Tuesday 27 August 2019

Chairman Richard Speaks

... but it was always on cards following previous machinations by the ECB, but the timing is cute.

Dear Member,

You may recall from previous correspondence that a review has been taking place into the governance of our Club.

This review has been undertaken to ensure that our governance is appropriately robust for a Club and venue of our stature, ensuring that we employ best practice in continuing to meet our obligations to our Members, the ECB and other stakeholders.

The main areas under consideration have been around the election of Committee Members and their Term of Office, to ensure that the needs of the Club and its membership are represented by individuals with the right skills and experience.

Last year, our governing body, the ECB, completed a full review of its own governance, to ensure it met the standards demanded by the government through Sport England. In addition, the County Partnership Agreement (CPA) was implemented and is currently being progressed by the ECB and all counties.

The CPA sets out the relationship between each individual county and the ECB and contains the expectations and requirements for both parties, including financial obligations and strategic objectives.

Although the CPAs have not yet been published in full, we have received clarity from the ECB that there will be a requirement for our governance to be broadly in line with current Sport England guidelines.

On the back of that clarity, we feel that we are now in a position to consult our Members. We have, therefore, scheduled meetings to take place at Trent Bridge on the following matchdays: 

  • Wednesday 11 September in the Derek Randall Suite
  • Thursday 12 September in the Radcliffe Road End’s Boundary’s Edge
  • Thursday 19 September in the Derek Randall Suite

The meetings will commence at either 6.15pm or 15 minutes after close of play, whichever is the later.

Each of you are invited to attend one of the three events with places allocated on a first come, first served basis. In order to allow for a meaningful consultation, Members will hear the detail of the proposed changes and have the opportunity to ask questions.

The panel will include representatives of the Club, together with ECB Board Adviser Derek Brewer and Penny Huggard who – as well as being a Member & supporter of the Club – is Head of Governance & Compliance for Futures Housing Group and, therefore, ideally placed to assist us.

At the meetings, the panel will present a number of points to the Members and invite feedback on each of them.

Once those meetings have concluded, we will share the same information with all our Members, to ensure that those who aren’t able to attend receive the relevant information and have an opportunity to respond.

The feedback of the Members will then be taken into consideration before we present the General Committee’s final recommendations at the AGM on Monday 24 February.

To book your place at one of the consultation sessions, please register here or call 0115 899 0300.

Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. I look forward to catching up with many of you at the forthcoming meetings.

Kind regards,

RW Tennant
Chairman, Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club


  1. So consultation meetings can be held after play, but not the members forum..........

  2. So is the prediction that we will reach Day 4 on the 19th!!!??? It seems to me that Members will need FULL DETAILS of the County Partnership Agreements (CPS's)- and, remember, it is OUR CLUB, and OUR CONSTITUTION so the ECB CAN NOT MAKE US ALTER IT. The AGM will be the opportunity for Members to either accept PROPOSED Amendements or not. Don't be bullied by the ECB.

  3. Philip - after all your recent efforts and various "threads" I would like to hear first hand what you intend to say . Do you know yet which of the 3 meetings you will attend ?
    Should be interesting to say the least . Plus a visit by our very own Derek B.

  4. Dear '75 Not Out' - this information is currently NOT on the main Web Site!!! - so most Members will be (?intentionally) unaware of these meetings. I have not received any separate email from the Club either - so what is really going on? - a deliberate attempt by the Chairman / CEO / Directors / Committeee to keep us in the dark? I think that I will probably apply to attend the last Session by which time the 'arguments' will be known and the responses well rehearsed - so it may be useful to be forearmed!

  5. Key points in the agreed CPA for players from 1 January 2020:

    Guaranteed five year deal
    Minimum 26.5% of ECB central revenue received by players
    Projected £5,000,000 retirement pot to be distributed to players
    Doubling of salary collar from £750,000 to £1,500,000
    Salary cap rising to £2,500,000
    New, binding minimum wage of £27,500 for full time professionals
    Formal rookie contracts introduced
    Increased accountability with PCA to receive a copy of every county contract
    Doubling of payment made to players when released or retiring from the game
    Injury period before termination of contracts doubled with new and improved insurances

    Increased allowance for personal development time
    Secured freedom of movement for overseas cricket between October and March
    Fairer HR procedures on issues such as grievances, discipline and appraisals
    £8,000,000 going to players through The Hundred
    12.5% retained by counties to allow release for The Hundred for 12.33% of year
    Increase in revenue for Team England Player Partnership and England Women’s Player Partnership – through separate agreements
    100 new female PCA members due to creation of a new professional structure
    PCA funding uplifted by 23%
    Funding for three new PCA Personal Development Managers
    ECB to make a significant contribution to the Professional Cricketers’ Trust

  6. And I understand that OUR COMMITTEE didn't even know about the Chairman's (secretive) Information release - it just gets better doesn't it - an utter shambles.

  7. This presentation was always on the cards after all members were written to last year in a letter from Mr Tennant apologising for the lack of progress on this matter and for the delay. Delay which was largely due to the ECB going through a similar process. The Club's seriousness is highlighted by there being 3 presentations to maximise accessibility to members. The hyperlink above here works for those not in receipt of an Email, I have tested it.

