Friday 8 March 2024

Nottinghamshire CCC AGM 2024 GC Update


06/03 General Committee Update

The "someone I have never heard of" (see below), appointed by the NP is Navdeep Sethi.

Pravda says: Sethi is Chief Operating Officer of the Nottingham-based sports technology company BatFast, whose cricket simulators aim to increase levels of participation in the sport. He is a trustee of the Trent Bridge Community Trust, and is strategic advisor to Nottingham High School and Loughborough University’s Woolfson School of Engineering.

In 1995, aged 16, this young Nottinghamian hit the news:


I think the young Mr Grace called it correct in his summary of last night's AGM.

I think all gathered were suitably bamboozled by the array of bar charts showing grouped data, all with the clarity of the silt currently accumilating on the New Road outfield and having the meaning of very little. You just have to trust the auditors had access to the raw figures and everything adds up.

In short, if we don't get men's test matches the whole show is doomed, hence the urgent need to get the pavilion up to the ECB's specifications.

General Committee

Richard and Diana were re-elected and Nominations Panel appointed Chair Hunt (surprise surprise) and someone I'd never heard of.

The Lisa Pursehouse Address

Along the lines of: "Women's cricket, women's cricket, women's cricket, Women's Test Match, women's cricket, women's cricket, women's cricket, women and girls' cricket, more women's cricket, women's cricket, women's cricket, Women's Test Match, women's cricket, women's cricket, women's cricket, more women's cricket, women's cricket, women's cricket, women and girls' cricket, women's cricket, Pete and the boys." - equity in action some might say!




With pavilion refurbishment plans being submitted to Rushcliffe BC at the end of last month, will the AGM be used to sell the proposals to members?


Six days before the AGM, but will there be any surprises?

Or will it be more of:


Remember the AGM is 26th February.

I can confirm that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club will take place, in the Derek Randall Suite at Trent Bridge, on Monday 26 February at 7pm, with members once again provided with the option to either attend in person or online via Zoom.

We will send full joining information to those that register nearer the time. Those who are attending in person can do so in the usual way and need not register in advance.

As ever, the AGM will also provide an opportunity for members to hear the latest updates from the club, on recreational cricket throughout our county and from the wider game.

Our Chair Andy Hunt, Treasurer Paul Ellis, Director of Cricket Mick Newell and myself will deliver reports reflecting upon 2023 and on the club’s plans for the coming year and beyond. The agenda in full appears on page 70 of the Annual Report.



Members have the opportunity to vote for 2 candidates from the 3 restanding committee members: Ravi Badge, Diana Peasey and Richard Stevenson.

Those Members eligible to vote will have seen the candidates "comments" and CVs, so what follows is just an alternative spin using the candidates own words, [sort of].

Dr Ravi Badge - trust me I'm a doctor...

"I piloted a project on Concussion Knowlege in Recreational Cricket" [because he's an Orthopaedic Surgeon??? - obvously!]

"I'm an ambassador for the community I represent" hence he supports the full implementation of ECB recommendations following the ICEC report [without question and blindly].

"With my experience of the ... General Committee..." [sorry pal, the other two candidates can say the same thing].

Have you seen this gentleman at Trent Bridge? I reckon I've spotted him once or twice, but not much more.

Diana Peasey - c'mon Nottssss!

"I have represented people" [in other words she's very vocal but perhaps less so since she joined the committee(?) - there was talk that her social media presence had been gagged since her last election]

"[I would] have more of the club's heritage on display"  [can't argue with that]

"Encourage and engage with all communities..." [so not just primary school kids from affluent Edwalton and Bread & Lard Island or schools in innercity ethnically diverse areas that look good in photos...]

If you don't see Diana at Trent Bridge, you probably hear her at most games.

Richard Stevenson - Supports Red-Ball Cricket

"I strive to encourage the club to be more open, transparent and member/ family friendly" [but as yet (after six years) the club is still managed in its current secret, flawed manner - just one voice I suppose]

" I strive to increase support for the recreational game.." [but doesn't that meet head on with increased first class scheduling on Saturdays - a conflict of interests? Do we need a second Saturday mid-week]

One is surprised that Richard hasn't got more of a sun tan as he appears Home and Away with regularity. Always there to been seen and spoken to at Trent Bridge, and not just in the pavilion. Richard would appear to take his manifesto from the Nottsview hymn sheet - but I'm trying not to show any bias.

