Tuesday 20 July 2021

Trent Bridge - The Stolen Summer

Before I start this isn't a ramble about Covid in 2020, where no cricket was played before August and then when it was played, it was all behind closed doors without spectators. A season that extended itself into the colder, wetter Autumn months, where the weather ultimately won through even though cricket's show did go on. No this is about County Cricket in August 2021.

In recent years county cricket has been packed into the months of April, May, June and July before it eases off to make room for the conclusive rounds of the Blast and a relentless flow of International fixtures, only to make a comeback in September when the summer holidays are over, people are back at work and children have started their new schools years, but there's usually a round or two of County Championship games thrown into the August mix.

At Trent Bridge we used to point out that we might only get 7 days worth of Nottinghamshire cricket in whole month at Trent Bridge owing to there being a Test Match, but no such luxury in 2021. There is every possibility that there will be zero Nottinghamshire cricket played at Trent Bridge in 2021, for fixtures that are included in the Club membership or T20 season ticket.

Apparently over 5 thousand members (admittedly not all full paying adult members) donated their fees to aid the club (Nottinghamshire CCC) through the hardship of the 2020 pandemic lockdown; is this the reward that members receive in 2021 for their patience through-out 2020 and in 2021 with the initial locked-out fixtures, then the restrictions, protocols and seat bookings of subsequent games until now?

The EwCB have appropriated Trent Bridge for most of the month of August. There will be the second two fixtures of the EwCB's project "to save cricket from itself" with the Hundred (the first couple of games are very soon, after Notts Outlaws have concluded their group fixtures in the Blast with the crushing win over Durham) and a Test Match, followed by a Blast Quarter Final and a One Day Cup Final.

The Blast Quarter Final will be involving Notts Outlaws in the latter half of August (but members will have to pay extra, assuming we're are allowed in - Wednesday 25th against Hampshire Hawks) as it isn't included in the membership as aren't Trent Rockets games AS THEY ARE NOT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE CCC but members might be (increasingly) invited to attend these "events" but they're not really wanted.

There is also a One Day Cup Final at Trent Bridge, two days after its semi-finals are played , the final being played on a Thursday in August - again not included in any membership, maybe it ought to be to get any kind of crowd there.

So what Trent Bridge Nottinghamshire CCC cricket can we possibly look forward to during August 2021, to mark our diaries?

Saturday 14th Quarter Finals of the ODC - no guarantee of qualification or a home tie

Tuesday 17th Semi Finals of the ODC - again no guarantee of qualification or a home tie

Thursday 19th Final of the ODC - it's at Trent Bridge but no guarantee of Notts' involvement

Wednesday 25th Notts Outlaws will be playing a T20 Blast Quarter Final against Hampshire Hawks at Trent Bridge

Bank Holiday 30th August The first of Nottinghamshire's First Division County Championship games start, if it's at Trent Bridge and who it might be against, is yet to be announced.

Therefore at this moment only one Nottinghamshire fixture, the T20 Blast Q/F game, is definitely happening, for which extra payment will be required, at Trent Bridge during next month when the schools are on holiday. Shocking, and no reward for loyalty, I would say, and no way to grow the sport.

Away from Trent Bridge what can members look forward to?

Post-19th July are second eleven fixtures fair game; are there even any second eleven fixtures? Most counties have haemorrhaged players to the ECB sponsored event, namely the Hundred, as drafted players or "injury" replacements for drafted players. Even the Outlaws' new bright legspinning prospect, the fabulous Calvin Harrison, has been snaffled-up by the Manchester franchise after just six weeks of regular senior cricket - an astonishing rise from former student to (what the EwCB would have us believe is) elite world class standard. Those players at counties not drafted away will be playing in the One Day Cup, now a "development competition"- still sponsored by Royal London. These fixtures are included in the Nottinghamshire membership but you will have to travel to catch a home fixture. Nottinghamshire will be playing "home games" at Welbeck CCC, Grantham CCC and at the County Ground Derby. Not really what you bought your membership expecting...

At this moment, the Royal London One Day Cup is going ahead. Today Notts were due to travel to Norfolk but the National County called that game off weeks ago owing to the expense and logistics of dealing with Covid and "Elite" players. So we hold our breath and see if a Nottinghamshire side travel and play at Edgbaston on Sunday. HBD





25 July


Warwickshire Bears


27 July




30 July




01 Aug




04 Aug




06 Aug



Clifton, York

08 Aug




10 Aug





  1. Free admission into Grace Road for a 50 over Leicestershire Intra-squad warm-up game today. Leicestershire are the least effected by Hundred squad raiders(?)

  2. A huge slap in the face for loyalty.

    I remember at least 3 times the club were in deep trouble, in 1971 havuming to sell part of Trent Bridge to NCC for offices. Now behind the bigger scoreboard.

    Each time members rallied round to raise funds, with things like sponsored walks arranged.

    I was one of many who took part.

    But I admit I did get my money back last year, and did not join in 2018, out of disgust for my county backing franchise "sport".

