Tuesday 4 April 2023

Nottinghamshire New Partnership (with Klingons?)



Still none the wiser after scanning the QR code in the Covered magazine....

A reward of $50 to spend in/on a metaverse - to buy virtual cards (so not real or in any physical form)???

It all sounds a bit Pokemon Go without the Go or any Pokemon to find, to me.


Nottinghamshire have entered into a partnership with FanCraze, and they're not alone as 11 other counties have done so also.

So what is Fanzone?

Mickey Temple says,

“Ultimately, sport is about moments - those breathtaking feats on the field that stop you in your tracks, and the players who provide those unforgettable memories,” 

“We've had more than our fair share of moments and star players over the years, and by joining with FanCraze we can now celebrate them in a modern manner.

“We're excited to be offering cricket-lovers the opportunity to own souvenirs of their favourite slices of sporting history, and the heroes who make them happen.”

Google says, 

"FanCraze is a Cricket NFT platform where fans can collect, use, play and interact with cricket through NFTs."

Any the wiser?

No me neither. I suppose "platform" means website/App and "interact with cricket" implies some kind of social media communications with whoever, but NFT?

I could come-up with a few suggestions but here's what Google says:

"NFT stands for 'non-fungible token'. Non-fungible means that something is unique and can't be replaced. By contrast, physical money and crypto currencies are fungible, which means they can be traded or exchanged for one another."

Is it becoming any clearer or is it just some kind of Klingon gobbledygook, like it is to me?

This is what FanCraze CEO Anshum Bhambri says:

“We are proud to partner with Nottinghamshire along with other legendary clubs across the English county ecosystem,”

Well that's a load of old flannel and "county ecosystem", well I'm sure Lanky the Giraffe will be looking out for any apex predators on the horizon. The guy goes on to say,

“We are excited to build a new paradigm of engagement between these storied institutions and their fans by leveraging digital assets, gamification, and money-can’t-buy experiences.”

The gentleman speaks fluent Klingon. Diversity is fine and should be embraced in all walks of life, but a fictional culture dreamed-up in the 1960s to replace Native Americans as the "bad guys" in a Wild West series set in space (the final frontier...), is maybe a touch too much of a giant leap for this man.

If anyone can translate this into 20th century English, I would be most grateful.

If you take part in Fancraze (whatever verb is appropriate, playing/collect/deal), please share your experiences. From looking at the website, it's not really clear, without shelling out dollars, what it is that you actually get or what the point of it all is.


  1. Always wondered where willow and stumpy went, foxy

  2. Just building.my very own paradigm of engagement. Going to use it to keep particles of merde.

    1. Particles of merde - Rich is that lost episode of Star Trek?

    2. Yes, but it was **** !

    3. Sometimes you just have to boldly go , where no man has gone before, (but I guess it's not just man anymore)

  3. Sorry, I’ve just read the club website again,it’s got to be a piss take surely? Foxy

  4. 75 NOTOUT
    Have the Notts ccc Commercial Dept finally lost there marbles.?
    I defy anyone to understand what has been written on this thread.

    1. It’s not cricket is a phrase that springs to mind!
      It’s probably not aimed at such as me , or may I be presumptuous, us . (A bit like the 6 restaurant)
      Ask the neared young person. Foxy

  5. Another Michael temple journey
    Haven't got a clue what there talking about

  6. Its all about the moments and sliced history.


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