Sadly no other candidates are taking this route to the General Committee but at least all three this year are eligible to stand as candidates and we'll actually have a counting of votes.

Hopefully the Nominations Panel will introduce some modern cricket knowledge to the General Committee this year.


There are four vacancies on the General Committee this year; two will be elected by the membership and two will be appointed upon the recommendation of the Nominations Panel.

Voting forms and details of the candidates standing for election have been circulated by post to members in adult categories who are eligible to vote.

If you haven't received the postal mailing and it doesn’t arrive in the next couple of days, but you are eligible and wish to vote, please contact the club .

The results of the election, together with the identity of the individuals appointed by the Nominations Panel, will be announced at the AGM.



Will there be any elected members to the General Committee this year?

I've received nothing in the post to suggest that there will be.

Might the recent run of disqualified candidates, non-elections and re-run elections have put some good potential candidates off?


Clearly you haven't applied yet, so the club have tried a different tack to get you onboard.

here on Pravda  Of the four interviews, two fail to mention Notts at all.

Here is a serious question...

Is Trent Bridge, Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club or is Nottinghamshire County Club more than just the Trent Bridge ground?

Dear Member,

Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club is looking for four people to join the club’s General Committee from March 2024.

The club’s Nominations Panel has been in place since 2020, and it has worked hard to address the critically important task of ensuring that our General Committee has the necessary skills, experience and diversity.

The General Committee leads and oversees the club’s strategic planning, provides stewardship of its assets on behalf of the membership, and monitors its financial position and performance against an annually approved budget and financial forecast.

Roles, which are voluntary and non-executive, involve attending monthly General Committee meetings and sub-committees.

We are looking to broaden the current range of skills, knowledge and experience on the General Committee. We are committed to ensuring that people from all backgrounds feel welcome in cricket and we want to promote diversity and inclusion across our game at all levels throughout our county.

There are two routes by which you can join the General Committee.

Applying for an elected position

An official proposal form must be completed by any member wishing to apply for an elected position on the General Committee and a copy is available here...

It should be returned to the Chief Executive by 5pm on 1 November 2023.

Copies can also be obtained from the club by email to or by telephone on 0115 899 0300 (9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday).

All candidates for election will be interviewed by the Nominations Panel in November or December 2023.

If you wish to stand for election you must be a current member of the club, have been a member for at least two consecutive years, and have been entitled to vote for a period of not less than two calendar years as of 31 October 2023.

Applying to be considered for nomination

The role of the Nominations Panel is also to search for suitable candidates outside of the club’s current membership. Therefore anyone applying via the nomination route does not need to be a current member, but they will need to join the club if they are successful.

Anyone who wishes to be considered for nomination should send a CV and a covering letter by 5pm on 1 November 2023 to Linda Allen, Head of Business Support ( You can also send your documents by post to Linda at Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, Trent Bridge, Nottingham, NG2 6AG.

The role profile, which includes further details of what is required from those holding a General Committee position, is available here...

Interviews for the nominated route are likely to be held in December 2023 or January 2024.

All candidates will be interviewed by the Club’s Nominations Panel, who will appoint to two positions, with the other two positions decided by the members through an election. Members who meet the necessary criteria to stand for election may use both routes.

On behalf of the Nominations Panel, I am very much looking forward to hearing from those with the relevant skills and lived experience to assist the club during the years to come.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jamieson

Chair, Nominations Panel


  1. I have a cheek even saying this, as no longer a member. But after people have been elected and done their best, and all the forums and AGMs, it feels like the club management and ECB just ignore members and do exactly what they intended all along.

  2. 80 NOT OUT
    Very true Rich
    Members of County cricket clubs are becoming less important and prominent . Memberships are falling steadily .Many of the fans of one day cricket would never even consider membership . Numbers have never really recovered after the Covid crisis . Same with theatre , cinema , and restaurant visits . People’s habits appear to have changed and of course money is much tighter for many .

