Wednesday 13 November 2019

Member Resigns

May I initially thank all of those who were supportive of me in my nomination for the Committee and also understanding of my subsequent decision to withdraw it.

The Club - and I have to say Committee - has maintained its ban on nominees aged 70 or over being eligible for nomination using the 'Committee Guidelines' (which are not available to Members and contain matters which I believe to be, at best, against the 'spirit' of the Constitution and, at worst, contrary to it) which nowhere even state that the upper age limit applies to Election to the Committee but just re-election - so even according to that I was clear that anyone aged 70 or over could stand for at least 1 full term.

As posted elsewhere I tried throughout my career in public life to treat people with honesty, dignity and respect and many of those I dealt with could quite easily have been the subjects of feeling that those in 'power' were always right or that you could not fight against them.

I expected that the Notts Committee would treat my nomination fairly and sensitively - not least without using what I regard as discrimination against me. I can't help being 70!!! If pension rules had been different when I retired I might still be working - it seems that you are old enough to work and hold down positions of authority but not be a Member of the Notts Committee.

I have, therefore, resigned my membership of the Club on that matter of Principle. I believe that the Club has acted unlawfully and in a discriminatory manner and that historically it has 'manipulated' itself into an all too powerful position through using the Constitution in ways which I believe were never ever intended. I feel that the Committee sought to retain power regardless of principles.

There are now a minority of Committee Members who are trying to achieve change but they are up against the 'old guard' who will not relinquish their power base - perhaps there are just too many vested interests. The new Governance Proposals, if passed, I see as further alienating the membership as the Committee would become even more powerful with 4 Nominated members who the membership as a whole would have no say in voting for - it could mean that those 4 totally 'neutralise' those who are seeking change by them being replaced.

So sadly that is the end of my fight. I will continue to support Notts but no longer as a member - I feel that to remain in membership would compromise my own personal integrity but that is only a personal position and I wish others who remain 'inside the tent' the very best in seeking to modernise the Club in ways which are totally in line with Equal Opportunities and anti-discrimination principles and legislation. As in society generally it is only when the weakest and less privileged are protected that we can truly say that we have behaved with honour, decency and respect.

Philip J Measures


  1. Oh dear Philip .
    Its always a sad day when a long term loyal Member resigns his/her Membership . However reading your postings over the last few weeks its obvious matters were coming to a head . There is no doubt about it in my mind .YOU WERE NOT WANTED ON THE NOTTS COMMITTEE ! I am certain you would have been voted on had your nomination been accepted . But no doubt the Committee breathed a sigh of relief when you withdrew .
    Who knows ,you might think differently in 12 months time ?

  2. Many thanks and much appreciated '75...' - I have received a lot of support and would certainly reconsider joining when I see the changes that are so very necessary taking place. In the meantime perhaps a Leicestershire membership with reciprocals at both Derbyshire as well as Leicestershire!

  3. Having been 'bullied' out of the Club it is difficult not to recognise all the good that goes on - especially initiatives like the Community Trust and the Heritage Group. Also those members of the Committee and staff who will put themselves out to talk to Members and Supporters - the likes of Paul Franks; Peter Moores; Ant Botha; Jake Libby and Luke Fletcher and Committee Members such as Diana Peasey; Richard Stevenson and Paul Ford-Murphy. There are also many excellent staff on the Admin side who present the positive 'face' of the Club on a daily basis. This makes it all the more sad to see Members feeling increasingly alienated and their own opinions disregarded in what can only be described as bureaucratic and even oppressive ways. Those at the 'top' need to realise just how much those 'ordinary' Members and Supporters bring to the Club - for Members it is, and I hope will always remain, THEIR Club BUT they must start to find their voices and protest about the current direction the Club is being taken in. Sadly most Members are not actively involved - it is just cheap admission to Trent Bridge and one wonders why Membership fees are kept so low - is it to add to the CEO's 'power'? The likes of Somerset Members pay far more and still are extremely loyally supported and it feels that they have more of a sense of 'belonging.' Trent Bridge will not survive for ever on 'past glories' - it must increase its seating capacity and modernise the William Clarke Stand area and the Pavilion - not to mention trying to do something with Lady Bay and its solitary bench and often unreadable Scoreboard (when it is bright weather especially).

    So I have left with a mixture of huge sadness and regret but been encouraged by many private expressions of support - thank you and keep up the fight.

