Saturday 5 August 2023

Yorkshire Vikings Metro Bank Cup at Trent Bridge Match Abandoned 1 point



With rain still falling from above, after an inspection at 12.30, the umpires made the only sensible decision available to them. Match abandoned!

Latest weather update from Pravda

An early 30 minute "Lunch/innings break" will be taken at 12 noon to be followed by an inspection by the umpires.

Live stream on YouTube of the rain at Trent Bridge


No further developments in the weather forecasted, as we woke-up to rain, other than that the weather, a storm, has got itself a name now - Antoni

Storm Antoni - on the BBC with the author's name Thomas Mackintosh

Weather forecast update

Squad: As you were for the game at Essex, unsurprisingly!

Ben Slater
Ben Martindale
Matt Montgomery
Lyndon James
Haseeb Hameed
Liam Patterson-White
Dane Schadendorf
Sam King
Calvin Harrison
Tom Loten
Brett Hutton
Fateh Singh
Toby Pettman
Dane Paterson

Tomorrow it's Family Fun Day time again at Trent Bridge and this year there will a few new attractions to entertain all children young and old. The TBI courtyard will be transformed into a waterslide and paddling area plus there will also be impromptu umbrella gliding from the Fox Road side of the ground. DJ Jez Prince is back and will feature a new set including the Weathergirls, the Waterboys, that obvious hit by Rihanna and a special remix of Handel's Water Music.

Fans of the face painting have no fear, that will return and this year all paint is guaranteed non-water proof, so no matter what our fabulous artists transform your face into, after five minutes outside, everyone will look exactly the same as each other - how's that for equality and inclusion!

In addition to the buggy parking at Woodhead Hall, we will have mooring for you dinghy or small watercraft (15 feet max ) in front of the large replay screen.

This year's wrist bands to keep your little ones safe, are now inflatable and double as buoyancy aids, as do the new creations of our balloon modellers: a duck, a swan, a coot, a moorhen and a Canada goose.

So come down to Trent Bridge extra early and miss none of the action and entertainment.


  1. 80 NOT OUT
    I wish all those attending a cracking day out .
    It will not include me .
    Each to their own .
    At only a fiver a ticket it SHOULD be a sell out ?

  2. Get the Surrey match moved from welbeck to TB on the Sunday and they can still have the family day or is that too much common sense.

  3. Far too much common sense. We are dealing with Trent Bridge and the game of cricket in general, let’s not forget
    It would be difficult with the fixture congestion but what about games being rescheduled if it were feasible.
    Imagine football supporters eagerly counting down to the start of the season, today then waking up in the morning to the realisation the game has been cancelled out on the day and your bonus is, youre not getting it replayed. No other sports’ customer base would just accept it, like we do in cricket, in todays fast paced and impatient times we now live in ??!

  4. Great post Dr.
    Will cricket even exist in 10 years ? And if so, will it be worth watching ? They think they are modern, but how wrong they are !

  5. So the last time Notts played at Trent Bridge 29th July. Next, weather permitting 26th September. 2 months out of 5 of the season, the club that owns the ground do.not play there.

  6. 80 NOT OUT
    RICH - ref your last post-how on earth has it come to this ?
    Notts not actually playing proper cricket at TB for such a large part of the season . When the 100 Ball comp idea was “ sold” to the 18 County Chairmen did anyone think the present scenario would arrive . Were all the implications actually properly thought through?
    Surely this state of affairs CANNOT possibly continue much further into the future . We should all be looking forward to a couple of properly spaced out Ashes Test matches during August . The cricket season is now hopelessly tangled and disjointed .
    Members should be staging protests all over the Country . They are being short changed just to accommodate the
    Another question !
    How many NOTTS Members are looking forward to the messy treks to Welbeck ?


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