alan wheelhouse which descended into farce. It was the night mark Arthur was introduced as the new marketing manager. Will look forward to a more detailed debrief from jag later,foxy

  6. Just very sad that an administrative cock up decided the fate of the committee elections.

  7. 75 NOT OUT
    If proper legal advice is brought into play regarding the Committee voting cock-up then will there be a complete re-run of the postal vote etc . The whole thing seems unsatisfactory .But at least “ loose cannon “ Mr Gunn now has a voice . Had to miss the meeting last night so any further details of what took place would be appreciated.

  8. Update - apparently, the problem over the eligibility of the two cricketers was known last Monday. So a week before the AGM and time to address the issue and avoid so many last minute meetings. The would be nomination candidate had made it to last night's meeting from London only to be told his nomination was unlikely to happen. Oh sweet dreams!!

  9. Cary On…..Notts Commitee. Only needed a poster of Babs, Sid James, Kenny Williams, Terry Scott & Charlie Hawtrey to pop up at the end of those proceedings - how happy did Jeff Moore seem to appear in leaving his position of ‘Chair’.
    On to the actual cricket(apparently NottsCCC still play cricket on Trent Bridge, despite everything else happening at Trent Bridge these days)
    an awful lot seems to being put on the shoulders of Ollle ‘The Rolling’ Stone from both the DoC and Head Coach Peter.
    Did anyone else notice, before our DoC shuffled back to his seat on the top table appearing delighted no one had asked him a single cricket question, he rather sheepishly implied that another addition to the playing squad could/would be made in the coming few weeks ?
    Wish Frank Drebin from The Naked Guns and Police Squad series would throw his hat into committee election next time.

  10. Infamy infamy, they’ve all got it infamy. Kenneth Williams

  11. 75 NOT OUT
    So who got stabbed in the back last night?
    Why were the two potential Committee Members disqualified ?
    What reasons were given ?

    1. Dave G but not Gunn28 February 2023 at 16:40

      Stabbed: Swann and Afzaal but PW did plenty of bleeding on their behalf! The reason for disqualification wasn't properly spelled out to members but the gist (as I interpreted it) was centred around the candidates being members of the club for two years or not being members for two years. I might be completely wrong. The word "ambiguous" was said, hence the legal advice. Someone should carry the can for this, but they won't.

    2. Interesting and I’m sure that’s probably the reason. As an aside , I thought as ex England players they became honorary members of the MCC, but I’m not up on that.someone else will know. Foxy.

  12. Many of this last batch of the committee deserves all the flack they have gotten. They have clearly felt the heat , deserved in my opinion because of their disregard of the members. We like classic comedy on here “
    They don’t like it up em they don’t “foxy

    1. One skill lacking on the committee would appear to be competence.

  13. Yes last night was a real shambles not for the first time either & resembling
    Episodes at times from maplins holiday camp comedy (Hi De Hi)
    With the likes of Jeffrey fairbrother
    Ted bovis & not forgetting Gladys puge in leading rolls
    As the song goes (where do we go from here') I really do wonder' but as another
    Song comes to mind (things can only get better) one really hopes so

  14. Richard Emery.
    Ooh, you are awful……but I like you.

    1. Have you lost the plot entirely now Kevin?

  15. Don't be daft Harry28 February 2023 at 21:58

    I note that the Community Trust successes (as mentioned at the AGM) have made it to TB Pravda now, but not the election banana skin gag which appears to be a favourite with the club.

    Once could be forgiven as human error, as the chair claimed last night, but to repeat a similar routine again is starting to look deliberate. Sabatage to disenfranchise the members?

  16. There have now been problems with the annual elections four times on the trot. Never an apology from the Executive team that fell to the departing chairman who was incandescent to say the least.


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