  4. Very sad and totally supportive of your decision. The people who run our wonderful club need to look honestly in the mirror. They will be shocked at what they have become

  5. Stonewall Jackson14 November 2019 at 21:31

    Understand Sir Philip............but, don't worry about that aspect too much. Renew and ask Tennant and his lynch mob more probing questions at the Forumns etc. Cricket(well, Notts anyway) is changing like never before and it needs us passionate supporters to be heard. Not everyone is comfortable speaking in front of an audience and because you are so adept at it, it will be a REAL shame for you to be 'lost' from such meetings in the future to put all these valid points across to the top table

  6. Much appreciated 'SJ' - sadly, a lot of what I say is probably ignored because it is myself saying it - I am not one of the 'inner circle' - I hate unfairness and the unjust use of 'power' - I have heard nothing from the Club but know that others have been spoken to to try to silence me. The Committee 'thought' that the 70 Rule had been voted out for 2020 - but when it comes to the fact that there are Nominees over that age the Chairman apparently disillusions them of that and they, obviously, support him.

    In reality 'SJ' there need to be enough vocal Members - both on and off the Committee - to protest to the Club about how it is 'using' SECRET RULES WHICH HAVE NEVE BEEN DISCLOSED TO THE MEMBERSHIP. This is no way to run a Club and the ONLY INFERENCE is that THE COMMITTEE IS ONLY INTERESTED IN LOOKING AFTER ITSELF - if had nothing to fear it would welcome new potential Committee Members.

    Anyway, many thanks and I will hopefully see you next Season at the 'palatial Lady Bay' - your favourite haunt!!! - and at TB but not as a Member.

  7. May be worth looking at the Leics/Notts "reciprocal" assuming they will still be offering it now we are in the same Divison? I 'used it the other way around' on several occasions last season when Leicestershire were at home. All the stewards/officials I encountered were always very helpful and I have nothing but good words to say about them. In fact I ended up feeling a bit sorry for them when you looked at pictures of Broad, Gurney&Titch Taylor around the ground. Don't feel so sorry now though as more and more of our players can't wait to leave our very own 'sinking ship'.

  8. Am I a 'conspiracy theorist' or not? I RESIGNED my Membership but have now received notification that my membership of the Club has been revoked.
    Now, is there a difference between 'resignation' being accepted and my membership being revoked?

    1. That's remarkable! Was it life membership? I only renew about March/April time so am not a member currently; I haven't had any revoking!

      Is Leics reciprocated with Notts?

      I looked at the >70 rule with regard to age discrimination. I think as you are not an employee then it might be "ok" - I wonder about taking money from public bodies though - i.e. if Notts do so then they might be on shakey ground as were Lancs with their men-only pavillion

  9. Maybe they are going to kick us all out ? Total power then for the deadly duo

    1. I think that the Chairman and CEO are certainly flexing their managerial 'muscles' - so look out others who don't tow the line. YOUR Committee don't take kindly to challenge.

  10. I realise that I have probably been over-enthusiastic in my Postings on this Site so I have decided to take a break.

    The 'battle' to save the 'soul' of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club has to be taken up boldly and positively by those who genuinely have its interests at heart and will not be 'bullied' by the Chairman, CEO and Committee.

    I have always had cordial conversations with the Chairman but he has proven to be utterly ineffective in addressing many of the serious issues that I believe the Club has. If, as appears, he is not prepared to support those aged 70 or over wishing to stand for the 2020 Committee then I regard that as, at the very minimum, colluding in Age Discrimination.

    He supports the 'secret' Committee Rules - some of which I am completely convinced are unlawful at worst and contrary to the 'spirit' of the Constitution at best. Members can reach their own conclusions as to why the Chairman and Committee wish to maintain these Rules but self-preservation / self-importance and frightened to face challenge have to be seriously considered.

    The new Governance Proposals which allegedly emanate from the ECB do not come with any related ECB documentation or explanations - where is the ECB argument for change available? What are the motives of the ECB? The Chairman has had meetings with those in important positions - why doesn't he tell Members about those discussions and what his own personal position is and if it differs from that of the Club is he making that crystal clear.

    The Committee ought to be the servants / representatives/ advocates of the Members - not self-serving any personal interests. Why are Committee Minutes so massively 'sanitised'? Why do Members not know the full extent of the losses of 'Restaurant Six' - or those Committee memebrs who refer to the losses being highly significant not being truthful? When will it, if ever, break even never mind make money?


  11. Then there is the matter of the 2020 County Championship Schedule - stated by the ECB to have been agreed by the Clubs. Did Notts agree to the Schedule and, if so, what consultation took place with Members? Was it agreed by a meeting of all County Chairmen / CEO's? What were the options available given the 100-Ball Competition?

