Monday 9 September 2019

Questions Submitted to the Club

Philip has written a letter to the club asking certain pertinent questions regarding the Notts Committee.

Philip writes to Nottsview the following:

You may be interested in a) the following Questions I recently submitted to the Club and b) the responses to date:

a) Names of all Committee Members:

Richard Tennant, Stuart Foster, Darren Bicknell, Kate Davies, OBE, Paul Ellis, Paul Ford-Murphy, John Gillott, Peter Hacker, Jeff Moore, Diana Peasey, Richard Stevenson, Peter Wright.

b) When each commenced serving (i.e. date of first start of being on the Committee):

To be forwarded later.

c) When each will either have to seek re-election or retire:

Each Committee Member must stand for re-election every three years.

d) The maximum continuous period each member can serve (if re-elected):

No limit.

e) Specific responsibilities of any of the Committee Members:

Richard Tennant (Chairman), Stuart Foster (Vice-Chairman), Paul Ellis (Treasurer), Darren Bicknell (Chairman of Cricket),  John Gillott (Trent Bridge Taverners), Peter Wright and Peter Hacker (Notts Cricket Board).

f)  Are there any sub-Committees?:

Sub-Committees are – Management Sub-Committee, Finance, Audit & Risk Committee, Remuneration Committee and Ground Working Group.

(b), (c) and (d) will be all be covered during the Governance Consultation meetings as there are proposed changes that will affect them.

I will now be researching the Constitution to ascertain if all of the above responses are satisfactory especially as at least 1 Committee Member states that they have only a 2 year period to serve and that other Members have been led to believe that there is a 'Cricket Committee.'

Philip Measures


  1. One committee member has a 2-year period because they are filling the vacancy following the passing of Ray Dawson. Four members of the committee were elected this February rather than the usual three with the fourth placed member in the ballot holding the position for two years rather than three.

    1. Thank you for that clarification. It was not, however, the explanation that I was given. There also remains the somewhat unresolved upper age limit of 70 years issue.

    2. How can elected committee members, elected on the same day, have differing "terms of office"? That doesn't seem fair, nor correct. As a member I wasn't asked to differentiate between the candidates as to which which votes lasted 50% longer than another of my votes.

  2. Due to one Committee position being to fill the vacancy left by the death of a former Member the Consitution makes clear that the person so elected will only serve out the remaining term left at the death of the Member - in this case 2 years. Perhaps the Club could have made it clearer but they have acted correctly.

  3. I now have the rmeaining answers which are relevant to the 2020 Committee Elections:


    Richard Tennant - 2000

    Stuart Foster - 1990

    Darren Bicknell - 2012

    Kate Davies - 2011

    Paul Ellis - 2016

    Paul Ford-Murphy - 2017

    John Gillott - 2004

    Peter Hacker - 2004

    Jeff Moore - 2014

    Diana Peasey - 2019

    Richard Stevenson -2018

    Peter Wright – 1987


    Jeff Moore

    Peter Wright

    Paul Ford-Murphy

    Stuart Foster will retire from the Committee at the 2020 AGM

    Providing supporters were full members of the Club in 2019 they will be eligible to vote in the 2020 AGM elections.


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