Saturday 17 December 2022

Grand Cricket Match 1827


and a change to the no ball rule...

1 comment:

  1. 75 NOT OUT
    What an amazing game of cricket that was on the Forest almost 200 years ago ! The sides played for a wager of £50 , which is today equivalent to £5,000 . Surprising to hear about the attendance of about 5,000 swelling to 10,000 on the last . The style of written English to describe the whole 4 days is quite incredible with peculiar phrases and comment . Interesting to note the away players stayed at the Bell Inn , Market Square. Reading the report it would appear that the bowlers had the upper hand over the four days even allowing for the " throwing" controversy! . It seems in those far off days that a batsman scoring 50 runs ( notches!) was some sort of superman - equivalent today to a score of 150/200?


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