    And talking about the 100-Ball are there likely to be any adverse financial factors in respect of Notts if it fails?

    Also, will those players from Notts in the 100-Ball Competition have their salaries adjusted to reflect their non-availability for Notts?

    The 50-Over Competition which has been gaining in popularity is now effectively down-graded to a Second 11 Competition played at a number of 'Out' Grounds with professional implications for those First team players taking part in respect of how they gain 'points.' Will transport be made available to Notts Members who would otherwise find it difficult to get to some of those 'Out' Grounds?

    There are many Constitutional Amendments that are needed if Members are to 're-gain' their lost influence. The Club is Registered under the provisions of the Co-operative & Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 - of which there is no reference in the Constitution - why? The 'Nominated Members' issue which Members are being asked to approve will reduce directly elected members by 4 over time - and members as a whole will have no say in who is appointed to those 4 Posts - they could include the CEO's hairdresser; a Member who regularly plaqys golf with the Chairman etc. - it is a potential crock of you know what! One Club who have gone down that route have more Lords; MBE's and Accountants than you can shake a stick at with no 'ordinary' Members - the hold of those with 'power and influence' increased. BEWARE - BE VERY AWARE.

    So when it comes to voting for the 2020 Committee ONLY Vote for the person / persons who you KNOW will represent your views and be very careful not to vote in those who will keep you marginalised.

    So, with extreme regret and sadness and having had my Membership 'revoked' rather my Resignation just accepted at face value I think that I have to say goodbye to the friends that I have made in person, by email and through this Site at least for a period of time. I regard this Site as a breath of fresh air and hope that it maintains its independence, good humour and having the best interests of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club at its heart.

  12. I would like to echo the comments above Philip. I enjoy my visits to this forum and your posts shine out with integrity and your passion for cricket and the club. Having made the same decision a few years ago at Lancashire, I support your line. It is always difficult to know whether to stay in and fight or to leave when an organisation has acquired an ethos that you cannot support.

    It is becoming a common theme across county cricket. On the Somerset forum Grockles ( which is also excellent Comment yesterday about committees not listening to members) and Lancashire committees were one of the pioneers in that they hated questioning. It was a bit like Thatcher’s “ if you’re not with us you are against us” .

    Part of the common theme is that members have not been listened to over the hundred and the ECB have the nerve to say that the members of counties could’ve stopped it if they wanted to.

    I wish you and all the contributors on here well with your future cricket watching. It’s difficult to be optimistic that it will get better.

  13. Stonewall Jackson17 November 2019 at 12:42

    The only other time I can recall someone having his membership revoked is Timothy Dalton playing 007 in Licence To Kill. Perhaps the Hierarchy should try to get Gladys Knight to sing for them. In the Nottm Post 'arry says PM is not to be blamed at all for last season(and it wasn't a disaster season-really?). So on the basis the DoC doesn't seem accountable to anyone who WAS to blame for one of the worst seasons in history. He seems to conveniently point out we got to two white ball semis but then has obviously erased from memory the 2 awful performances at that stage. The T20 being the most inept, unprofessional run chase I can ever recall

  14. I just HAD to post that it has just been reported that an 89-year-old lady took the NHS to a Tribunal on the grounds of AGE DISCRIMINATION and, guess what, SHE WON and got £200,000. WATCH OUT NOTTS!!!

  15. I wasn't going to keep gouing on BUT - Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club are WRONG to practise AGE DISCRIMINATION by barring the likes of myself from standing for the Committee which led to my subsequent resignation - or revocation of membership.

    I challenge Notts to SUE ME IF I AM WRONG.

    How can the Club in 2019 in any way, shape or form support such discriminatory action>

    IT IS UNCONSTITITIONAL and I believe that it is UNLAWFUL - whatever it is it is WRONG - where are the Committee Members speaking out against it? Where are the Members demanding immediate action to challenge the Chairman who personally appears to continue to support this?


    There MUST be an urgent and immediate admission that the 'secret' Rule is unconstitutional and that my Committee Nomination should have been allowed to stand and to now re-admit me to Membership.

  16. The 2020 reciprocal agreements Leicestershire CCC have in place are with Derbyshire CCC, Warwickshire CCC and Northamptonshire CCC - not bad value for those of us who like to travel to other Grounds. Looks like the Notts one is cancelled though.

  17. So, WHO ARE THE 2020 COMMITTEE NOMINEES? - Pravda have nothing on Notts. The deadline is well passed and the Chairman should now publicly release the names. Where are you hiding Richard?


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