    1. Yes, agree with the exception being Surrey who have(or at least had)around 20,000 members astonishingly
      For me, a real pity ex-player Usman Afzaal was caught up in that charade and unable to stand for election πŸ—³
      I think with what the Counties now have to implement regarding governance etc, he would have been an ideal fit - assuming he got enough votes of course
      Not so sure about dear old Swanny although he would have at least injected a bit of humour into proceedings !!!!!

    2. Those running the Trent Bridge business don't live in the real world, isolated from normal society looking down from their ivory tower on Bread and Lard Island, cashing their cheques from the ECB and dreaming-up fantasy projects to fritter it all away.

  3. An important time for the club committee. High cost infrastructure project on the pavilion. Possible big negotiation over the future of the hundred.

    1. Do we really want an appointee from the Nominations Panel or one of the CEO's nodding donkeys negotiating the future of Trent Bridge and cricket in the wider sense, representing the wishes of the whole membership? How does anyone know what the membership thinks, it's not been consulted.

  4. No new candidates standing by all accounts for the committee though the membership people have lost interest in this process one would think'
    10 or more going for the 2 spaces
    Available though the nominations route'
    But that seems a pointless process as it's been mentioned two of them are current committee members again' looking to get the two Willy wonka's golden tickets'
    What a shambolic system & total waste
    Of everyone's time let's hope it's not the fourth year in a row that the AGM
    Again becomes a ridiculous sideshow
    All will be revealed when the papers are
    Sent out to clarify which route the four current committee members have chosen to take down the corridor of uncertainty

    1. I foolishly stood twice once also on the nomination application during Covid I instantly knew during the mobile interviewing process it was a complete waste of time as was going through the members vote ! You only got selected by how many members you knew or who you knew on the nomination committee! Basically a clique selection not on ability or talent πŸ€”

  5. 80 NOT OUT
    After reading Micheal Vaughans comments about reducing the County sides from 18 to circa 10 then we need a strong Committee with free thinking independent Members who will not just follow the wishes of Lisa and Co . How many County Chairmen would actually prefer a ten team Franchise based cricket season ? Hard to know exactly what the TB top table actually think about long term future plans . Troublesome times ahead me thinks for the traditional proper cricket supporter!?

  6. So who is not standing this year I thought there was four committee members up for renewal or has one of them found it a bridge to far or am I mistaken

  7. Come on this nomination committee appointment is a joke to select who the club want ! Not on merit why has the chairman not gone through the members voting system πŸ€”

    1. As someone who tries to follow closely the workings of my club, there are several members on the General Committee now that I have no idea who they are, why they have the urgently required skills to necessitate the use of the nominations panel to implant them on the committee and why they would want to devote their own time for no monetary return when they aren't supporters of Nottinghamshire cricket. Perhaps, as suggested elsewhere, some of these nominated committee members should come to the members' forums and actually explain themselves. TJK

    2. The current chairman gave away the name of the pavilion end to someone who is not one of the Notts greats, but did far more for England. This has angered a lot of members as none of the real Notts Greats have ever been honoured in such a way before. The chairman would come third at best if he was to seek re-election. The club and committee evidently need his experience at this point in time, to redevelop the pavilion structure and make it fit for the 21st century - hence the nominations panel route.

    3. Is the pragmatic approach not better than the dual approach of if you don't get through via the members, then the nominations panel will give you salvation - as one recent candidate did? (If you have the required skill set that the club and nominations panel believe are needed within the organisation.) The current Chair still isn't really known or trusted by a lot of the membership (I would suggest) and yes his first visible act to many was to wave off three long term players and then hand over the name of the pavilion end to one of them.

    4. Sadly Trent Bridge under the control of our CEO and cricket manager ( the committee have little or no input ) have fallen behind other test match venues due to a lack of forward thinking investment ( Restuarant 6 a joke ) we lack in capacity and the pavilion area is at best 3rd rate all they have been able to do is dilute the highest paid members area ( the executive members ) benefits . Sadly Trent bridge is badly managed

    5. I think this is spot on. Restaurant six is clearly a total commercial failure at enormous expense. Yet the necessary upgrade of the pavilion seems to be cast as some great challenge. Why?

