Monday 11 March 2024

Dr Phil's Appointment



Something else that Pravda and the AGM have failed to mention, that is the club's Assistant Physiotherapist and private Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Phil Tranter, has been, and has been since December, promoted to Head of Science and Medicine for Nottinghamshire CCC. Congratulations Doctor Phil (belatedly).

Dr Bansil closes his casebook


I'm told Kunwar Bansil left Notts CCC in December, am I the only one that missed it in Pravda?


Four weeks until the new cricket season starts proper and the doctor has at least two patients, all too predictably...

Janet: Aye Dr Cameron, it's four weeks until the big day and already those youngsters Oliver Stone and Joshua Tongue are already poorly.
Dr B: I've departed this practice Janet, so I couldnay give two hoots mon!
Dr C: A very poor show, why didnay 'nyone tell me? 
Janet: I'm so glad that Nottsview doesnay go in fer any photoshopping unlike that sweet wee Prince William fella!
Dr C: By the way,I've asked that new doctor around for tea, ha ha ha ha ha, Dr T around for tea. 
Dr B: [slaps own forehead]                             


  1. 80 NOT OUT
    OH NO !
    Here we go again .
    How ill are the two patients mentioned ?
    Will they be ready to play when the new season starts?

  2. Olly Stone pulled up injured after 3.4 overs playing in the Pakistan Super League on Feb 20th. Hasn't played since.

    1. Aye laddie and that's still 3.1 overs more than he managed for Notts Outlaws in an entire tournament.

  3. 80 NOT OUT
    Strange player Ollie
    Promises a lot
    Delivers very little .
    Injuries one after another .
    Has he chosen the right career
    How many years can you get £100,000 for doing so little?

  4. Poor recruitment from the top table
    Everyone in cricket have known the two mentioned bowlers have had questions marks over
    There fitness going forward poor return
    On large player investments

    1. Yes, completely agree
      Josh Tongue considered retiring due to his injury situation whilst at Worcestershire and after being on the sidelines for the majority of his contract after he’d left Northamptonshire, Warwickshire then I believe only offered The Rolling Stone a white ball deal only
      Then SupaDoC 🦸‍♂️ himself gets his notorious chequebook out and they come to Notts
      The very same chequebook that offered a nice pension top up to Messrs. Nash and Trego both well past their sell by dates as players when we brought them to our club

  5. 80 NOT OUT
    READING the Doctors summing up of Notts signing hopeless cases it makes you wonder how these things are happening at Notts . Are Notts and Newall considered a soft touch on the old stagers circuit ? With some aging players , well past their best , it would appear Notts ccc are one step away from a retirement home . Who vets the signings ? Is there a discussion to validate the pros and cons of a prospective signing who displays advanced years with a dicey medical history . Anyone to comment?

  6. Here is a suggestion: Notts deliberately choose to players who are arguably high class but struggling at the time, with a view to turning things around.

    On the batting side this has arguably been successful: Hameed, Clarke, Duckett all had problems on and off the field, but have come good at Notts.

    On the bowling side, it hasn't worked: Coughlim Chappell, Tongue, Stone etc etc

  7. Why wasn't there any mention at the AGM that the club are without a Head of Science and Medicine and that they don't appear to be seeking a replacement (judging by the careers tab on Pravda)? Or has a replacement been found and they are having a secret transition much like when Pipey left?

  8. 80 NOT OUT
    Over the years we have realised one thing about Notts ccc
    They only let you know what they WANT YOU TO KNOW .!
    It’s either spin spin spin or a shattering silence .
    Some Clubs are more open than others .
    Getting certain important information out of Notts is like drawing teeth.

  9. I also missed it on Pravda - strange that ?
    There’s obviously been not sufficient good news 📰 to offset a negative story like that so better just to ignore it completely
    It seems the perfect stepping stone to move onto greater things, perhaps(?) which is not entirely surprising when having so many players with long time ailments


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