Monday 16 July 2012

Weather, will it make or break the season?

We're now approaching a crucial time of the season at Trent Bridge, fixtures in all 3 competitions now come thick and fast over the next couple of weeks, but will the weather behave?

Rain is falling again on the East Midlands today, play at Northampton delayed, but tomorrow is the start of 11 days cricket at Trent Bridge in the space of 16 days featuring LV=, Pro40 and a T20 Quarter Final. Some forecasters predict a wet week ahead, brightening towards the weekend, but as always, we will get whatever the weather throws at us but could it cost Notts too many points? Home fixtures have the added advantage of the improved drainage and also tomorrow's Pro40 is on Sky, so bring your brolly we'll play regardless.................

Warwickshire grabbed an advantage of playing a game a day out of sync with Notts and clocked 5 extra points that they might not have gone for if they weren't aware of the points taken elsewhere, playing on the best day of the week, weather-wise.. Of course its all swings and roundabouts, Notts will get their chances too, hopefully. Roll on the summer, soon.

Today posted on the BBC a picture of New Road Worcester, under 18 inches of water in places - with more rain to come.

Yesterday's fun and games on Surrey TV


Billy Dot Ball aka Bilal Shafayat has been included in the Hampshire squad for tomorrow's Pro40 game. He could face Graeme White or Andy Carter if Harry Gurney is rested!


It's not raining, yet!

Lunchtime and still not raining!

What's Wayne White been up to?

Leicestershire head coach Phil Whitticase hopes a two-match club ban handed to Wayne White for an "on-field issue" will act as a "wake-up call". (It wasn't at Uxbridge, so was it in the game at Grace Road on Saturday, game that the Foxes won?)

"I am looking to Wayne to take his medicine, come back stronger and show us what a good player he is."

"It's about the team. Every player has to do what's right for the team. There was an issue, it is something we have dealt with. We will keep it in-house and deal with it in the right way."

"He is a very fine cricketer," Whitticase added. "He bats, bowls and fields and we have to make sure he is dong those skills well for the team."


  • Leicestershire have form with in-fighting and fall-outs. Wayne White and Josh Cobb were very vocal when Taylor and Gurney jumped-ship! 
  • Wayne White comes across as a spirited fighter, perhaps some of his fight has been in the wrong direction. 
  • Does new-Skipper Cobb need to keep a tighter rein on some of his team?
  • A lack of detail always leads to speculation and rumour, so what do we think might have happened?

Big Bash - Big Shake-up

Yesterday, preliminary squads in the next Big Bash were announced, with a few changes in domestic personnel  from the last one. Our eternal David Hussey is still a Star whilst Adam Voges is a Scorcher. 

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