    6. Lisa and Mick have done a great job feathering their own nest.

  8. 80 NOT OUT
    It would be interesting for each Notts Committee Member to record how many times they have watched cricket at TB during each season they are serving . And also to state how many Notts away games they have been to during that season . It seems like it’s “jobs for the boys” these days? .

  9. Notts like other clubs has to meet all the ECB criteria for diversity, ethnicity and ensuring the ground and facilities are fit for purpose. Getting a Test match is increasingly difficult and the club has to jump through a lot of hoops. The Pavilion has to be upgraded otherwise we won't qualify for test matches in the future. It is as simple as that! Now it is important to raise the money for the construction work.

    1. Surely that’s the job of our CEO of many years who basically controls NCCC and seems to be in complete control ! Her experience with direct contact with the ECB and local
      Councils from Borough . County & City to whom NCCC will have to obtain loans to refurbish the pavilion and stadium for the ashes in 2 years . It’s obviously as a business NCCC are not run as a business to become self sufficient hence the begging bowl is the only way of raising the required funds ! And quite why the chairman is going through the nominations panel instead of going to the members vote is very very confusing to say the least πŸ€”

    2. So Notts have to go into huge debt to satisfy the ECB and all their hoops just host a Test Match? Obviously for the cultural and diversity needs mean it has to be a vote for Badge and Peasey to comply with the ICEC and ECB blueprint. The Chair has taken the NP way as he's a white man.

  10. There was a time not so long ago when the surplus generated from hosting test matches was steadily reinvested into ground development. Fox road. Chris Read Stand (!). Better stands and increased capacity. Good for supporters and good for finances. This should continue. Clearly pays off in the medium term through higher ticket sales.

    Why on earth the club decided instead to build a restaurant no one could ever use is a mystery. And now they talk of fundraising!

    1. The cheeky beggars

    2. Reg. crickety above, I think that tells you a lot about certain incumbents of the Notts set up who obviously thought πŸ’­ it would be a good addition for the club to pursue and you could argue whether they are in a completely different world 🌎 to the rank and file of us that cough up our hard earned to watch our team play out on the field

  11. 80 NOT OUT
    One of the biggest mistakes the Club has made for many a year. Who on earth thought it could ever make a long term ( or short term) profit ? Hiring a top fancy Chef doling out miniscule portions of stuff that most people didn’t fancy at ludicrous prices was a killer from day 1 . Virtually every Notts fan I spoke to thought it a vanity project intended for regular wealthy customers that obviously just were not there in sufficient numbers . That proved to be the case .Its a subject and a problem that has been quietly brushed aside and of course no one is willing to take the blame for such a monumental waste of money, time and effort.

    1. There's no hiding the embarrassment, it sticks out like a sore thumb, but at least the clock shows the right time now (or does it...)

  12. I know of one outstanding individual
    Entering the nomination route well
    Respected as a big hitter for a national
    Construction company' something the club as been lacking in for many years
    & more so now than ever before but I can say with experience this position will not be going to this individual it's shocking
    That the Nccc committee have no clue of the calibre of individuals being interviewed for these positions this process is not fit for purpose & needs to be restructured & yes Notts admin
    Let's not forget the financial disaster that was
    The 6 restaurant & its culinary delights
    its construction overspend, its fit out overspend never mind the 100k+ chef πŸ‘¨πŸΏ‍🍳

  13. I for one would be very grateful if those who actually do understand the ins and outs could possibly let me know for whom to vote, or not vote. My own primary interest is the preservation of the county - and test - game, with Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club participating in meaningful county competitions with 17 other counties. I would have thought that all these candidates' hearts are very near the right place where that is concerned but which, if any, will actively press for meaningful member participation in how the Club casts votes on the members' behalf that may, as the County Supporters note puts so clearly, open the door to its eventual death.

    1. If u wanna vote for Notts based supporters Google Ravi Badge and find he has Lancs connections.

  14. Mr Ravi Badge

    Job Title: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

    Department: Trauma and Orthopaedics

    Specialty areas: Upper Limb Surgeries with Special interest in Sports injuries

    Clinic days and locations:

    Tuesday at Warrington Hospital
    Wednesday at Captain Sir Tom Moore, Halton Hospital
    Mr Badge runs a "One Stop Carpal Tunnel Clinic" at Halton/CSTM site once a month.