  3. Any idea when the cc fixtures come out

  4. Superb analysis of how members are held in contempt by Notts and the ECB

  5. Yes , I saw the Leicestershire free entry game and thought full marks to them, contrast that by a few of us being barred from watching the second X1 at lady bay.

  6. A must read for all committee members and the club's Executive but not holding my breath. As a comparison one other county is providing free transport for their members to their RL50 games not being played at their headquarters ground.

  7. I am glad I did not renew as a member this season. I doubt will again with the lunatics running the asylum.

  8. Interesting to note that despite the RL50 game against Derbyshire being a Nottinghamshire home game, it is being marketed as a Derby home game on their website and Notts members are being charged £8 for car parking as opposed to £2 for the games being hosted at Grantham and Welbeck.

    1. You can't buy the Grantham car parking tickets as yet - I've just tried. £8 is excessive as you can park all day in Derby for £3.50 - Siddals Road next to the trampoline place on the inner ring road.

  9. Are the club running a bus to welbeck

  10. All in all, reading the main item and subsequent comments there is obviously a lot of resentment regarding the treatment of loyal ( some VERY generous) Members.
    How has this come about .
    Is it now all about money and profit when plans are discussed in Committee?
    The Club has to remain viable butt in doing so there seems to be a change of atmosphere at the top.
    Members are commenting that the Club take take take but that they dont get very much in return and are taken for granted
    Changing the subject - can someone explain the Dan Christian and his possible quarter final involvement?

    1. As Dan Christian did not play in the zonal stage he is ineligible to play in the knockout phase for Notts

  11. Members wishing to go the Welbeck, Grantham and Derby for home games - you have to book a ground ticket in advance.

  12. Does anybody know the membership numbers for the club this season, has there been a reduction ?

    Suspect 2022 could be difficult, as reality dawns on us all.

    I make it 10 or possibly 12 days of cricket in August, if we include "it" as cricket, out of 31.

    Was it really so difficult to have at least 2 RL Cup games at Trent Bridge ?

    Are we mugs ? How much longer are we all going to put up with it ?

  13. The great majority of Notts Members live in the Nottm area . Its not easy for many of them to get to see the Royal London matches at Welbeck and Grantham or even Derby . Subsequently the value of Notts ccc Membership is much reduced for many Members. Its well known that many older Members do not attend the Blast matches . Therefore I would imagine a fair number will question the merit of renewing 2022 membership.
    Question !
    I wonder how many new devotees of the 100 Ball Comp will become fully blown Notts members in future years?
    I would estimate that Notts may never again reach an annual membership of approaching the 8,000 they had in 2019.
    Its just not good value now the 4 day stuff has been sidelined and other games allocated to " distant" ( for some without transport) venues
    What do others on here make of the general situation ?

    1. Middlesex have always been the tenants at lords. It looks to me that many clubs, including ours, are only really in effect the tenants at their headquarters and can be told to vacate at any time.this is irksome at best, concerning at worst.

  14. We’ve not had championship cricket in the main body of the summer for quite some time now. Most of us on here buy our memberships because of the championship I would suggest ( I may be wrong). Agree with all the posts above.

  15. Income from Members' subs is chicken feed in comparison to monies received for hosting a Test match and from other ECB handouts. The club will always give priorities to the ECB over (our wished for) loyalties to those that support the county club. The emails from Lisa might say one thing. Colin might present a video saying something else reassuring. But when it comes to the crunch, members will be treated like mugs (as said above), taken for granted and "shafted"!

    Proof of this is how we've been treated this year so far, the fixtures that have been approved by the clubs in advance of covid and the total lack of consideration for what supporters actually want.

  16. While the likes of Sky TV and other TV franchises keep pumping money into the ECB coffers, to watch the baseball style variant, then unfortunately, County cricket will be an after thought.

    You just wonder what the likely lifespan is for test cricket, now that players can earn far bigger sums of money for just a few hours on the park.

    As people on here have stated,county memberships will dwindle, as for me T20, T10 etc, and all the crass entertainment and noise associated with it, is not really cricket,and is an anathema, to the purists amongst us.

  17. There’s long been talk of a winter break in football, now we’ve got a summer break in cricket. The problem with both is predicting the weather.whether you are following the city franchise stuff or not, here’s a new cricket term for you “ I hope you summer well”

  18. I suppose us die in the wool proper cricket fans have to accept that the 18 County sides would not be viable without the one day thrashes. If the 100 Ball comp fails then cricket generally is in deep mire because the ECB have thrown virtually all their reserves of cash at it .
    So its meaning many fans have mixed feelings about the 100 Ball . It presumably HAS to succeed and yet many cricket supporters hope it fails!?
    Interesting to ponder where the game will be in one or two years time!?

  19. Hard to remember a time now when John player and benson and hedges saved cricket from bankruptcy but they did and we had some enjoyable times watching it along the way.Time will tell about the 100

  20. The Hundred is not for me, whether I hope it succeeds or not,w I have grown weary of the whole thing.

    One thing for sure, if no membership ticket play in August 2022, like this year, I walk.


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