Sunday 2 February 2020

United Squad?

Following a comment on another post elsewhere, I thought I'd explore this thought...

Will the new Nottinghamshire 2020 squad be divided into various factions?

  • those that missed-out on The Hundred "bonus" but were hoping that they would have been drafted
  • those that were drafted into the The Hundred but weren't deemed "Notts" enough to make the Trent franchise
  • those deemed so intrinsically "Notts" that they were necessary to act as the shameless "bribe" in a blatant act to bring Notts supporters onboard with The Hundred venture
  • the new blood and youngsters who had no chance of being drafted
Defenders of the Hundred will point out that the draft was fair and players were picked on ability and on how the respective coaches wanted to shape their squads. It's just a little odd when you compare the MVP lists against the order in which the draft went.

You would like to think that professional sportsman would be able to focus on the big picture and put aside any personal jealousy and see any perceived injustice as a spur to work hard and aim for the 2021 draft, should The Hundred venture not crash and burn in ignominy this summer. But, in a stressful situation that green-eyed monster ...


  1. Yes, HBD I suspect you may have hit the naily on the head. And it could get a lot worse when the actual tournament hype really starts and the lads in the dressing room start to focus on it and the less fortunate set their sights on a now completely devalued competition playing games in Lincolnshire as a further bonus. No doubt we'll get the usual club spiel on Notts Pravda(twitter) but there's always jealousy and petty squabbling in any workplace and although it's a dream job to us, some of the players do regard it as work.We have already got two big earning superstars who are not toiling away doing the county grind and the new fangled so called 'saviour of English cricket' could possibly be a divisive situation for dressing rooms up and down the country ?

  2. Some very good observations there ,which I had not thought of.cast your mind back to Kerry packer, dressing rooms were divided and people sent to Coventry it was totally toxic.let's hope history repeats it's self and the city franchise rubbish is attacked from within.let's face it ,nobody I know as a member wants it,there obviously must be some but I've not met any yet.

  3. I think the problem will be that some will be embarrassed to have been drafted when the likes of Samit have missed out. Samit has grounds to be right p*ssed off with those at TB that engineered who was drafted, especially as all venues looked after their own. The whole competition is a joke.

  4. Time for another packet of Quavers!!!

  5. Who doesn't think that there was a good dose of this in the 2019 season with the lurking thought of lucrative Hundred contracts being a prize for individuals over and above the performance of the teams for whom they were actuslly playing? More to the point it will apply, and did apply in 2019, to all counties. Counties such as Essex - indeed most, if not all but one, of the counties - were sufficiently well managed, prepared, motivated and integrated to forge a compelling team spirit, professionalism and maximisation of abilities that led to collective efforts in which their members and supporters could take pride even if not everyone can win things. Notts may or may not have suffered from these pressures but assuming they did they were no worse than for any other county who dealt with them rather better instead of putting out a team regarded by supporters of other counties, not unjustifiably, with a mixture of amusement and contempt (see the Michael Henderson article at season's end posted on here), especially after the 2020 semi final. Next season, insofar as these factors apply, they will again be the same for everyone and, while players have to take individual and collective responsibility for their attitude and performance, how effectively they are met by each county will be a question of management. Just as well we have the same management as last year then.

    1. Assuming the last line is on a sarcastic tone(which I assume it is)

    2. I too aren't a great fan of the softly-softly, wishy-washy management style adopted by MN and PM.

      Less hand holding and more butt kicking is what is required with this bunch of children that we have currently masquerading as our squad.

  6. Somehow we have to get united to achieve the things we want to this season. That is promotion and a one day trophy for me anyway. It needs management to be strong, and really say to plsyers concentrate on this match, whatever you may be doing later in the season.
    We have been relegated 3 times in the County Championship previously to last year, and each time bounced straight back. We can, well must, do it again. If we get quite a bit of Stuart and Jake gets confidence back, then with Fletch and Abbas we have an effective oace attack. We do need some batsmen to come to the party, take our catches. Youngsters must be welcomed when brought in. In Mull, Samit, Peter and more we do have experienced players with lots of knowledge.
    Winning is a habit, just like losing. It us amazing how players get confidence in a winning team

  7. Yes, well said Kenneth. PM is universally accepted as a top coach, so we must all accept that. But we all know he sings off the same spreadsheet as Myopic Mick. Hard to believe a professional regime under Alec Stewart or Dizzy Gillespie for example would have resulted in the the utter rubbish and capitulation we have seen in red ball the last few years, irrespective of the players who have come and gone. It's about standards and professionalism and we have fell well short in this department. In any workplace, if the the management is 'soft' and 'weak' employees take liberties and we have(or at least had) some at the club who have taken liberties with this easy going regime

  8. Spot on SJ .
    I wonder what was actually said in the dressing room at TB last season after we witnessed rubbish display after rubbish display .
    Did PM and DOC actually read the riot act to those not pulling their weight ? Or was it a case of a gentle slap on the wrist and simply saying " better luck next time"Or probably a case of something in between?
    Last season almost appeared to be a case of some players simply not bothering to perform in the 4 day game ? Too much of a treadmill perhaps for some ?
    Easier to concentrate on the rewards and instant glory in the white ball games ?

  9. I guess Stuart being rightly selected for Sri Lanka means he will play fewer matches for us ? If so, I really hope Jake can get some form and confidence back. The guy is a fine bowler, the ability will still be there


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