    Contact details: Secretary - 01928 793827

    Qualifications: FRCS (Trauma &Orth), MSc, MRCS, DNB (Orth), MS (Orth), MB BS

    GMC Number: 6080635

    Additional Roles:

    Medical International Workforce Lead
    Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Edge Hill University
    Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Liverpool University
    PLAB, MRCS Examiner
    Mr Badge is a Qualified Orthopaedic consultant in NHS, UK with more than 18 years of experience since postgraduate degree in trauma and orthopaedics with special clinical interest in sports injuries and upper limb surgeries as well as innovation and future healthcare.

    Mr Badge is Co-Founder for NW Education Academy, UK. This academy is formed to expand learning opportunities through webinars and E- learning courses to health care professionals across the globe.

    Mr Badge has launched an information portal website to disseminate evidence knowledge and updates about Covid-19 worldwide. He completed a project with Bradford University during 1st wave of pandemic to create a C-ARE (Crisis- Assess/ Respond/ Escalate) framework to support NHS during Covid-19 crisis.

    Mr Badge is widely published in peer reviewed journals with numerous national and international presentations. Mr Badge is actively involved in various local, national research projects and multicentre trials.

    With his role as workforce lead, he has played huge role in overseas doctors recruitment within the trust and therefore supporting quality of patient care and reducing cost pressure on the trust.

    Mr Badge is keen sportsman and plays regular cricket with local club. He is also a committee member with Nottingham Cricket County.

    1. It is Nottinghamshire county cricket club as a point of order not Nottingham cricket club

  15. Thanks for the autobiography on mr badge
    I think I know who's got your vote

  16. Who wrote this Mr Badge appreciation society or a close relative πŸ€” unbelievable

    1. It looks to be a copy and paste from › services › trauma-orthopaedics, from where I got the photo (above)

  17. Mr badge appreciation society post confused me what is all his NHS work to do with Nottinghamshire cricket 🏏 we need committee members with commercial experience in finance , marketing , food and beverage , hospitality etc this brings in much needed revenue! Working for the NHS Etc gives you absolutely no business experience hence why the NHS Is a shambles! Time to vote businesses people on the committee not the usual clique

  18. Sounds like Mr.Badge should be part of the Medical and Physio Department at the club with that cv - was he not around when we had a really serious case of Zakchappellitis at the club ????

    1. He was and case history shows that he was of little use. His last prescription to the latest afflicted patient (with Zakchappellitis), Olly Stone, was to take a holiday and take in some winter sunshine. After a week in Abu Dhabi in March, Olly will be ready for relapse.

  19. With that CV he could open a walk-in
    Clinic on match days & offer he's services
    To members at a discount & give the club a cut' it's one way of raising funds for the redevelopment of the pavilion & it would be quicker getting a consultation with him than going through the NHS

    1. Perhaps giving the doctor a sledge hammer and hard hat might be a better idea, he has the time as he only works 2 days a week in the NHS. Let's get the work started - "can we fix it?"

  20. That’s a great idea hope our CEO has picked it up πŸ˜‚

  21. 80 NOT OUT
    Mr Badge seems to have so many jobs already split no doubt between the NHS and Private Patients? He appears to be working 8 days a week already . How will he fit in extra days lounging about in the Committee Room and then attending lengthy Committee meetings? He is evidently nobly qualified on medical matters and well done on that . But how does that knowledge translate into fresh ideas that will propel Notts CCC into the top tier again of UK cricket venues?

  22. As he says I’m a doctor trust me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ unbelievable he will fit in with the CEO and the rest of the clique some who have opinions on others trying to gain memberships in crick groups πŸ€” they sadly lost my 2 boys due to their actions

  23. That picture of Harold Bennett has creased😹me completely - “Thank you, Mr.Grace”

  24. A very formal and stage-managed AGM again this evening.

    I am not very convinced by the club's strategy: on the one had we are told a pavilion upgrade is essential in order to remain a test match venue, while on the other hand we are told that test cricket is in decline and there will be fewer matches in future.