  8. Worth looking at:


    to see what may well be proposed. In reality 'ordinary' Members can look forward to even less involvement in their Clubs and greater power being given to the Executive.

  9. This appears to be a far more complicated issue than it originally appeared . The whole subject could be smoke and mirrors together with an infusion of psycho babble ?
    At the end of the day will the average Notts CCC member be better or worse off ? Or is it a case of the " unknown unknowns " as famously quoted by Henry Kissinger ?

  10. BEWARE!!! It's now 'Sussex Cricket Limited' for instance. You are right '75 Not Out' - this may well be a cleaver and calculated attempt to take our Club down a completely different path of how it is managed and regulated - we needf people to be aware and ask the right sort of questions and watch very carefully what the 2020 AGM Proposed Constitutional changes may be.

  11. Lets hope the right sort of probing questions are asked at the three meetings .As has been mentioned already ,the choice of 6.15 pm on the 4th day of the County match Thursday 12 th Sept is a strange one . If the match is all over much earlier (it happens !!!) then the attendance on that evening may well be sparse ?
    I shall be an avid listener . I just dont know enough about the various proposals to ask the right questions . Others are far more qualified to know the consequences of the various outcomes .
    The Club itself is slowly changing . Is it a question of adapt or die ? The sporting aspect at Trent Bridge now seems secondary to the financial targets that now are deemed all important .
    No one can deny the fantastic success Notts have made of the T20 Blast competition . On Sunday just gone I just couldnt find a spare seat at 3.30 pm . Why oh why are the Counties risking the success of the T20 Comp . The impending introduction of the 100 ball thrash is bound to dilute the financial gross of the almost sell out T20 days and nights . I hope the ECB KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING !?

  12. Thank you for your splendid support of Notts this season. As we enter the home straight of the 2019 campaign, we are delighted to announce that 2020 Memberships are now on sale, giving you the opportunity to remain part of the privileged for next year.

    By becoming a Nottinghamshire Member for 2020, you would of course be entitled entry for every day of home cricket in the County Championship and in the group stages of the One-Day Cup and Vitality Blast.

    Rejoining our Club will also grant you a priority purchase window for next year's England Test Match against Pakistan and One-Day International against Ireland.

    1. 'Nottsviewer' are you paid by the Club? Why not mention that there will be less Matches next Season at Trent Bridge? Why not point out the 'down-grading' of the 50 Over Competition? Why not mention that Membership will exclude the 100-Ball 'knockabout'? 'Rose tinted spectacles' perhaps?

    2. Stonewall Jackson28 August 2019 at 21:36

      HBD is quoting from the club's propaganda I would suggest. Good to see you down at the palatial Bay earlier. Pity I missed Zak Chappell arriving on a scooter.

    3. Yes, I think that you are correct 'Stonewall' - perhaps the 'irony'gene was asleep when I read it!!! Thanks.

  13. I love the "opportunity to remain part of the privileged" part.

  14. Yes, we ARE privileged to have Trent Bridge and all of its history and that is worth fighting for.

  15. Dangerous proposals are to be sold to Members; losing voting rights, losing any control and probably losing county side eventually. Members must reject changes to constitution to preserve county cricket.

  16. Oh that it was that simple - by rejecting ECB Proposals / new Governance Rules my guess is that we would also lose Accreditation and funding. It has to be more a case of 'damage limitation' and ensuring that the Committee members ask the right sort of questions.

  17. I have been into the Notts Library this afternoon to read the July Minutes - an absolute waste of the paper they were printed on. Clearly some important issues were discussed - 'Six'; on the field and off-the-field issues; Questions separately to Peter Moores and Mick Newell - BUT do we know anything about what was discussed? - ZERO. No idea what the Questions were nor what the responses were. It is worse than a Secret Society - MI5 and the KGB would be proud to have such Operatives on their books!!! This is OUR COMMITTEE - a complete waste of time. There is no point in voting for them to just become part of the secret 'elite' - they are badly letting Members down - I am incensed and feel that why not seek to go for an EGM and try to hold at least someone to account for the disastrous state of the Club?

  18. So, can members please be told:

    a) Is the 'Six' Restaurant making a Net profit?

    b) If not, when does it expect to do so?

    c) How do Members find out what has been discussed at Committee meetings? Who was responsible for producing the Library Edition of them because they were clearly extremely 'sanitised' if not 'bleached' completely?

    d) How many Committee Members are Members of the FreeMasons?

    e) When do the Committee intend to hold a separate Meeting for Members who Elected them?

    f) Why is the Committee run just like a secret society?

  19. Bewildered of Lady Bay7 September 2019 at 19:54

    I understand that there was a Committee Meeting last Friday and another one this Monday - it is also rumoured that they are having difficulties knowing how to produce White smoke!!! I am certain, though, that it will not exceed the The papal election of 1268–71 (from November 1268 to 1 September 1271), following the death of Pope Clement IV, was the longest papal election in the history of the Catholic Church!!!!!!!


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