    The club needs to find a way to survive as a Div 1 county without being so reliant on hosting test matches, or to be more precise test matches vs Australia and India.

    I can see a day coming where the only way to protect the interests of the club are to separate these from the interests of the "venue". I would prefer to be part of a more modest club with a sustainable focus on cricket than part of a venue being put on the line for a gamble over TV rights.

    1. Yes , also our esteemed DoC made it sound like we had, had a successful season, compared to one of pure averageness to most supporters
      How can a club the size of Notts, not qualify for the Blast πŸ’₯ t20 qtrs in the weak North Group
      Delighted πŸ˜€ Richard Stevenson re-elected to the committee by a huge margin

  25. Losing Head Chef’sπŸ‘©‍🍳 at Restaurant Six, how awful 😒- on that basis every other establishment would close also with these recruiting issues
    The Princess πŸ‘‘ answered the question πŸ™‹‍♀️ like a Tory politician- or should I say didn’t answer the question - very, very unconvincing in my opinion

    1. We all might have differing opinons she said, but if you don't agree with her then you are in the wrong.

  26. Test matches bring in the revenue which keeps us afloat. The worry will be when Australia and/or India decide not to tour.

  27. The Curmudgeon Kid27 February 2024 at 13:30

    I was once at a Cricket Society meeting in a provincial corner of Yorkshire where the guest speaker was a moderately well-known former player turned senior administrator (at a test match-hosting county). Very good speaker he was too.

    The thing he said that always stuck with me, mainly as I didn't think it made any sense, was that as the financial income from test matches was so fundamental to the ongoing existence of English cricket, only the five largest capacity grounds should be allocated matches each year. It just so happened that the county he is synonymous with is one of the bigger grounds - 'I'm alright, Jack', it felt a bit like.

    During the q&a at the end, I asked him whether he felt that, according to his logic, all five test matches each summer would be best staged at The Oval to maximise income. He didn't particularly like my sarcastic point, saying it was still important to share test matches around the country, as long as they are at the bigger grounds. 'I'm alright, Jack' again, I thought.

    If nothing else, it reminded me how all counties ultimately have to compete with one another to stage test matches. Rather than a fair spread of allocations across the country and considering venues by quality rather than just capacity (what an old-fashioned view!), it looks like it's simply a numbers game nowadays. If test match venues don't dance to the pressures of the piper's tune, they'll be marginalised and become a thing of the past. 'Keep up with the Jonses' and you'll be 'alright, Jack', is perhaps the sad reality.

  28. 80 NOT OUT
    Have the ECB quietly informed Notts ccc that unless their old leaking creaking pavilion is brought “ up to date” then Test matches will not be allocated in future? We have a pretty lucrative run of future Test and International matches in the pipeline . Were these granted in order to guarrantee future revenue streams and thus allow Notts to proceed with the very costly rebuild?
    Is there really a chance that Test matches will die out altogether? Will future star players not want to commit to the grind of a long tour ? Will the rewards of various franchises be too strong a temptation for many top players and thus water down important domestic matches ?
    What do others think ? Are Notts being placed over a barrel to spend more than they can actually afford with many millions needed for the huge pavilion upgrade?

  29. 80 NOTOUT
    Ref the summary of the address given at the AGM by Lisa P and its concentration of women’s cricket in the future plans at TB . Isn’t the importance of women’s cricket being overstated? Stand alone women’s games at TB will be a hard sell no doubt . The sort of matches that perhaps generate a loss. It’s good to see the women coming through and performing but how big a market is there out there to pay and watch it? . Women’s darts , women’s snooker , women’s golf , women’s horse racing , etc etc have never really taken off . Interest and success ebbs and flows .
    It’s just a point. Personally I just cannot get into women’s cricket and I don’t know anyone who is really keen to watch it . Hope this posting doesn’t sound sexist - it’s not meant to be .

  30. It's not sexist it won't belong before
    The ECB introduces mixed cricket it's coming we already' have it in many other sports

  31. Would go with the unisex toilets in the plans !

  32. As per the modern office approach - “Gender Neutral” if you please


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